opposites attract

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A/N: heyy queens I'm doing well, how are you?

I want to write another story, but I'm not sure what the prompt should be, thoughtz?/

Chan, Jeongin, and Seungmin sat in Jeongin's house, eating takeout. All three of them had particularly stressful weeks, and they ate in an uncomfortable silence. Chan was angry, Seungmin was tired, and Jeongin was just upset. Nobody was happy, and it was just going to get worse from there.

Chan sighed and stood up from the bar. "I need a drink.." He got up and plopped down onto the couch face first.  Seungmin walked over to Chan and sat next to him, petting his head softly.

"I'm not giving you any." Jeongin said as he pulled out his cigarette case.

"That's why I left to the living room." Chan sighed.

Jeongin walked to his balcony and took a hit of his cigarette. He slowly exhaled as he looked at the busy city outside. He was on the verge of giving up, his mom made no effort into leaving his father and he was over it. He couldn't help her, she didn't want it.

Seungmin slowly stepped out with Jeongin and gently placed a hand on his shoulder. Jeongin jumped slightly and turned around. "Yeah, what's up Min?"

"In, you seem.. lost. Are you okay?" Seungmin said. He was concerned, Jeongin always looked put together, attentive. He was acting completely different.

Jeongin didn't respond, just nodded and continued to smoke. After he finished, he stepped back inside. Chan was sitting up and Seungmin was next to him, they were both staring at the younger. He rolled his eyes, grabbed another cigarette and went back out on the balcony.

Chan followed him out and lit his own cigarette. They both stood in silence, smoking slowly before Chan spoke up.

"Is it your mom? Is she alright?" Chan questioned. Chan didn't know everything, Jeongin preferred to keep his business private, but he knew enough.

"She's.. fine." Jeongin said bitterly. He'd given up, you can't help someone who doesn't want it. He had a accept it. Chan nodded, it's obvious Jeongin didn't want to talk. So they wouldn't.

The two sat outside for some time before Seungmin joined them. They all sat on the floor, in silence. Seungmin didn't know anything, Jeongin thought it'd run him away. He was always closed off when it came to his situation, mostly for the sake of his mother.

"Alright, let's do something." Seungmin called out from the living room. The pair looked into the house and saw Seungmin with nine shot glasses, pouring liquor into six of them.

"Seung.." Jeongin groaned.

"Shut up and come inside." Seungmin set down the bottle of liquor and grabbed a bottle of sparkling water, pouring it into the remaining three glasses. The two walked in, looking at each other curiously. Seungmin was spontaneous, he was always doing something he probably shouldn't. This was the tamest thing he'd done.

"Okay, we're all going to say what's wrong with us and then take a shot." Seungmin said.

"How is this going to make us feel better?" Chan asked.

"It won't, we'll be tipsy. Except for you." Seungmin smiled at his roommate.

"I need a drink anyways.." Jeongin grumbled.

Seungmin handed the shots out they all sat down at the table, he looked around and waited for one of them to start. Chan picked up his water-shot and quickly downed it.

"I hate Seungmin's dad."

Jeongin put the shot up to his lips and drank it.

"I hate my dad."

Seungmin took a shot last.

"I feel like a failure."

Chan took another shot. "Being sober is so fucking hard."

Jeongin took a shot. "I hate my mom for staying with my dad."

Seungmin took a shot. "I'm failing all of my classes."

"Last one?" Seungmin asked, holding his shot glass up in the air. Jeongin and Chan held their glasses in the air and took the last shot.

"I'm hanging by a thread." Seungmin sighed.

"I don't want to be a doctor." Jeongin said.

"I'm in love with Seungmin."

Dead silence.

Seungmin stared back at him with wide eyes. He couldn't believe what had came out of his best friend's mouth. Jeongin looks back and forth at the two, completely silent. Chan was just as shocked as the others, he had no idea why he said that. It was true, he'd come to realize his feelings for his roommate, though he would have preferred to tell him in private.

After the shock of the announcement wore down, Seungmin began bombarding Chan with questions. He was talking so fast, Chan couldn't understand him. They never had a conversation about this, Seungmin wishes Chan said something before. Seungmin couldn't understand why he just blurted it out.

Jeongin, after remaining silent for the most of the time, stands up and separates the two. "Look, guys, let's just go to bed. I'm sure you two will have a conversation about this sometime later, but not in my living room." He said, softly gripping Seungmin's shoulders.

"No, I'm going home.. I need to think." Chan said.

"Alright, get home safely." Jeongin said.

Chan stepped out of Jeongin's penthouse, into the hallway. He sighed, looked back at the door, and walked away.

"What the fuck did I just do.."


oh wow

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