13. Mademoiselle

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Elysium pov

     Elysium awoke to the feeling of a hand on her small furred frame and slowly lifted her tail from her eyes to take in her surroundings. The sun slightly peaked from behind the curtains, and the room was quiet. She yawned and tried to stretch underneath Astarion's hand, a light meow emitting from her cat form. She turned her head to the other side to peer at the vampire, finding him still asleep, his mouth slightly open, revealing his fangs.

     He was beautiful. Those white curls fell perfectly over his smoothed features, not a wrinkle in sight as he slept peacefully. His white collared shirt is tight over his body as his other hand rests on his stomach. Elysium was happy he was finally sleeping peacefully after so many nights of tossing and turning.

     Despite this being the first night they shared in close quarters, Elysium could hear his discomfort and occasionally heard light whimpers of his crying. She did not know why the vampire was not sleeping, but she had a few ideas about what the nightmares really contained.

     As she lay there watching the pale elf, her mind wandered to what she had heard before falling into her blissful rest. Thank you, my paradise, he had said. It took everything in her not to smile and ruffle her fur at the sound of him calling her HIS.

     It had been a continuous battle in her brain concerning her feelings for the vampire, especially after their fight, but she had found herself falling for him harder the past two days. However, she didn't know how Astarion felt about her. Their dynamic has always been complex, and she couldn't discern his thoughts with this newfound tension between them. The two had gone from constantly berating and arguing to flirting and sharing a bed. It was all so confusing and frustrating.

     However, her feelings were the last thing she needed to focus on at the moment. Poison still raged through her body even though her wound had healed, not to mention the army that was supposedly marching to usurp Astarion's power.

     With a silent sigh and cat-like grace, she slipped away from the vampire's hold, light footfalls on the wood beams below the bed. She turned to Astarion, ensuring the man had not stirred before transforming out of her wildshape and taking her clothing to the small bathroom.

     Once her armor was back on and her braided ponytail was done, she entered the bedroom again to find Astarion switching his shirt with his back to her. Elysium's eyes trailed the man's back, scars, shoulder blades, and muscles from his recent training in monk fighting styles. Everything took her breath away. Gorgeous. 

     "Good morning, darling. I would say paint a picture, but we would be here for hours." Astarion speaks, turning around to grab his chest plate with a devious smile. Elysium felt her cheeks flush, her scales, gifted from her draconic ancestry, burning. That was until she noticed the giant black and blue mark on his side, her eyes widening in response.

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