Hot Panic

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Picture above not mine. 

I believe I've mentioned that I aim to post every Thursday. If I can't make it to Thursday, then I'll post on a Friday. However, this does not mean I will post on Tuesdays, or Wednesday's. I chose Thursday, because I am typically not busy with school stuff on Thursdays, and it's late enough in the week that I have time before and after to work on chapters. Posting on a Friday, technically just a day late, would really throw off the schedule I hope to hold, so I will most definitely not be posting earlier than Thursdays. Thursday is the goal, and if I happen to finish the chapter early, then I'll just start putting out words for the following chapter. As I write this part, this paragraph, now; I still have much of the week ahead of me to work. I could finish today for all I know, but all that means is that I also have to wait to post. And I'm doing my best to keep to a schedule, so please don't ask for too many chapter scripts or I might need a book too, and don't rush me. If you can't read it on Thursdays for whatever reason you have, that's fine, but I'm not changing the post date just for one or two people. The number of people doesn't matter. I post Thursdays.

Thank you-

And as always, any characters continuously used, unless said otherwise, belong to marvel and Disney. Such as. Hiro Hamada, Tadashi, Baymax, Cass, Mochi, Fred, Wasabi, Honeylemon, Gogo, Judy, Krei, Yama, Callaghan, and Abigail. As well as characters from the series like, Granville, Obake, Karmi, Megan, Noodle Burger boy, Globby, Felony Carl, High Voltage, Momokase, Liv Amara and Diane/Di Amara, Minimax, Richardson Mole, Barron von Steamer, supersonic sue, and others.

-> Basically, any names you don't recognize, probably belong to one of the many OCs I have planned for this book. I also like last names, so look out for that.

[Hot Panic: Big Hero 6, Angst, Angst shot, Hiro Hamada, Tadashi has passed, Set slightly after movie, Au, fire, panic, panic attacks, trauma response, disassociation,I don't know exactly how it works, sorry, loss of loved one, loss of family member, fears, anxiety, 5 out of 10, Hiro realizes he's not a fan of fire, or loud noises, or alarms, slightly inspired, I like the concept, beeps, warnings, from personal experiences; I know that beeping is like never a good sign, hurt/comfort, Hiro, Baymax, Team, Villains, robbery, High Voltage, Mother-Daughter, Baymax comforts Hiro, playing with hands, hiding, hiding feelings, multiple panic attacks, memories, crying, secrets, hurt, more]

Oh, and by the way, this is third person.


His head hurts and his heart is pounding, lights hurt his eyes and his vision was blurry in general. His body feels heavy despite being lifted and every part of him is shaking. His hands are cold despite how they're sweating in his gloves. And his breath feels like it's not there. Like a lack of oxygen. Nothing in or out of his lungs and he's gasping out for a taste of something similar. But it's dust on his tongue. Tasteless, dry, and he's sure it's not even staying if his barely audible wheezes are anything to go by.

His chest still pounded painfully beneath his rib cage and every part of him felt like it was sinking. It was weird. And aweful. It felt like an elephant was trying to squeeze him. Tight. Too warm. Like he was being smothered. Half of his brain was trying to gain back control and figure out where he was again. It was familiar somehow. Yet far away. And the other half of his brain was telling him that this was how he would die.

"Hiro! On your left!" came a voice out of nowhere. A tone that broke through what seemed like sounds entering his ears through water. It sounded like Honeylemon. Well, unless it was Wasabi screaming. He felt Baymax's boosters rocket upwards, the heat strangely crawling up his feet. He could barely feel it.

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