Chapter 33: Family by Choice (part 3)

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Alex worked late into the evening, Minho came and knocked on the door of the MedHut.

"Hey. Almost done?"

"Ya, just let me clean up, and I'm outta here."

"I'll help. How was your day?"

They tidied up the room, and chatted about their days; the ridiculous things that Vince said or suggested, the trips to the main land Captain Ronin was planning, that Gally was suggesting building a bigger school and how they are going to have to expand the living area, which means clearing space into the woods. Alex told him about her chat with Jorge and the second round of flu kids that afternoon.

Alex sank into a chair, her eyes dropping. She felt like a hot mess.

"Come on there wifey let's get you home. The girls wanted to have a sleepover with Newt and Simon. You look like you could use a good sleep. Are you working again tomorrow?" He asked pulling her from the chair and wrapping his arms around her shoulders. She wrapped her around his waist.

"One. Yes, hubby let's go home. Two. Definitely need a long sleep! But also ouch. I happen to rock the hot mess express look, thank you." She flipped her hair dramatically over her shoulder, raising an eyebrow at him. "And three. Nope, it's my day off. After a long sleep and coffee I was going to visit Brenda and Sonya."

"Hmmm. I see you more as my personal spicy disaster." Minho chuckled as Alex gasped and pushed him away.

"Shuck face." She swatted him again, "come on. My bed is calling me." She laced her fingers with his and they left.

He leaned down and whispered, "our bed is also calling me too..." his voice dropped and took on a deep huskines to it. Alex's stomach back flipped. Though she wasn't sure if it was his insinuation or the flu.

"Well shuck me, that's quite the insinuation." Alex smirked up at him, as they walked down the path to their cottage.

"Gladly." He growled.

He swung her up, and she wrapped her legs around him. He walked towards their porch, up the stairs, he kicked the door open and closed behind him, never breaking their kiss. He gently tossed her onto their bed, his eyes dark and hungry. She battered her eyelashes at him.

Smirking she asked seductively, "Min, my dear husband, is there something I can help you with?"

"Why yes Sunshine." He crawled into the bed, "yes there is."

She pulled him close and kissed him hard, while

Alex woke up with a jolt, she sat up quickly, breathing hard, she had to run to the bathroom, and threw up. She moaned, and felt a hand pull her hair away, and rub her back.

"Still not feeling so great hey?"

"No. And your gonna get this shuck flu and your a shuck baby when your sick!" Alex moaned. She turned back and threw up again.

She showered and when she was done, Chloe and Raegan were waiting by the bed with breakfast.

"Minho said that we could be late for school." Raegan squealed.

Alex raised an eyebrow at him. He smiled sheepishly at her. The girls and Minho climbed into bed with Alex and they enjoyed a late breakfast in bed. They laughed, and they talked about school and friends and life in SafeHaven.

After breakfast, and laying in bed with the girls, Minho got up and sent them off to school. Alex got up and kissed Minho good bye at the end of the path and he went for his morning run and she went to visit the Brenda and Sonya.

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