Chapter three

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I finally spoke. "Are you reading my mind."

He laughed humbly holding stomach. "That is funny but no I can read facial expressions also I can see what you are feeling with your eyes." He said pointing at his own eyes.

"Oh that makes more sense."

We arrived at the door I guess was the nursery. He sat me down and asked me to take off my shirt so he could see my injuries as he readied the equipment. I nod taking the reminisce of my shirt and sat in a chair. He got a cloth that was soaked in this acid that would heal my wounds, dabbing it on my wounds. I hissed in pain every time the cloth touches my skin.

"That burns."
"Yeah I know but it helps." He said.

Once he finish he brought out a mind type thing that would seal the wounds and keep them from bleeding and getting infected.

"Here this will help." He began applying the cold gooy stir on my slash marks and rubbing it on my bruises.

"Thanks a lot for the help." I inhaled sharply. "That's cold."

He chuckled. "You're welcome and I know it's pretty painfully but it helps." He finished and sat down the tray washed his hands and gave him water while giving me a new shirt.

"Here feel comfortable." He chuckled and went to put away the equipment.
'Why is he so nice usually they don't care about me or my wounds and just throw me into a cell.' I smiled which was rare and put the shirt on.

"We better head back, the king hates waiting." He sighed as he looked at me.

"You know he wasn't always like this." This caught my attention.

"What do you mean he wasn't like this before? Did something happen?"

He sighed sadly. "Yes, he use to be a happy kid that would always smile even when he was sad. But...." he looked down sadly no able to continue.

"But what, what happened."

"His father ...the former king went crazy after their mother had gotten killed by a mysterious person. He tried to kill Gamzee but his brother took the shot, killing him. Gam-I mean the king went buzerk and kill his father brutally. He was only 14 at the time but he was able to kill him. He also killed everyone of his friends and almost everyone in the kingdom. I was one of the survivors but besides that he declared himself king and the kingdom fell." He said looking down.

"Wow that's a lot to take in for a person his age, I feel sorry for him."

"Yes but don't mention it around him he will go crazy again, one of his Knights did that mistake before wasn't pretty." He joke lightly.

He finished and turn to him. "Come on before he gets loud." He chuckled as he help me up. "Remember he isn't a bad person just he is sick, so please don't think badly of him."

I nodded, leaning against him for support. "Thanks a lot for treating my wound."

"No problem." He smiled and lead him to the throne room gently.

"I feel worst than living in the streets of Alternia. It's not fair that he had to watch his brother die and then kill his father. Do you ever try to help him in anyway?"

He nods. "I take care of him make sure he doesn't lose it but now." He looked at me. "It's your job." He pointed at my chest lightly.

"What do you mean it's my job now, he never told me that."

"Well since your his slave now it's your job." He chuckled. "So we are counting on you."

"That's a lot of pressure to have everyone relying on me."

"I know but we believe in you." He smiled. "You know you are the only one he was nice to?"

"What do you mean?" I looked at him puzzled.

"Well normally when he has slaves they end up dead in a second even if they slip up a tiny bit. But you, you stopped him from killing and he let you. He never stops for anything." He said seriously.

"Well maybe he has a change in heart."

"Maybe." He said quietly as we reached the throne room we heard screaming and phycotic laughter. Equius and I looked at each other then quickly open the door and walked in to see one of the maids on the ground crying and shielding her face as Gamzee stood above her raising his blood stain club. I loosened my grip on Equius and fell to my knees because I was still weak.

"Wait! Don't kill her!" I yelled so he could hear me.

He froze and looked at me in a glare but it softened once he saw me. Weird? Memories of his brother flooding back he slowly let down his club to his side looking at me. Equius pushed the maid out quickly. I tried standing up but failed many times then used the closest thing to me to stand up. Gamzee slowly walked to me staring at me deeply but had tears in his eyes as Equius left know that I was okay.

"W-why are you crying." I stuttered, leaning against the object beside me.

"Kurloz." He whispered not hearing him. He kneeled down and hugged me.
"E-eh Gamzee! What are you d-doing?" I struggled to get out of his grip but I was too weak. He began sobbing on to his shoulder say 'I'm sorry.' over and over again.

"E-ehh wait, why are you sorry. D-don't cry." I rubbed his back to calm him down, this is so weird to me I only do this to Kankri. He held him tighter but was gentle in holding him. "Please forgive me." He seemed to be dreaming not listening to anyone. I pulled away and put my hand on his face.

"Gamzee calm down." He looked into my bright, candy red eyes calming down.

"K-karkat?" He questioned.

"Yeah I'm right here." I looked into his eyes.

He shook and rested his head on mine. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Karkat." He hugged me again. "So sorry." He picked me up and walked with me to the throne and at down and cuddled me gentle.

"Please don't leave me."

I was taken by surprised at what he just did and also what he said, but I just smiled and hugged him back.

"I'll never leave you."

He continued snuggling me as he traced the bruises on my arms lightly with his cold hand. His head on my shoulder. He was in a very delicate condition right now. He hasn't been like this since before the accident this was the real him a big soft and warm teddy bear. I was going to ask Gamzee why he was doing this and not trying to kill me but I decided not to, just enjoy the moment.

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