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“where is taehyung? Oh my goodness, oh lord, where's my little taehyung? Where is he gone” jungkook heard taehyung's mother, it’s been months since taehyung came home .

Taehyung’s mother would always come with his husband and try to find her son hoping he would come home tomorrow, tonight, today, at this moment but he won't , he won't come he forgot his home , he broke down his home , he burnt his home into ashes . But who can he blame? God? Karma? His life?


God never told him to kill his lover's heart, that one lover who he blamed always , but lover is a lover. People die and gets buried but their feelings roams around like a ghost ,

And thats it, jungkook couldn't see taehyung’s mother crying anymore he walked out of the home, and wandererd around the streets hoping he would find taehyung , somehow , somewhere .


Jungkook has been looking for taehyung , he heard a kitten cry he followed the direction , his eyes softened when he saw the poor kitten trying to find some food in the bin but couldn't so the pretty kitten just cried.

“awh, you poor thing come here” jungkook went inside the Ally, he patted the kitten who purr finding comfort in his delicate touch ,

“meow” the little kitten moved forward, and jungkook wondered where is she headed ? He followed her and eventually the scene in front of his eye made his heartbeat stop .

Taehyung stading at the edge of the railing , preparing to jump inside the river ,

Preparing to kill himself ,

Jungkook ran to taehyung hurriedly taehyung was at the edge of falling but jungkook held taehyung's hands real tight, he had tears in his eyes for somebody who hurted him all these years,

Should he trust taehyung?
Was he worth a chance?

Jungkook questioned everything, he looked down at the taehyung who was hanging and could fall in any moment , just one slip and taehyung's one , the person who hurted him will be gone .

A monster , a criminal , a rapist , a heartbreaker will be gone .

Jungkook closed his eyes , he questioned whether he should let him go or give him a chance?

And taehyung opened his eyes in hope he looked up to see jungkook , his love , his pretty little treasure, his promise , his prettiest secret was struggling to save his eyes . Even with tears in his eyes he was still holding onto taehyung's hands .

Taehyung questioned
Why would he save me? I ruined him
I ruined an Angel's life,
I'm not worth a chance.
Not even a first , not even a second.
I'm a monster——
—but a lover.

Taehyung's eyes sparkles with love and heartbreak ,
But he noticed something, he noticed jungkook's closed eyes.

His galaxy was closed
Again ,

He knew jungkook was questioning whether to save him or not ? And he accepted whatever was coming for him.

In a second he felt the grip sliding , he felt it being weak. He smiled

And he finally realised it was okay to die for somebody you love, it was okay to do a Sacrifice for somebody you hurted and now love , even if the person you love questions your life if was okay for them to do so , a lover would love every single thought of their love

Call it toxic , call it obsession
Call it love?
For him love is healing ,
Even if it's a sweet death by your lover even if the person you love doesn't want to save you ,

‘imagine how lucky I am to die infront of my love's eyes‚. Taehyung thousand.

Taehyung closed his eyes, no hopes but relief . He was ready to leave for somebody he first hated and hurted and now loves ,.

The grip got even weaker ,.

Jungkook thought,

If I let him go , will I find peace?
If I hold him tight will I love him?
Maybe ,

Maybe he’s a monster , maybe he’s the wrost.

But he’s still a son for his mother,
He’s still a lover in god’s eyes
He’s still a tired person ,
Atleast he realised his mistake?

Well, shit.

Jungkook opened his eyes and held taehyung tightly ,

“live , taehyung love me” jungkook said lovingly to taehyung who opened his eyes ,

He was shocked to hear what jungkook said , taehyung dragged himself up and comes to jungkook

And when taehyung touched the ground , “i’m sorry..” he said ,.
“why would you save me” he asked.

And jungkook smiled,.
“you weren't born as a monster , maybe they never understood you , maybe you seek love?”

Jungkook brushed taehyung’s hair ,
“never hurt me ok? Never be an evil again hm.”

Taehyung’s eyes started to produce tears he bend down , he gently took off his shoes and placed his leg on his keen, he kissed his feet.

“Never.” taehyung promised.

It wasn't a chance, it was the prettiest promise he made ,


𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 (Season 1,2) [𝘁𝗸✔️]Where stories live. Discover now