Chapter 4: Nora

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Sports. They make the world go round. As much as I am not a sports fan, I can appreciate the oneness that happens when people cheer for or against a team.

My favorite sport is basketball. It is the only one I understand fully and attempted playing, even if I wasn't that good.

Yet now, I am on my way to a soccer– well, football game. Brooklyn is sitting in the driver's seat with a big smile on her face.

She wears one of Felix's jerseys which he kindly let us wear to the game. Her hair is loose around her shoulder, not long enough to cover the Lambton on the back. Her denim shorts almost reach knees loosely and her red Adidas are on her feet.

She is currently singing along to a Taylor Swift song she put on the radio. Her head is bobbing to the rhythm and her face grimaces everytime she tries to hit a high note.

I am also wearing one of Felix's extra jerseys with a skirt. My long blonde hair is pulled up into a ponytail, in order to see the last name on the shirt.

I've never been so motivated for a soccer game, not even the world cup. Brooklyn told me that these are the school rivals, which only adds to the appeal.

We are really excited to see Felix play because he has been arrogantly cocky for the past two weeks about his skills. I truly believe he is talented, but it has been annoying for the past few days.

And apparently, Felix's cousin that will start at school next year is coming to see him play. He already instructed us to sit with her and initiate her into the group. Her name is Victoria and she came all the way from Spain.

Brooklyn's red mercedes, which we are currently in, smells like cherries. Exactly the scent she always has. She's so sweet, which obviously translates into everything about her.

These past few weeks we have become best friends. We see eachother at school any time we can, which is usually mornings, the few classes we have together, lunch and the evenings.

Yesterday, I went to her house, which was filled with people. Her dad and mom are both very nice, but the real kicker is her siblings. She has three siblings. Austin, Paris and Callaway.

All of their names are based on places her parents visited when they were married. Way before they had any children. Now, they keep popping them out.

Austin, based on Austin, Texas; Paris based on France; and Roman, inspired by Rome.

It's very beautiful how their names all have meaning. Brooklyn's the oldest, so the tradition started with her.

She is very obviously the oldest child since she takes care of her siblings all the time. Her mom has a fashion store, but she gets a little exasperated with the kids. Brooklyn handles it all perfectly.

As soon as we start pulling up to the school, the energy is off the charts. Everyone is decked in team pride. Some wear hats and have their faces painted, others just have some pompoms. Doesn't matter. Everyone is way too into this.

Brooklyn parks her car and turns to me with a smile. "You will love the game." She claps her hands in excitement. "Felix reserved seats for us next to the field so we could see all the action up close."

We get out of her car and she comes over to me and loops her arm around mine. When we walk nobody really notices us, since everyone is in their own little excited world.

There are even some kids who are way too young to be in high school covered in merchandise. Most are with their parents, filled with happiness for the game. I wonder if Darcy will be here to support Theodore.

As we strut over to our seats, we are stopped by a burly security guard. His expression is stern and his arms are crossed in his chest.

"Name, please." He demands with a deep voice.

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