Chapter Five- Not a Dream

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5. Not a Dream

"I can see that you are feeling so much better now" Reed voice came from behind me. I was few feet from the edge of the cliff , the same place where I would meditate on a regular basis.

"Yes, I am" I responded but I did not turn to face him. It was already evening, after I had taken my bath , drank the herbs and ate the meal Fia prepared, I had desperately tried to go back to sleep as she insisted that I rest more, but I couldn't, he somehow evaded my mind.

My body was healing, and I could feel my magic being restored yet I was not strong enough as I used to be.

I had tried to avoid him that was why I chose to stay in my tent all day, but when I realized that he was not around our campsite I finally came out, it made me wonder where he had gone to though.

I do not think that he is quite familiar with these woods, I know that he could not get lost but a part of me despite my protest worried for his well being.

"I went into town, it was a bit far, I got a few things for us" he said

"You did not have to" I replied, my voice came out harsher than usual, I do not expect it to sound so strong and almost rude.

"Well..., we needed them, I wonder how the two of you survive with such little things" he said "I thought women love object" he added

I frowned this time and this time I meant to "I am not your generation kind of woman and I have raised Fia to not be as well, we have been surviving quite fine as you can see" I said, tilting my head a little bit to get some view of his figure

"I was only trying to help" he responded, his voice almost sounded frustrated.

"You shouldn't have, we do not need your help. I told you not to come with me but you would not listen. You do not fit into my life" I stated coldly.

I expected a response from him immediately instead he remained silent, after few seconds, he took long strides from where he stood to where I was seated on a mat on the ground.

He stood in front of me and I lifted my head up to get a good view of his face. There was a frown on his face, he ran his fingers throw his head and released a lengthy sigh.

"You might think that I should not to be in your life but you are wrong. You are a priestess, I am surprised that you cannot see that this thing between us is real—forget about who you are and just be open to the possibility" he stated

I scoff "I have lived hundred of years and you have barely reached half a century and you think you have knowledge of things—"

"For a old woman, you are thinking shallow right now" he cut me off

My eyes widens in shock by his statement, I wanted to say something back but he crouched down to my level for us to see each other, eye to eye.

His captivating blue orbs pierced into mine and I knew for certain that I was holding my breath, he was so close to me that with just one  quick move his lips would touch mine.

He surprised me when I feel his right hand fingers run across my face, I feel the electricity created by the so-called bond between us run through every part of my body that I shivered.

"Tell me you do not feel it" he said in a very coarse but enticing voice, his eyes never leaving mine. I have never been this close to any man and I never thought I would.

"I—" I started but I stopped when his fingers moved to my neck causing the intensity of the electrifying feeling running through my body rose sky high.

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