Chapter 19 - Prodigal

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Sam, Gar, and Rachel are sitting around the Lazurus Pit. Rachel has just finished giving Gar a pep talk about how she's able to do what she does out of love. Gar has been feeling a little bit like a letdown, unable to transform into different animals on command like he can as a tiger. The only times it's happened is when he's terrified, as if there's a block of fear in his head keeping him from transforming into anything else. Sam stays silent. Sam doesn't think Rachel is wrong. Gar could definitely change into other animals beyond being scared and maybe the answer is the love he has for all of the Titans and the love they have for him because they all believe him. But, Sam is still stuck in her head wondering if that's always enough.

Right now, love doesn't seem like the thing that heals all wounds and makes everything better. It wasn't enough to keep Jason safe. It wasn't enough to keep him out of Crane's grasp. It wasn't enough to get Bruce to kill the Joker before he had his chance. It wasn't enough to bring Jason home. It wasn't enough for Rachel to bring Donna back. It wasn't enough for Sam to bring Jason back. It wasn't enough to keep the Titans at the tower. There have been so many things, especially lately, where it's just not been enough. Sometimes it's not enough so instead of being pessimistic about it, Sam stays quiet, looking at the pit and hoping it spits Dick out.

"You're quiet." Gar states, moving his attention to Sam.

"Oh, yeah." Sam shakes her head, glancing back at him. "Just...waiting." Sam looks back at Rachel. There's no guarantee this is going to work. They need another plan if it doesn't. They need another plan if it takes too long. "Do you think you could find the other Titans? some point tonight?"

"Yeah." Rachel nods her head. "I can feel their energy, too." Rachel's voice is soft.

"Well, that's good at least. Kory will know what to do." Sam lets out a sigh, moving her stare back to the Pit.

"You don't think this is gonna work, do you?" Rachel asks.

"I don't know." Sam shrugs. "I'm just trying to think ahead in case it doesn't or in case it takes a while. I mean, for all we know it takes a few days." Sam states just as the put starts bubbling. "Or...a few hours." Sam mutters as the three of them get to their feet, looking into the pit just as Dick's fist punches through the surface and he emerges from the thick and glowing liquid.

Dick starts to swim to the edge while Sam and Gar quickly meet him there to help pull him out. They grab his arms, pulling at him until he's out of the pit and leaning back on his hands. He coughs up water just as Rachel kneels down beside him, Sam and Gar getting back to their feet. Sam and Gar exchange a look of disbelief as hope has the courage to start to fill their chests.

"Dick?" Rachel asks.

Dick manages to look at her, furrowing his brows in confusion before he falls back onto his back and passes out. Rachel looks back to Gar and Sam, as if they'll know what just happened.

"What do we do?" Rachel asks.

"Is he breathing?" Gar asks with hesitance.

The three of them see Dick's chest rising and falling. This whole thing has been weird and it almost seemed like he drowned. Is there supposed to be more to do this? Or is he supposed to just...sleep off the effects and then he's just alive again? The three of them are completely confused by the entire situation.

"Yes." Rachel states.

"I guess we wait some more?" Sam questions. "He's breathing so that's better than the alternative." Sam shrugs her shoulders, wishing she would have pressed Jason to get some answers from Crane about him coming back.

But then Dick snaps back out of it, gasping himself awake as he shoots up. Sam and Gar both jump back slightly at the sudden movement and sound as if Dick is jumpscare in a bad horror movie.

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