Chapter nineteen

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"Come on Summer." Lou said. "W-wha?" She said sleepily, he chuckled and wrapped her arm around his shoulder. "Where we going?" She yawned. "To bed before you collapse on me." He chuckled. "Everything's blurry." She said as her eyes started closing. Lou smiled and headed towards her room and set her down putting covers on her. "Goodnight Lou." "Goodnight." He kissed her head and left. Summer's eyes slowly closed as she saw his body leaving the room, the light disappearing with him. He went to the guest room

Later that night~

Gamzee checked up on Summer as Karkat checked on Lou. Karkat smiled at the awkwardly postitoned Lou on the bed, he chuckled and fixed his position and put the covers on him. Gamzee kissed Summer's head and left closing the door and walking to his bedroom. Karkat met him there, he smiled at Gamzee and sat on the bed. "Hun what's got you all worked up?" "Nothing." Gamzee said getting into the bed, Karkat knew he was lying. "Ever since Summer offered for Lou to stay over you have been a grumpy bunny." He made a pouty face and took off his shirt and sat in the bed facing him. "A grumpy bunny?" He raised a brow. "......Shut up," Karkat huffed. "It was the only thing that popped in my head." "Hehe." 'Yes he forgot.' He thought. "Good night."

Karkat pinched his ear. "Gamzee, you didn't answer my question." Karkat gave a nasty glare that was like a mother finding out their child broke their favorite vase. "Uh..." He said terrified of this side of Karkat. "It's just she's my baby girl and she's only 10 and I don't want to lose her." Karkat calmed down and sighed letting go of his ear he petted his hair. "Gamzee, I know you are worried, i am ro gamzee, i know she has been gone for so long, but she is ten , its time for her to figure out what love feels like. She has been without it for two years gamzee," he laid beside him. "I know Karkat, it's just really hard to let go of something you've raised for years in lost for so long but I understand and I'll try to accept it." Gamzee hugged Karkat, he hugged back and kissed his head. "I know Gamzee, I know." He mumbled. "I just need to give her some freedom." Gamzee signed, Karkat nodded.

Gamzee dozed off as Karkat hummed and kissed his cheek. He pulled him closer then fall asleep, soon Karkat fell asleep in his arms.

The next morning karkat woke up but found that he was stuck between gamzee and his arms. "Hun." "Grr." He hugged him more not wanting to get up. Karkat laughed and tickled his side. "Come on Hun." "No~" He held back his laughs, Karkat laughed and tickled him more. "No babe~" He whined letting him go. Karkat chuckled and pecked his lips. "I'm staying in bed." He grumbled. "You have to eat." "But I'm tired." Gamzee grumbled. "You wont be getting nothing tonight if you don't get up." Karkat teased putting on his clothes. "Ahh fine." He got up with a grunt. Karkat laughed and put on his shoes. "Love you~" "Love you too." Gamzee pulled him towards his body and kissed him passionately. Karkat smiled in the kiss and kissed back equally as passionate, he tangled his hand in to Gamzee's hair. "Let's get some breakfast, I'm hungry." He announced after the kiss. As he walked out he gave Karkat a slight smack on the ass and smirked. Karkat squeaked jumping slightly, he glared at Gamzee and huffed then smirked.

Gamzee walked to the dining room. Karkat came in to seeing Kanaya setting down the plates. "Thank you Kanaya, can you get the kids please?" Kanaya smiled and nodded and left to get the kids. Gamzee smiled at Kanaya waving then sat at the head of the table. Karkat sat next to Gamzee and gave him a kiss on his cheek, his hand laying on Gamzee's thigh. He rest his hand on top of Kar's, he kissed him lightly his hand rubbing his thigh.

"Karkat don't do that, are you trying to arouse me?" He whispered in his ear as the kids came in. Karkat smirked then greeted the kids. "Come sit next to me." She patted the seat next to her as Lou sat down. Karkat chuckled and squeezed Gamzee's thigh, Ginhikari ran into the room barking. "What is it Gin? You hungry?" She pet the dog and the dog jumped up on a chair, barking happily, waiting for her breakfast. Lou laughed and petted Gin.

The servants came out with our food and laid it down in front of us. Summer thanked the servants, Karkat and Gamzee bowed as Lou smiled at the servants in thanks. "Oh bacon and eggs today with flaky, buttery biscuits." Lou licked his lips but stopped before he could eat and gave grace. Summer said the grace for the table, everyone said ahem and started eating, Lou nodded then started eating too. "Hmm. This is so good." Lou nodded enjoying the food as Karkat chuckled.

Gamzee finished his and left to the throne to do his job. Karkat watched him leave and sighed but understood that Gamzee needed to be there for his people. "Daddy can we go play outside?" Summer asked, Karkat nodded. "After you finish eating hun." "Okay!" She said cheerfully and finished up her food. Karkat chuckled as he saw Lou and Summer finishing their food and running off to play. Karkat shook his head. "They didn't even pick up their plates."

"Let's go ride our horses!" Summer said running to the stables. Lou chuckled and ran with her, she hopped onto Kaito. He hopped on another horse and looked at her. "Hya!" She yelled as Kaito ran, Lou did the same with his horse behind her. "Let's head down to our special hang out spot." He grinned and nodded reaching up next to her. Summer smirked about to make Kaito go faster but heard barking and turned around to see Gin behind them. Lou laughed greeting the dog, Gin barked happily as we approached the field. Lou stopped once they approached the field and got off then help Summer get off. "Thanks." She take the reins off Kaito so he doesn't get tangled.
Lou did the same with his horse and laid on the grass

"So..." I sat on the grass. "Where do you see us in the future?" Lou moved his head so it was on her lap. Looking up at her with a smile. "Married with two kids maybe more, Why?" He looked T her innocently. "That was straight foward." She said impressed. "I don't.... I just, when I was kidnapped I thought you had gotten another girlfriend." Lou frowned and touched her face with his warm hand. "No, I'll never replace you, you are my love, you are my everything." "I am? Thank you." She kissed him and smiled, he kissed back with a smile.


(I decided to post this today because it's 4/13)

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