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"What the hell are doing !?." Jungkook shouted at taehyung as he pushed off ,
"Oh i-i'm sorry" taehyung said while getting up ,"i didn't mean to-" "to kiss me ?" Jungkook completed taehyung's words and taehyung just nodded ,
"Sorry" taehyung spoke out of guilt .he realised it is unacceptable ,.

"Whatever !." Jungkook said covering himself with duvet Fully getting the flashback of taehyung when he raped him ,. Jungkook's eyes started to produce tears thinking about that trauma .

Taehyung realised it made jungkook uncomfortable taehyung sighed cursing at himself because he also got the heartbreaking flashes . "...I'm sorry" taehyung whispered, getting out of the room .

And while getting out of the room he made one decission , he will never forgive himself.


"Taehyung ,you know we can't let you be like this !. You are the face of the company tell how will the employees, your followers will feel when they will know that you are doing all of these?" Taehyung's dad shouted at him ,smashing his own hand on the table to release his temper on something that does not cry when it's hurted .

Taehyung just lowered his head , "for god's sake ! taehyung be serious for this time!"

Jungkook watched taehyung's parents shouting at him from the little space mistakenly left opened ,

"Stop doing these fucking shitty...." Jungkook heard concentrating, ".... drugs!." Jungkook's eyes went wide "drugs?" He whispered.


"Oh my, pretty jungkook baby" taehyung muttered holding a picture of jungkook in his sinful hands, "I'm sorry ,I love you" he kissed the photo .
"I don't deserve to walk down the aisle with you..." He put the wine on the side table and took the knives in his hand, "I don't deserve to to see you this beautiful" he cuts his flesh deep under his eyes. "I don't deserve to kiss you" he cuts his left cheek ,

"I don't deserve to hold your pretty hands" he makes one mark again in his chest . "I'm sorry I met you in life" he cuts again "I thought when you will get up from the coma you will be.." he sighed and again he cuts himself "...mine" and again cuts him

"But you're so pretty , I love you" he made an mark right on his left side, in his heart.

"But still....this heart is only for you"



"Hello, jungkook? Darling it's me mrs. Kim taehyung's mother. Is your health okay?"

"Yes it is ok, mother... taehyung's mother"

"Just call me mom hm?"


"Perhaps, do you know where taehyung is? Is he home? Please tell me he's home. Since these days he never picked up my phone, he's home right? He's watching movies with you right? He's eating the dinner you made him right? He's not picking up my phone because he's busy right?"

".......i-i'm sorry"

Jungkook hung up the call, he did not know where taehyung is . taehyung's not home these days ,what will he say to his mother?.

Jungkook closed his eyes, and sat on the floor "...where are you taehyung?"
He whispered.


"How dare you? How you fucking dare to say that?" Taehyung shouted at the mirror, meaning himself.

He punched the mirror .

"Only if I was not born as a monster.."
He dropped himself on the floor

"Oh my goodness, only if I wasn't born as a monster"

"Why was I born as a monster"

"Only if...."

"......i wasn't born as a monster"


𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 (Season 1,2) [𝘁𝗸✔️]Where stories live. Discover now