Chapter Twenty- War is coming

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20. War is Coming

My mother has been quiet, too quiet for my liking, three days has passed since my encounter with her yet she has made no appearance, I know she was coming but I had expected her to have come by now, now that she had my father's full essence in her control.

I was still without magic, it was as though I was not a witch in the first place, I had tried even the simplest of spells yet none of them worked, Reed was always by my side, that was this constant fear in his eyes like he feared something bad was going to happen just like I did but I think Reed feared what was going to happen to me.

Maybe my mother assumes I was dead, I should have been dead, the moment the essence was taken out of me because it had been my life source in all my entire existence, war was coming and I was worried that I would not be able to help and it was a war that would be caused by my own flesh and blood.

The coronation of Alpha Kaden and Luna Louisiana was today, It was to be held in the palace , Reed and I as well as Fia and Nadine took the journey two days ago. I have never attended a coronation in my lifetime, I have never seen the need to and now there was a need, my mother was plotting to kill the present monarch and I would be the one to bear the bad news.

The palace halls were filled with Alphas and delegates of several packs that had come to witness the ceremony, Alpha Kaden looked strong standing in his regalia outfits so did Luna Louisiana but I could not miss the fright in her eyes, that uncertainty if the problems of her life have finally come to an end, I wished that would be true but it wouldn't be because I was not strong enough to defeat my mother.

Reed held my hands tightly as though trying to calm me down as we watched the proceedings, he knew what was coming, he knew that blood of his kind would be spilled all because of greed and a quest of power.

"I give you King Kaden and Queen Louisiana!" The high priest declared and the entire halls erupted into cheers and applause, then we all knelt down to show reverence.


I stayed in the palace grounds along with my friends after the ceremony and the banquet was completed, two days as already passed and now I would be given an audience with the King.

I walked into the throne room, hand in hand with Reed, I would say our relationship was stable for now but there was still a lot of things to look forward to, we had to get to know each other properly and Reed was not still marked.

King Kaden looked stunned to see us so close to each other, Reed had once informed him that I was his mate but I had denied it that time and now I was accepting it.

"King Kaden, Queen Louisiana" I bowed along with Reed, Fia and Nadine, Nadine was a bit overwhelmed by the whole thing, she had never been in a werewolf royal palace before surrounded by this many wolves, and she was only doing so because of me to help me get my magic back, more like learn magic from the beginning again, thankfully I had managed to move a cup few centimeters from its initial position but it would take a whole more than that to defeat my mother.

"Priestess" Kaden gave a curt nod "I am delighted that you are well, I had imagined you would be the one to crown me since you helped me in saving my mate. I have forever in your debt" he added, Louisiana gave a soft smile, her fingers fidgeting in her dress, it would take a while for her to get used to the whole royal new life, even in her dress her belly was well protruded, she seemed to be around half the term now.

"I am thankful for your help as well" she responded softly, I smiled at her.

"It was my pleasure that is why I hate that I have to be the one to tell you that evil is coming" I breathed
Louisiana eyes widens, her eyes immediately glistened with tears. It was exactly as I feared, the fright in her eyes was well evident now, she immediately held the hand of her mate for emotional support.

"What do you mean?" Kaden questioned sternly, his Alpha presence was on full on, just like a true Alpha always ready to defend.

"War is coming my King and my mother would be the bearer of the war, she has grievances with the werewolves and she was the one behind Williams, I think she wants the throne" I revealed

"Your mother was a werewolf, how is it possible that she survived all this years?" He was clearly unconvinced by my revelation and I understood that, I would have been the same if I had not witnessed my mother trying to drain life out of me.

"She was a werewolf but not anymore, she has become a witch" I answered

Kaden chuckled "a werewolf turning into a witch, it had to be in my life time. Priest I need you to explain how a werewolf turns into a witch"

"Of course".


I left the Kings presence after explaining the situation at hand, after revealing how my good mother has turned into an evil being but I have  to remain in the palace grounds, if war was coming, the king had demanded my help though I doubt I would be of any help at the moment I was willing to try, my father's last words continually echoing in my mind, 'don't give up easily' and I was trying my best not to, I have never been in a situation where I have been rendered completely useless but the moon goddess gave me a bit of hope and I guess that hope was carrying me on.

As soon as I left the king's presence I made my way to the training grounds along with my people. If I hope to truly fight against my mother and win this time I had to continue my practice.

"Althea!, are you sure about this?" Nadine yelled from across the field, I had instructed her to attack me with a strong magic, maybe the reason why my magic was still docile was because my essence has never been in any serious danger, this had to work, it had to. Reed was sharing a worried gaze with Fia but neither of them spoke up, their words would not even stop me, this was not time to dwell on our emotions.

"I am sure!" I yelled back, Nadine paused for a second or two, she appeared to be contemplating the whole thing but she eventually gave a curt nod, I took my stance waiting for her attack, if I was my former self, I should be able to create a shield to defend myself from her attack and even mirror her attack back at her easily but I know this time it will not be that easy.

Nadine fired me with her magic and as I expected I could not block it and it swept me off the ground high and I landed with a loud thud, Reed and Fia were about to rush over to me as I laid in the ground wincing in pain but I stopped them by waving my hand. I got up from the ground and took my stance once more.

"I am afraid you might hurt yourself" Nadine sounded very worried.

"I am fine" I responded back "again!" I demanded and she fired at me again and again the same thing happened. I finally understood how pure werewolves and humans felt when they struggle to get something, having to be knocked down many times was not a good feeling. Beads of sweat formed around my forehead and my entire face and neck, I know I now looked out of place but I wasn't going to give up though I felt incredibly weak.

"I think we should stop" Reed suggested.

"No!" I yelled "we cannot stop, I refuse to let my mother win" I said as I got up from the nth time "Again" I added as I took my stance once more, my father's words echoed in my ears and when Nadine fired at me, I finally feel it, I finally feel my essence inside of me and then it was as though it bursted out of me and a shock wave was released out of me and straight at Nadine causing her to the thrown feet of the ground and when she landed, she coughed out in blood, I immediately rushed over to her, pulling her into my laps.

She chuckles " That is the hardest I have ever been hit, you did it"

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