Chapter Twenty Eight- Final Confrontation One

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28. Final Confrontation One

Fia was gone, Fia was gone, those words chanting in my head like a broken painful record, Nadine was holding me still I felt numb and utterly defeated, my mind was frozen and my body had followed suit. Reed face read devastation, tears rolled down his cheeks effortlessly while I struggled to process the reality before me. Images of Fia ran through my mind all at once hitting me like a slap on my face. I have failed, I have lost the war before it even began.

I head whimpers in my ears and it takes a while for me to realize that I was the one making those sounds, then the tears started and began falling freely from my eyes.

"Althea, I am so sorry" Nadine cooed

"But it is not" my words comes out in cracks, I was choking on my tears but I did not want to stop, I deserved this, I have failed to protect one of the person that mattered to me most, I had failed my sister "I killed her, this is all my fault, I made my mother kill her" I cried violently, my body shaking.

"This is not your fault Althea, this is not your fault" Nadine tries to reason with me but this was greater than just mere reasoning.

"How is this not my fault?" I asked bitterly, I know that it is wrong for me to be putting my anger on her but I could not help myself Nadine's eyes filled with sorrow as she struggled to find the right words to console me. She took a deep breath, her voice filled with empathy.

"Althea, I understand your pain and guilt, but you must listen to me. You did not make your mother kill Fia. It was her choice, her decision. Your mother is consumed by darkness, she killed her own child because of her greed"

Nadine's words pierced through the fog of my despair, and I looked at her, searching for answers in her eyes.

"But I couldn't save her," I whispered, my voice broken. "I couldn't save my own sister."

Nadine's grip on my shoulders tightened, her voice filled with determination.

"You may not have been able to save Fia, but that doesn't mean you failed. You loved Fia and Fia loved you back. That matters, Althea. You can't blame yourself for what your mother did. She made her own choices, and she will have to face the consequences, we will defeat her, we will avenge Fia's death."

"I do not want vengeance, I want her back, she has a mate, he is young, how would he move in from this, how will I face him after what I have done. If I did not take possession of her body, she would not have killed her, my mother dished a plate of food for her like a loving mother would, she stared at her with joy in her eyes that for a minute I contemplated the evil that was in her heart, but I foolishly blew my cover, I infuriated her and it cost me Fia's life" I cried, Nadine facial expression dropped into sadness once more, she looked at Reed for help but Reed looked defeated as well.

He walked up to me and pick me up from the floor to the bed "I have no words to say that will comfort you Althea, and it hurts me to watch you go through this much pain. I here Althea, I want you to know that I am here, you can let go, you can cry, you can hit me, I am here" he breathed.

I watched him intensely as his words pierced my heart, I pulled his body into mine and he immediately engulfed me in a hug, "I am here" he cooed softly while stroking my hair, it did not take away the pain, I do not think that anything will take away the pain, but it made me feel like I was not completely alone, Nadine gave me a soft smile and a slight nod accompanying it.

I could not sleep that night, I tossed and tossed in the bed while my mind relieved Fia's death over and over again, Reed was awake as well, he could not sleep as well and was doing his best to comfort me, I would toss and toss and then cry, it was a never ending battle and when it became the break of dawn, I got up immediately and Reed did as well.

My face was drained of its color when I stared at myself in the mirror, I look lifeless but I cannot afford to be lifeless now, war was on our door step and I needed to fight, I needed to stop my mother before she succeeds in reaping out the rest of the people I care for.

I immediately cleaned myself and got dressed in a trousers and by the time I was out Reed was standing there all dressed up as well.

"The warriors are assembling at the ground outside the palace gate, we will wait for your mother there" he said

I nodded and we both walked out of the room, Nadine was waiting for us outside the room and she pat me on the shoulders and we all left the hallways.

The wolves were already assembled in the grounds by the time we got there, King Kaden was at the front of the warrior like a leader should, his beta James was by his side, he spots me and I walked up to him alongside Reed and Nadine.

"I heard about what happened priestess, I am sorry for your loss" he greeted with a sad expression on his face.

"Thank you my King, Fia will continue to live on in me, the past cannot be changed but the future is right in our hands" I responded, he nodded in agreement.

It was then the witches from Nadine's coven appeared. They looked more like witnesses rather than fighters but I knew they were here for the fight, a deal has been made.

"There has not been a battle like this in centuries, it is almost intriguing" Celine commented when she finally made her way to us, the rest of the witches mingled with the werewolves but they kept to themselves

Nadine glared hardly at her mother "There is nothing intriguing about War mother, your excitement makes you seem vile"

"Perhaps it does, but I came, my people came, they are willing to fight by your sides" Celine frowns at her daughter

"I thank you for coming" it was Kaden that spike up this time.

"Fighting by our side at a price" Nadine muttered under her breath but the ones close to her heard it.

"Nothing is free in this world my dear, this world is not a fantasy" Celine fired

"Our existence is a fantasy to the humans if you haven't heard and there is something called the compassion of the heart, but I suppose yours withered off centuries ago" Nadine fired back. A scowl settled on Celine face, it was obvious that she was not pleased with her daughter publicly attacking her, and I was not pleased as well, now was not the time to argue amongst each other like we were enemies when the true enemy was yet to come.

"Enough!" I yelled "your argument does not no good, thank you for coming Celine, keep your end of the bargain and I will do well to keep mine" I added as I pulled out the dagger girdled in my waist belt holding it tightly in my grasp.

"Of course" Celine responded swiftly eying the dagger in my hand, but she did not utter a single word after that, Nadine snorted but she also kept quiet.

Silence engulfed the grounds as we all waited in anticipation for my mother's arrival, my heart was beating incredibly fast against my chest but I was trying to keep a stiff composure, I have never felt this much fear in my entire existence, Fia was gone and it saddened me that some of lives on these fields would be lost today, they would never get to go home and met their families one more time. It broke my heart tremendously, war was never an option.

And then the ground began to shake violently, the sound of running wolves filled the bushes infringe of us and then I saw her with the brightest smile in her face, void of any remorse for the death of my sister, her own child, her own flesh and blood. She was dressed as though she was getting ready for a coronation ceremony, she was so confident that she will win this war, I will not let that happen, even if it cost me my life, we would go together.

"I have been received warmly" she said strong as her army of witches and plagued wolves settled behind her.

The war is now.

Author note:

The book is coming to an end, just one more chapter left and this time, I will give an epilogue, I thank you all for reading this book so far.

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