Chapter one

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A mutant troll was dragged by two guard limply and chained as he had his head down. Suddenly they arrive to a room and the guards dropped him down to the floor causing a grunt coming from the trolls mouth and a growl.

"He was caught stealing meat in the kingdom." Said the guard on the bruised trolls right to the tall man on the thrown known as the king, he huffed.

"Ridiculous JUST fucking ridiculous." The king growled causing the guards to jump and sake slightly from fear.

The king chuckled deeply and stood up walked over to the troll on the ground and kneeled down grabbed the troll my the hair and forced the troll to face him. He was young troll around 20 -21 give or take with dirty black hair that went everywhere and pale dirty gray skin his eyes a dull red and dark bags under his eyes a scowl on his sharp dirt stained face. He was short but muscular and his horns were nubs but slightly pointed but it was barely noticeable. He was handsome to say the least but I bet if he took a shower and rest he would be VERY handsome. The kind chuckled but that soon turn into a laugh a loud sickening laugh. The guards stood attention shaking slightly but the troll on the floor had no reaction. Once the king has calmed he looked at the troll.

"Name?" He said amused the troll glared ignoring the pain from his grip on his hair.

"Karkat." He said simply, his voice was strange it was deep but raspy with a hint of a slight accent which was hard to discribe.

"Karkat." The king said again.

"Well KARKAT for now on your gonna be my slave in act of PUNISHMENT." Gamzee said crazily to karkat.

The guards winced slightly they sorta felt bad for Karkat, being the slave of their king Gamzee was probably the worst thing that could happen to you. Their has been rumors that he had killed his old slaves because of one wrong move and that he would go insane and would either kill or torture them. Karkat was forced up by the king making him wince from the pulling of his hair.

"You look disgusting get him cleaned." Gamzee spat and threw him to the guards.

Gamzee turned back and sat on his 'thrown of bones' as others would say and watched as karkat was dragged to the wash room were he was scrubbed and cleaned. Karkat came back his hair was know a midnight color instead of dirty and his body was scrubbed of dirt making his skin look spotless and smoth. His hair was slicked back. He was handsome alright but this isn't what karkat like he was use to being dirty all his life. The kind looked at him with a sinister smile as he examined him up and down making karkat shift and glare at him as he struggled with the chains on his wrist.

The king growled suddenly "That isn't how you address a king slave," He growled. "BOW TO YOUR KING AND MASTER." He yelled Karkat tensed but slowly kneeled still looking at him. Gamzee laughed throwing his head back as he got up and walked over to him and grabbed karkat by the color of his new purple shirt he was given and was force to stand.

"For know on you are mine and mine only you will address me as master you MOTHERFUCKING GOT THAT!?"

Karkat glared at him growling from his throught. Karkat hated this but he had to do it, he lowered his head. "Yes master."

He chuckled deeply at him and set him down. "First day of being my slave you have to see what happens when you DISOBAY ME." He laughed loudly. "BRING IN THE PRISONER." He laughed again as he put Karkat next to him.

They heard the yells and pleas of the prisoner. Karkat was terrified of what he was about to see it most be bad because the prisoner was screaming so much. He sat down shaking violently. 'I have to escape this place.' He thought.

A guard came in dragging a troll with tattered clothes and threw him to the ground this one looked a lot like Karkat but older and more muscular. Karkat knew him the prisoner who was caught stealing valuable stuff from villages, was his dancestor Kankri. Kankri looked up and whimpered slightly then his eyes met Karkat's. Gamzee grabbed his blood stained clubs laughing insanely.

"No wait you can't do this to him!" Karkat jumped up and grabbed his hand, protesting, trying to stop him.

"You can't kill him." Gamzee growled and looked at him ripping his hand away with a little hesitation but was barely noticeable.

"And WHY THE HELL NOT." He screamed. Kankri gave Karkat a warning and worried look saying to 'not get involve.' Karkat ignores the warning.

"He's my brother he's the only family I have left." Karkat said desperately. 'If this wasn't the king or if it was another prisoner I wouldn't care but this is the only one of my family left and I don't want to lose that last ounce of feeling I have for another being.' He thought feeling tears in his eyes and tried to hold them back as best as possible.

Kankri struggled against the chains in warning to Karkat who ignored him. Gamzee looked down at Karkat glaring, his chest out looking at him and his watery eyes. He knew how it felt to loose family he understood what Karkat was feeling. He growled and grumbled.

"Release him." He said ruffly. Without a second thought the guard released him. Kankri stood up quickly and hugged Karkat, he hugged him back tightly feeling relieved that Gamzee understood and started crying.

"Thank you." He kept repeating those words for a while. Gamzee looked at him and hummed while slumping down on his thrown of bones staring at the two hug. He sighed and finally spoke.

"You prisoner, what is your name?" He said in a loud, high and mighty voice scaring Kankri. Kankri stopped hugging Karkat pushing him gently behind him as a protective thing.

"My name is kankri." He bowed slightly in respect. He hummed.

"Similar names you both have but Kankri you do know I still have to punish you." He grinned insanely as he leaned his head on his fist making him look creepy.

"I wonder, I wonder, what shall I do to you~?" Kankri started shaking out of fear, Karkat gained some courage after a while of being terrified. I walked up to Gamzee got on one knee and bowed.

"Master punish me instead." He said gritting my teeth. 'Why am I doing this.'

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