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𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑎'𝑙𝑙 🌸🌸




"Taehyungiee! good morning!!" - a cheerful voice on the phone said brightly to the male who 'tsked' annoyingly putting his phone on his ear.

"Seriously, what is wrong with you jungkook!? Did you got dropped by your mother as a child!?" - the older male said getting irritated.

"O-oh I'm s-sorry taehyung i-i" - the person on the phone couldn't even finish his sentence

"Shut up! I'm hanging up" - the arrogant male stated.


- Did I messed up again? I really just wanted to greet him a 'good morning' but I think I only ended up making his morning bad. I honestly just want to act like a 'good boyfriend' but I miserably failed every-single time.

- but what more can I even do? I try my best, but anyways I can just make it up by facing him at the University. I got up and got ready for uni.


- jungkook, being a bubbly baby was hopping around the whole University while entering.

" Good morning auntie!!" - he greeted a sweaper. Who smiled at the cheerful boy.

- jungkook began walking while hopping a little.

[Other side]

"Tsk, look at your 'boyfriend' taehyung behaving like a kid as always" - a girl, named latteie commented on kookie, who was cluelessly just walking around.

"Shut up, latteie he's already so annoyed and ashamed by his boyfriend stop bothering him" - taehyung's friend matte said to latteie.

- all these mean talks were happening behind jungkook who was just minding his own business, being happy. While jungkook was walking forward their 'group' was walking behind jungkook.

"Guys, I thought of an idea" - another male in the group 'krame' stated.

"What!?" - taehyung asked

- krame ripped a page from the book he was holding, and molded the page into a ball and threw it on jungkook

"Woah smart move krame" - matte said.

"Well deserved" - lattieie

"Ngl a good one" - taehyung,kookie's 'boyfriend' said

- while kookie was walking he felt someone threw a paper at his head he picked the paper ball in his hands and turned around to spot taehyung and his friends - matte, lattieie and krame.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 (Season 1,2) [𝘁𝗸✔️]Where stories live. Discover now