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Jk's dad
"We will talk about
Your both's

"W-what dad?
Marriage aren't we
Too young for

Jk's dad
"Don't panic jungkook
We will talk about
Everything. We're
All meeting today anyways"


- jungkook's eyes were filled with tears. No, he was not crying because he never liked taehyung he was crying because he was sad for taehyung he knows taehyung doesn't like him and he was so in love that he always felt that he never deserved taehyung.

- he sighed he knew it will never work out if he excuse himself for not going there. He stood up from the bed and went towards the wardrobe and picked up a fit he'll wear today's night.

- For those who are interested in
Seeing his clothes.

- it was now time he bid his grandma goodbye with a hug

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- it was now time he bid his grandma goodbye with a hug. And now was waiting outside his house for his parents to pick him up.

- he's eyes lit up seeing a Mercedes that stood infront of him. and soon his eyes fall down again from sadness seeing taehyung in the driving seat not even looking at him, it was not as if he didn't wanted to go with taehyung in his car. He was too embarrassed to face taehyung After he didn't even do anything.

- he took a glance at the back seat of the car. He's big doe eyes went even more bigger after seeing his friends krame, matte.

- he slowly took steps towards the passanger seat he opened the door but saw latteie sitting there. He looked at her he frowned

- 'i thought I was going to sit there' jungkook thought to himself, just after he opened the cardoor. He saw latteie looking a him with a annoyed look on her face

"What?" - latteie asked jungkook.

"Uh n-nothing I thought I was going to sit here..." - jungkook replied clearly being a nervous baby.

"oh sorry, but I already sat here and I bet you don't want me to get up from this seat and go sit at the backside right?" - latteie said mockingly

- jungkook took a glance at taehyung who was looking at latteie and him with a cold face 'atleast say anything taehyung'  jungkook thought to himself

- jungkook lowered his head, and gently closed the door he opened the back side car door and spotted matte and krame looking at him annoyingly.

- jungkook sat beside them lowering his head, latteie smirked in victory and signaled taehyung a 'v'  sign.

- taehyung just looked at her and gave her a slight smile 'he never gave a smile to me, well what am I thinking it's obvious he hates me'
Jungkook thought to himself.

- taehyung began to drive the car.

"Guys! Where should we go since taehyung will be going to his family place" - latteie

"Don't know man maybe we could just wait in the car while he's gone and then we'll go club?" - matte

"No bro I think it would be better if we just go to the place where taehyung will be going?" - krame

"Bro that's a good idea!" - matte

"Bro it's literally commonsense"
- krame said mockingly.

" Shut up, you all are dumb my father booked the whole damn palace just for that stupid meeting" - taehyung

- 'what stupid really taehyung my future depends on that place meeting and you think that's
Stupid' jungkook thought to himself.

"Then where should we go?" - latteie

"bro bro bro stop the car!!" - krame screamed

"What the heck with you krame?" - taehyung said.

"Well I remember this is the place that my dad brought recently I think we three can just wait here!" - krame

"Ok let's just go there" - matte

- and with the three of them went outside the car, matte closed to door on the other side so harshly making jungkook flinch. The three of them went inside.

- jungkook thought taehyung will start to drive the car but it was almost 1 minute since taehyung stopped the car jungkook looked up to glance at taehyung

- he found taehyung looking at him already

"W-what is it?" - jungkook

" You don't want to sit at the front" - taehyung.

- jungkook's eyes lit up, a little hope could be shown in his eyes ' did he started to care about me?' jungkook thought to himself

"No because you were dying to sit beside me, can't you understand that
I do not want you in my life and I also know that you are the one who probably begged my parents to convence them to let you marry me
Right isn't it like that?" - taehyung said in a low tone.




𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 (Season 1,2) [𝘁𝗸✔️]Where stories live. Discover now