3. Bloody Plan

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Three days beforeAstarion pov

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Three days before
Astarion pov

     "You want to do what?" Shadowheart cries as Gale finishes explaining Astarion's idea to the rest of the party. Astarion puffed his chest and scowled at the white-haired woman, offended that she didn't believe it was a good idea. Lae'zel crossed her arms over her chest, her armor clinking as she did so. "Do you really think this will work, or are you just hungry for something other than pigs?" She asks, her voice throwing daggers towards the vampire's chest. Astarion scoffs, and his hands throw themselves in the air in defense.

     "What other bloody plan do we have? Elysium lays in her tent, dying from a damn poison no one knows about!" Astarion roars and the party falls silent from his words, their eyes cast to the ground or the air as they think of the plan. "I am simply thinking of Elysium and her condition. My hunger would not be sated from simply sucking her blood and spitting it out, so I am not poisoned either. Her blood is putrid and contaminated. I can still smell it from here. I wouldn't consume that even if I wanted to!" With that, his hands placed themselves on his hips, his head swaying in a sassy manner with his words.

     "I think it's the best plan we've got right now," Karlach says after a few moments of silence. The vampire's eyes met with hers, and he nodded in appreciation of the tiefling's approval. "Astarion's just trying to look out for her and give Gale more time to figure out what that basilisk did to her."

     "Fine, Astarion can bite Elysium. As long as he promises not to take a drop more than he feels fit." Lae'zel states, looking towards Shadowheart, who still seemed not easily swayed by the idea. "And what happens if he does end up drinking her blood? Then we have two people to save from an unknown poison." Shadowheart says, and Astarion scoffs, placing a hand on his chest.

     "Shadowheart, I am offended by your lack of confidence in me. I have some self-control, you know." He says, and Shadowheart glares at the man. "I promise not to take even the slightest sip of her tainted blood and will only take a small amount each time." He says, the hand on his chest rising to look at his nails.

     "I'm still not completely on board, but as you said, we have no other plan to save her right now," Shadow says. The uneasiness was evident in her words. Astarion smirks and bows slightly. "Thank you for your trust."

     "We can try this after the sun falls. I still have some research to go through. You can go through with it if I don't turn up with anything by sundown." Gale states, and Astarion bows his head in acknowledgment. With this, the party went their separate ways, Astarion heading towards his tent to do his own research on the poison in Fae'run.


     Astarion exits his tent, looking up at the pink and purple sky, sighing as he knows Gale hasn't thought of an antidote yet. Contrary to Shadowheart's belief, Astarion doesn't want to bite Elysium as much as she thinks he does. This idea is just a last-ditch effort to keep her alive long enough for Gale to find something useful.

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