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i actually haven't been on my ass doing jack shit so hyg

Seungmin sat in his parents' convenience store and sighed. It was midnight, he was tired, and his high was wearing off, but the store doesn't close until five. He knew nobody was going to come in, so he started cleaning.

As he was sweeping, someone came in. Seungmin watched them from his peripheral, they were standing in the drink aisle, eyes scanning over the selection of drinks.

He didn't want it to seem like he was watching the person, so he went on his phone. He stared at his black screen until the young male came up to him.

The customer was shorter than him, had black hair and his hands we slim with long fingers. He adorned an all black outfit that looked expensive, he looked expensive. Expensive man. The blonde noticed his coat. It was a Versace coat that went viral on social media earlier this year. Seungmin wondered why someone who could afford a coat like was in a neighborhood like this..

The expensive man placed his drinks on the counter where Seungmin quickly rang him up. The man bought his drinks and left.

That was probably the most interesting thing that happened today.

He sat in the empty store until some part-timer came for their shift. He was sober, he doesn't get high during the day anymore. Sometimes.

He stepped outside into the street, the Korean autumn air basically smacking him in the face as his feet meet the pavement. As he began his walk to his house, he looked around. It was quite a nice morning, peaceful, quiet.

Seungmin liked peace. He truly did. The thing he loved the most- after cocaine- was peace and quiet. In his dream life, he'd be the only person on Earth. Nobody to bother him, to  scream at him for going out every night, for going to school high.

Just quiet.

The blonde made it to his front door and quickly unlocked it and walked in. He took his shoes off at the door, placing them next to Chan's black Vans. He made some food, nothing big, just enough to fill him so he could sleep.

After he ate, he collapsed on the couch.

It has been a long day.


Jeongin sat in the laboratory, cleaning bones. That's all he ever did, clean bones. He was an intern at the museum, so he did everything his bosses didn't want to. Honestly he wasn't complaining, he'd much rather clean bones than be home.

He took the scrubbing utensil and placed it down on the tray with the other utensils. The young man was tired, but he didn't want to go home. He realized that he couldn't stay in the lab all day, and decided to go home.

He took a cab to his house. It was quiet, he just prayed his dad was asleep. Jeongin silently walked upstairs and made it to his door.

"Jeongin? Is that you?"


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

He could feel his chest rising and falling rapidly, his throat closing up. He didn't answer. He couldn't answer. He just stood there.

It walked out in front of him.

"Innie, why are you ignoring daddy?"


"Go shower and then to the room."

Jeongin was weak. He was a twenty two year old man, crying softly as he scrubbed his body. He didn't want to, but he had to. He knows not to disobey, especially after what happened last time he did.


Jeongin was sprawled on the floor, crying softly. His beautiful skin was now black and blue. He could feel the blood trickling down his legs. He tried to get up, but he was too weak, so he laid there.

"Innie, you know I don't like hurting you. But you're being difficult, I had to."


a/n: I'm not writing that.


Jeongin felt numb. After his fathe- It was finished, he quickly got up and went to his room. He locked the door, feeling only a little bit safer. The young boy laid on his king bed and cried. He cried into pillow as he held his favorite stuffed toy.

It was ridiculous, he knows. A grown man with stuffed toys.. But that was the last thing his father gave him before It started. It gave him comfort and hope his fathe- It would stop.

He cried himself to sleep that night. Hell, he cries himself to sleep every night.

Hell would be greater than this life.



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