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- 'I'm so sorry jungkook' 


- the only thing I could feel was being sorry to jungkook I never knew I hurted such a soul, I always let him down but he always loved me,


- taehyung was just staring at jungkook not saying anything he was just looking at him while jungkook was looking down fiddling his fingers, taehyung walked out of bedroom he couldn't even say anything.

- after taehyung went out of the room blankly, jungkook looked at his disappearing figure,


- loud music blasting, loud moans of the prostitutes, drunk people some crying , some laughing Some getting waisted over their exes and there's taehyung drinking nonstop to get over his feeling of guilt,

- Girls and boys along with many prostitutes were checking him out, he does look fine even under the influence a girl came and sat on his lap facing him taehyung looked at the girl with cold sharp eyes the girl actually a prostitute starts moving on his that part

- she rolled her hips up and down bitting her lips looking so whipped for taehyung who's waisted.

"Slut" - taehyung sad to the prostitute who moved her lips closer to taehyung and kissed him taehyung kissed her back she started to unbotton taehyung's shirt

- after some minutes taehyung got up while she was still hanging herself on him, taehyung went inside a room with her.


- Taehyung reached his mansion after drinking nonstop, being under the influence and sleeping with a prostitute.

- As he stepped inside his mansion the maids and servants bowed at him while he ignored all of them heading straight to his room he opened his room's door expecting to see jungkook, but jungkook wasn't there he sighed thinking he would be at the restroom but he wasn't there too,

- and for the first time he got panicked, he felt worried about where jungkook would be. He got out of his room in a rush and asked a maid,

"Where's jungkook?" - taehyung asked,

" Oh young master is in the garden along with his puppy, shered" - the maid replied while bowing down taehyung nodded and sighed in relief,
And headed towards the garden.


- As i entered the garden I spotted jungkook crunching down maybe talking to a flower?

"O-oh flower are y-ywu o-okay i-i'm sowwy i-i stepped o-ok ywu I didn't do i-it intentionally. I-it must've h-huwt a l-lot r-right i-i'm sowwy"

- jungkook spoke and what? like WHAT? HE'S FUCKING CRYING? OVER A TULIP PETAL? Gosh!

"Seriously with the "w's" jungkook?"

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 (Season 1,2) [𝘁𝗸✔️]Where stories live. Discover now