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Taehyung pov,

When I saw jungkook, my heart stopped beating, I made my way towards jungkook, and looked directly
In his eyes. God i missed them so damn much.

Jungkook stared at me too but he seemed confused. I looked at him with a frown but I shrugged it anyways. I sat down on the chair beside his bed

I moved my hand to touch his pretty face but then he jerked my hand away i frowned, is he angry with me? I'm sorry jungkook

"J-jungkook baby y-you remeber me r-right?" I asked with stutter because I was shocked to see him after a long time and worse, in a hospital in which he ended up because of me i did many heartbreaking things to him I could've taken a better care of him but I never did.

"Oh yes I do, but i don't why did I had to love such a person" jungkook muttered out and i froze

Did he really say that?

"What? Jungkook how can you say that" mrs. Jeon said to jungkook and I just sat there froze.

"No mom! I'm not that dumb jungkook anymore! He did so many things to me" he said the truth yes he's right I did so heartful things to him. And worse I rapped him and did not even apologized to him about it properly life did right to me i deserve to suffer.

But I can't leave my baby, I can't leave jungkook he matters to me more than my shit life

"Jungkook shut your mouth" mr. Jeon said. Jungkook was about to say something but I looked at mr. Jeon with tired pleading eyes

"Please can I be alone with jungkook" i said to him and he nodded. They were surely shocked seeing my scars and bruises on my chest and neck because I was shirtless but they shrugged the feeling off because right now what more important was jungkook.

"Jungkook-" i could not complete as jungkook started speaking, cutting my words in the middle.

"What? Can't you go away? I don't like you now! Look at your scars on your chest, foot naked and shirtless are trying to show people that you really cared for me? Even after all the things you've done to me! Even though I can not remember our all the cruel memories I can say that you are no good for me"

he completed himself and I honestly did not feel heartbroken from the words he said. I wanted him to throw all of his feelings to me because now he's willing to do so.

Atleast after he changed for his own good. And now even if he kills me from his words I will gladly accept it.

I just started at him i could feel my body going numb but I will not care about it,

"Now why? Are you done talking to me?" Jungkook asked i looked down and sighed "le-let's go home" I said and he shook his head.

"No! Never" he yelled, I looked at him with my pleading eyes. "Please kookie" I said to him "why would I go to such a place?" He asked and I again pleaded. Jungkook started to breath heavily I looked at him and asked while cupping his face

"W-what's wrong baby?" I said and jungkook was now breathing harder his chest was moving up and down, tears started to form in his eyes. "DOCTOR!" I shouted and then I saw doctor and nurses finally coming in the room to check jungkook.

I felt everything happening so fast and I wasn't ready for that. I looked at them inserting injections and trying to calm him down. A nurse came to me and said "please mr. Kim wait in the hallway" she requested and I went out of the room.

Mr. Jeon and mrs. Jeon came rushing to me to ask what happened I shook my head. They sighed and sat on the benches present in the hallway and just leaned on the wall.

I saw my men coming towards me with shoes and a pair of t-shirt. "Please wear it sir" they said and I wore the t-shirt and my shoes. After about 15 minutes I saw doctor and nurse walking out of jungkook's hospital private room.

I rushed to them. "what's wrong?" I asked and the doctor explained to me. "Mr. Jeon jungkook is totally fine but the thing is that whenever there's an hit of any emotion all of a sudden , whether it's anger, sadness or any other emotion his body will start to get tensed up leading him to get a sudden panic attack so I would advice you to not stress him with any situation right now mr. Kim"

The doctor explained then bow to me and left. I realised a sight I looked at jungkook he passed out on the hospital bed. And I sighed.

"So where do you think jungkook will be staying? Our house or yours" mr. Asked i think deeply but then realised I can't live without his presence
"Mine" I said and he nodded.

> Author pov.

Taehyung picked jungkook up and made his way towards his car. He Seattled jungkook inside his car and went to the driver seat to drive.

While driving taehyung would glance at jungkook. Blaming himself for everything going wrong in jungkook's life.

Now, the car stopped infront of a mansion, it was taehyung's. Taehyung slowly picked up jungkook from his car and made his way inside the mansion.

Taehyung made jungkook settle down on his king sized bed and jungkook squealed in his sleep taehyung smiled looking at his kookie. He really loves every small detail about jungkook.

> Author pov, night

It was night and jungkook was still sleeping in taehyung's bed while taehyung was sitting up on his bed beside jungkook doing some work in his laptop.

Suddenly he heard jungkook talking in his sleep he moved his head closer to jungkook's to hear what Is jungkook saying?

"N-no meanie go away!" Jungkook said in his sleep with a pout on his lips "y-you did me s-so bad leave!" Jungkook continued and taehyung chuckled.

"Don't worry baby i will take a good care of you. And I will treat you right"


This is it! And honestly I think it is boring? Like it feels like I've written a peice of master bullshit.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 (Season 1,2) [𝘁𝗸✔️]Where stories live. Discover now