Chapter Twenty Six - The Order

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26. The Order

Four council members, King Kaden, Nadine, Reed and I, journeyed to the Nadine's coven just at the break of Dawn.

The coven was just as I remembered gloomy and almost lifeless. It grounds was just has large as the werewolf palace grounds only it lacked the vibrancy and charms the werewolf king palace possessed.

I remember the last time I came here, it was over two centuries ago when Nadine had tried to initiate me into the coven for the nth time but once again the coven did not accept me, they were clear on where I stood in their world, I was strange and I was different, they did not like that and did not need that.

"I never thought there would be a day, a werewolf king will stand before us" it was Nadine mother, Celine that spoke, she was the head of the coven and a high ranking member of the Order "your ancestors were clear on how they felt about our kind, what do you seek here King Kaden?"

Nadine rolled her eyes at her mother's antics, they were never close but they were family so they did well to tolerate each other at least most of the times.

We stood in their council room, the members of the Order were six present. Three females and three males adorned in red long robes, they were all seated on throne chairs with a stoic expression on their faces, they really appeared to not be pleased with our visit.

"I would not be here if the matters at hand was not of grave importance and it did not affect your kind as well" Kaden stated boldly, he might need their help but in no way was he willing to bow down to anyone.

"Are you certain that this matter affects us young King?" Celine raised an eyebrow causing Nadine to roll her eyes once more before she said.

"Of course it affects us as well, we have lost control of the other world, the world where my father was imprisoned and as well as others from our kind, you have left it at the mercy of a newly turned witch while you sat in your thrones acting all high and mighty" Nadine was the one to respond before Kaden could.

A deep frown immediately settled on Celine's face showing her displeasure of her daughter's choice of words. "Ingrid might have a good reason for her quest, the werewolves did kill her true love and banished her out to fend for herself and child alone, in my opinion her reasons are justified, Althea here is acting like an ungrateful child, your mother is fighting for your father's honor, you should be proud." she shot out.

"How can it be justified if the ones that supposedly caused the crimes have longed passed on mother, but it will please me to inform you that Lady Ingrid lied, you have all been fooled" Nadine shot back.

Celine eyes narrowed at her daughter for a second or two before she shared a strange look with the rest of the members of the Order seated.
"And we are to believe this is true, what could possibly be ber then for trying to take the werewolf kingdom?" She asked.

"Purely greed, and I am certain that she would not stop when she succeeds in taking over the werewolf world and she will come for your coven as well, my mother intends to rule all, this is far bigger than revenge because there is no revenge if she is the one that actually killed my father" I boldly responded.

"Lies!" Celine banged her fist again the arm of her throne chair

"Is it mother? or do you choose to not see the truth right in front of you, the Order thinks they know everything but they don't, if Ingrid was just after the werewolf community she should have just gone straight for them, why did she have to take over the other world" Nadine explains.

"I will show you" I stated, Nadine and her mother were like fire and ice, the least thing we want now was to turn everything into quarrel. I walked up to her and stretched out her hands for her, she contemplated for a second but she takes my hands into hers, she chants some spells and then I feel her mind get sucked into my own mind after some minutes she pulls out, she glanced at Reed and I realized that she had seen that as well.

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