Chapter Nine- What Binds us?

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9. What Binds Us?

"What do you mean by she is bounded to that place?" Reed was the one to ask while I raked my head for the several possibilities of this whole mess, who would want to bind me to that place, I had no knowledge of that world until today, I know that I might have made some enemies along the way through the centuries, but they would be werewolves, shifters could not do this, unless they were working with a witch, the witch would be very powerful like Nadine said, but then shifters would not even leave that long to enact on a revenge plan on me, I don't think I have caused any damage that would cause all this but there was the fact that this all started with Luna Louisiana, I had no bind with her in anyway so why all this?.

"That world is drawing out your magic though you are not presently there" Nadine added, weariness settled on her face "You could be dying" that was enough to make Fia and Reed jump out of their seats.

"What!" Reed yelled, Fia was already sobbing while I still remained silent, I do not know what to feel at the moment, if I was dying, then this was what I have craved for so badly, I have pleaded with the goddess countless of times to give me this when I failed to recover a dagger that would kill me but now someone else was doing it for me in a different way, there was another way to die.

This was bigger than me just dying, I can feel it in my bones, there was something coming that would be greater than just my death, someone wanted me out of the way but why through Alpha Kaden's mate. I had even promised to help yet here I was dying and drained of magic, I would not be of much help after all, unless there was a way.

"Althea, you are quiet" Nadine voiced, it almost sounded like a whisper, everyone gaze now fell on me.

"If I dying then so be it, but is there a way to slow it down?, Alpha Kaden's mate is involved in this somehow, I already assured them my help" I finally spoke

Reed flared up immediately "so be it!, so fucking be it that you die!, I just met you, you are my mate!"

I chuckled, I know his outburst was not funny but I could not help myself, I never imagined in this life, a male would be bothered by my death, I never imagined there would be a mate to worry for my wellbeing. Fia sobs had increased in its sounds, while Nadine stared at me with wide eyes.

I smile before saying "It has only been three days Reed, we have not mated yet, if this was even a real bond you will survive, if Alpha Kaden could get a second chance, I am certain the moon goddess would extend that favor to you"

"What—the fuck!" He cursed frustratedly, running his fingers through his hair aggressively "What the hell is wrong with you, why are you like this?"

"I was born like this" I simply answered, I know I was fueling his anger but it needed to me done, he had hung around longer than I expected him to, he needs to move on with his life.

"Bullshit!" He yelled "What of Fia?, she is like your daughter, is she not?. Do you not care about how she feels?"

I turned to Fia who was already a crying mess, she covered her face with her palms but her sniffles were loud and tears could be seen running down her hands. I caressed her hair and she froze up immediately, she removed her palms from her face and I take a good look at her, she had really grown up, my beautiful girl. I looked towards Nadine and gave her a nod, she understood immediately, Fia would be taken care of when I pass on, Nadine would make sure of it. "She would be fine" I said softly

"And what about me, you do not care to know if I would be fine!" Reed yells. "Just because of it has been three days that does not mean that you have to be heartless whether you accept it or not, there is something binding us together"

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