you don't get it

56 2 2

2 days in hospital.

Seungmin sat back with a blank face as his mother berated him for overdosing. He's been in the hospital for days, they said it was for his good, but Seungmin didn't believe them
Seungmin never really accepted his addiction, he just saw it as having fun. Even when he almost dies. Joomi did truly care for her son, she just couldn't express it correctly.

"Y-You're just a boy! You can't keep doing this, you will end up killing yourself! Why the hell can't you understand that!"

Seungmin didn't respond, he just didn't care anymore. Drugs and Chan were the only things keeping him going every day, and was not going to let either go.

Chan sat in the corner and watched everything. To be honest, he agreed with the Kims. Seungmin was going to die if he didn't stop. He knew it, Seungmin knew it, Everyone did. But Seungmin didn't care. The Kims ended up getting kicked out by Seungmin because they were annoying him, Chan tried to stop him but Seungmin interjected. He then told the nurses to refuse his parents entrance to his room.


Seungmin was going through withdrawal, Chan could tell. He'd stay up all night begging him to get some pills for him. A few months ago, he would've done it. But he's sober now, he realizes that he's been enabling hi addiction, he won't anymore.

That was a problem for Seungmin, he could lie to his parents about being sober, but Chan lives with him. He'd know, and he would not be happy about it. Sometimes, Seungmin wished he'd never pushed Chan to get sober. This was one of those times.


It's been two weeks since Seungmin left the hospital, and Chan watched him like a hawk. Every move he made was monitored by Chan, and if it wasn't, Chan had someone else watching him. One of them was some guy named Jeongin. He looked rich, like snobby, tone deaf, first world issues rich.

He didn't know how they knew each other, but Chan said he was a friend who he found out was related to his boss.


Seungmin sat down on his couch and huffed. Jeongin was literally watching him, his eyes stayed fixed on him.

"Y'know, when Chan said to watch me, he didn't mean keep your eyes on me the whole time." He exasperated.

Jeongin lit his cigarette and inhaled. "Actually, he said to do exactly that."

Of course he did.

"Who are you anyways?

"To Chan? Or who am I as a person?" Jeongin asked.

"To Chan, obviously." Seungmin rolled his eyes.

"We met on the bus, we take almost the same route, so we just ended up talking and now we're friends."

Seungmin rolled his eyes even harder, how boring. The way he and Chan met was much more interesting to him.

Jeongin and Seungmin got to talking, and Seungmin realized he wasn't that bad. He was an annoying asshole, but he was a good listener. Jeongin kept getting on him about staying sober, which he didn't care for at all.

"Really though, I'd kill for someone to care for me the way Chan and your family care for you. Don't take them for granted, they could disappear in a heartbeat." Jeongin said.

What did he know?

"What do you know?"

"A lot actually, I have three degrees."

Ha. Ha.

Seungmin didn't like Jeongin, but he'd be watched by him again. Which is a weird thing to say..

Chan came home at about 10, he stepped in the house and took his shoes off.

"Hey, how was is it?" He asked Jeongin.

"He's.... apprehensive." Jeongin replied.

"That's Seung." Chan joked.

Jeongin pulled his sleeve up, revealing his $50,000 watch, which was one of his cheaper ones. He checked the time, he hoped his father would be asleep by the time he got home. "Thank you for having me, I'll see you soon."

After jeongin left, Seungmin and Chan sat down next to each other on the couch. Chan could tell that Seungmin was angry with him, but he felt like he did nothing to warrant those feelings.

"So... How are you?" Chan cautiously asked.

"Fine." Seungmin said.

"I ordered some food before I got here, it should be here in a little bit." Chan said.

"I'm not hungry."


Chan left it at that.


I finished this chapter, next chapter I'm planning on doing a major time jump (like 6-8 months). Chan and Seungmin's lives are boring y'all.

Another Life | chanseungin Where stories live. Discover now