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𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄... when it comes to needing someone to vent to now and then, Howl practically has no one to turn to. It's not like he can talk to Markl about his issues-he's just a kid and will only understand to a certain degree, Howl already can't hide anything from Calcifer, so there is no point in filling him in on what's bothering him unless he asks, but you...? You're reliable beyond all recognition.

Howl feels like he could tell you anything and, unfortunately, there were times when he accidentally overshared too much about himself. Once he realizes that there are certain reasons why certain stuff should be left unsaid, he'll turn bright red out of embarrassment. You can't help but laugh at his reason every time this happens, but you end up reassuring him that it's fine and you don't mind it.

You're just happy that he's so comfortable around you.

You're just happy that he's so comfortable around you

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