Ch.21: Dark Thoughts.

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Song: Blame It On The Kids - AViVA

Yuzu was sitting on his car with his finger tapping impatiently the wheel while he tried to keep himself calmed as the minutes passed by. Part of him wanted to drive away back to the school, meet up with his darling and leave this clown to ruin himself like he has been doing lately but the other part of him asked him to wait just a couple more minutes to... 'talk' with Hajime, to try and reason with him and convince him to leave his darling alone. After a couple of more minutes, Yuzu looks at the building one last time before catching a glance of the man he was waiting to see, Hajime exited the building with a couple of trash bags on his hands as he made his way to the alley.

Yuzu takes a deep breath before getting off the car and walking towards the alley while his mind raced with a million thoughts as he gets closer and closer to Hajime but as hard as he tried to be reasonable, to have a normal conversation with him, the majority of his thoughts included plans that would land him on prison. Hajime puts the trash bags inside the bins before hearing steps coming closer to him, turning around, he catches a small glimpse of a man walking towards him before feeling a sharp pain on his face. He wasn't able to look up at his attacker before receiving another hit on the other side of the face.

Hajime falls down as he slowly crawls to the dumpster trying to get some support but a kick on his stomach makes him fall flat down. He groans as he tries to speak out but another kick lands on his face. It was the first of many.


After a couple of hours, Yuzu drives around the streets as the thoughts on his mind slowly calmed down, he wanted to call (Y/n) to calm himself faster but his phone was dead. His clothes were a little messy, his breath was a little agitated as his hand gripped the wheel. It was late for the PTA meeting, but if he hurried, he could get there before it finished.

Yuzu parks his car in front of the school before getting off the vehicle and walking to the door as he mentally prepares himself to see the love of his life again after one of his moments where he lets his thoughts overpower his reasoning while getting inside the building. He looks around the place as his eyes search for the (h/c) haired man to find a little solace in the mess of the parents walking around the hall presuming their kid's achievement as if they were competing with each other. It felt odd how the parents argued with a passive-aggressive tone on which kid was better while the kids themselves always tried to play down their abilities while praising their friend's achievements. Somehow, Yuzu felt a little proud on how different his students were from his parents when it came to empty competitiveness.

At the end of the hall, he finds his lover talking calmly to a couple of parents or more likely the parents talking over him. PTA felt like hell on earth to them. (Y/n) spots him from the corner of his eye as Yuzu smiles at him before getting closer, noticing the exhausted glint on (Y/n)'s eyes knowing that he was getting tired from interacting with other people.

Yuzu walked by his side before placing a hand over (Y/n)'s shoulder getting the attention of the people closer to (Y/n) "I apologize for interrupting, but I need professor (L/n) for a second...." he gently pulls (Y/n) to him as they walk away from the parents.

"Thank you..." he mutters out before they get into an empty classroom.

"You looked like you needed to get out of there... are you okay?" Yuzu closes the door behind them as he stands in front of him placing his hands over his cheeks.

(Y/n) chuckles softly as he places his hands over Yuzu's looking up at his eyes "I'm fine, I can handle a little bit of entitled parents, luckily I've met more of the good parents, I'm happy to hear that most of them are willing to hear out their kids and work with them..."

"Huh, neat..." Yuzu murmurs before leaning closer to his face kissing his forehead.

"Where were you? If you don't mind me asking..." (Y/n) asks looking up at his eyes "I tried calling you, but it took me to voice mail..."

Yuzu smiles at him as he takes a deep breath and cups his face looking at his eyes.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I forgot to charge my phone and it died a couple of hours ago, to be honest, I felt a little overwhelmed lately and went for a little drive around the town..."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, would you like to leave a little early? The principal will have little chat with the parents before ending the meeting..."

Yuzu chuckles softly before resting his forehead on his "I just got here, I'm pretty sure that the principal will have my head for this..."

(Y/n) smiles and shrugs a little "Well, neither of us want to be here and I already have the information of what the principal is going to discuss with the parents so we can both pretend to be sick and leave now... go for a pizza or something similar..."

Yuzu smiles at him as he kisses his forehead one more time wrapping his arms around (Y/n)'s body "Yeah... let's buy some food and go home..."

"Home..." (Y/n) murmurs repeating after him "I like the sound of that..." he hugs him back resting his head on his shoulder.

Being closer his closer to him calmed him down completely, he felt like his dark thoughts didn't have any power on him... but he also felt that all his actions were justified...

He felt nothing for the man that he left half dead on the alley almost an hour ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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