Chapter 7: Nora

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It's no secret that this school is prestigious. Tuition costs more than Harvard, everyone's parents are always giving donations and if you flunk three years in a row, you are no longer a part of the school.

The richer you are, the more social power you have. Real life is like that too, not just HAS. My father has money, but he isn't as rich as Felix or Lorenzo's fathers.

The lever of money that this school produces and pumps into the amenities are obvious, especially in the library.

It has five floors, two of which are just books for entertainment. The others have any type of information you would need for a class project or research. The ceilings are high and painted with a beautiful piece depicting angels sitting on a cloud.

Tables ranging from sizes coat all the free floor space. Considering the vast number of students that go here, they fell short with the seats. The tables are wooden, as are the chairs. Sitting on them too long will make you get a knot in your lower back.

Shelf after shelf fill the walls, each touching the ceiling of the floor they rest on. Books about history, science, cooking, math, english, spanish, french, italian. It resembles Alexandria's library with all of the knowledge that is waiting to be opened.

For English class, I have to do a book report on Romeo and Juliet. That's why I am sitting in the library, reading the classic.

For being a library, it isn't very quiet. I can hear giggles, mutters and faint music. That light ambiance makes me concentrate better than straight silence.

I've never had a problem with reading, but today the words are mixing together. They seem blurry and the letters are unrecognizable.

Rubbing my eyes, I sit up straighter, checking to see if I am imagining what's happening to me. My mouth is dry and my head hurts.

I start to feel lightheaded and my head starts to lull backwards, but someone catches my neck and sits me straight.

"Here." They hand me a protein bar. "You're pale."

My gaze meets theirs and it's Lorenzo Astor, staring at me with an encouraging smile. Of course, I grab the protein bar and take a bite. Immediately I feel better.

"Do you always forget to eat?" He asks while pulling out the chair next to me. His tall body slumps in the chair, his backpack falling on the side.

I shake my head, still confused on what happened. "No, never. I don't know what happened to me."

"You should be more careful." He warns, his voice still soft. "Your blood sugar can drop."

"I know." I reply, still chewing the combination of nuts and chocolate.

He grabs the book in front of me. "You're lucky. This book is fun."

"I've never read it."

"Well, It's in my house's library if you need a copy to read in your home." He offers, still looking at the book.

"That's very nice, Lorenzo. Thank you." I smile and put the wrapping of my snack in my bag. "And thank you for the bar."

He gives me a small nod. "It's no problem. If you feel dizzy you can just look for me. I always have a stock of snacks in my bag."

"Noted." I chuckle. "So are you here to study?"

He doesn't have any books or electronics out, so maybe he likes hanging out here. "Actually, I came to talk to you."

I furrow my eyebrows, my interest peaked. "Why?"

He sighs before speaking. "I know that you and Theo fought at my party and he's been beating himself up about it. He's not one to say sorry, but I want you to know in case he tries to talk to you."

As I hear the words, anger creeps up my throat. I take deep breaths as Enzo finishes talking. His face is innocent, he's trying to do the right thing. Still, I get madder and madder.

"Look, Enzo, I get that you're trying to help your friend, but he's sixteen years old. He's not a baby. If he's really sorry, he can come and tell me himself."

"He didn't send me to tell you this. I just wanted you to know." He clears up, even though this won't help my feelings.

I shake my head in disappointment. "I get it, I really do. But he had no right to call me a whore or question my decisions on what I do at a party where everyone was dancing and drinking. And I refuse to accept a half assed apology by someone who is not him."

Enzo nods like he understands what I am trying to explain. "He told me that you said that it would take more than slutshaming to hurt you. Is this about what happened at your last school?"

My eyes snap to him, I thought dad only told the principal about the situation. "How do you know what happened?"

"It's really easy to hack into the principal's computer." He shrugs like that explains everything. When he sees my expression he speaks again. "I haven't told anyone. I just wanted to see who Brooklyn's new best friend was."

"I don- I don't want you to tell anyone, Lorenzo." I wag my finger in his face. "Not Brooklyn, not Theodore, nobody."

He lifts his arms up in a disarming position. "I swear I won't, Nora. I'm just saying that if you need anyone to talk to you can tell me since I already know the situation."

"I would thank you, but what you did was creepy." I say in full seriousness.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to check your permanent record to see if you were good for Brooklyn."

"She can take care of herself better than anyone." I defend her because he's a little too obsessed.

"I know." He looks at the book again. "But why should she take care of herself when I can do it too."

I laugh at his words. Not going to lie, they are a little adorable. "Why don't you tell her that?"

He shakes his head quickly, his hair flopping along. "Because I know I'm not good enough for her. I have no problem watching from afar and breaking a fucker's nose."

I pat his shoulder. "That's just sad, Enzo."

"I don't mi-" He's cut off when a shadow looms on us.

Before I turn, I smell who it is. It smells like those expensive cigarettes he was smoking at the party. Rolling my eyes, I twist to look at him.

"Enzo, let's go. We have soccer practice." Theodore only stares at Lorenzo, he doesn't even spare a glance my way.

Lorenzo gives me an apologetic smile. "I have to go. Nice chat." He grabs his bag and stands up.

As soon as he is on his feet, Theodore walks away. He didn't even look at me once. Enzo rushes behind him, finally meeting him at the library doors.

They leave and leave me in my thoughts. So, Lorenzo knows about Marcus when I really didn't want anyone to find out.

I am not embarrassed of the situation, but people tend to treat me differently after they find out. Their gazes mix with pity and I can't stand it. Even though this is a total invasion of privacy, I decide against telling daddy. He would probably try to sue Lorenzo's family and they are way too powerful, they would crush him in a second.

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