I Lost My Fear of Falling

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Title- It's Not A Fashion Statement, It's A Fucking Deathwish- My Chemical Romance

Bucky hung from the side of the train, sweat gleaming from the sides of his head. He tried to hold on. It should have been easy. Soldiers often had calloused hands, red from the trigger, knuckles worn and torn from the fights and nights of extensive training. Bucky shouldn't have found it so damn hard to hold on, and he certainly shouldn't have felt as scared as he did. He was a fucking soldier- second in command to Captain-fucking-America! What kind of Nazi-killer would be whimpering in this scenario? But the train moved fast, and so Bucky gripped tighter, Steve's panicked face coming in and out of focus. Bucky could hardly hear a sound, but he knew that Steve was telling him to grab his hand. And who was Bucky to disobey an order? 

They had been so damn close, to make things worse. Their fingers had brushed, but the train was unstable, and Bucky knew then he would never feel the ground beneath his feet again. The bar snapped, and he fell, Steve's name clinging to his lips. He heard his pal scream too, and it echoed. It echoed around in his mind until he hit the snow. His vision failed, yet he saw crimson leak from the corner of his eye. He felt blinding pain, too, bubbling beneath the surface.
He'll find me. Thought Bucky. He always does
Bucky let himself lose consciousness, deep within a fantasy of Steve pulling his limp body from the snow. He'd even smiled with the sound of footsteps and strong hands pulling him upright. 
'You found me, Rogers.' Bucky slurred. 'Y'always do.' But the voice that came from the mouth of Bucky's saviour wasn't Steve's, nor had it been one of the Commandos. It was rough and cruel, bitter, cold, and sharp as midwinter. It was like nails on a chalkboard. It wasn't Steve at all. 

If Bucky had known just who had pulled him from the snow, he would have fought harder. He would have fought longer. If Bucky had known, he never would have left the measly little boy in the alleyway, never would have gone to war. 
If Bucky had known...maybe everything would have been okay. 

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