Quiet Night In

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" Her bosoms heaved with desire  as he crashed his lips into hers,. 'Tonight will be the night that I  finally take you , my lady ,  tonight you will be mine."

My lavender scented candle was lit, I was in my comfiest clothes, which consisted of a baggy old tshirt and a pair of sweatpants that had seen better days. I had just taken a nice hot shower and I was ready to relax. I surrounded myself with all of my pillows and dove into my romance novel. I was now living my life vicariously through Lady Cleo and Lord Byron. How lame was that. I sighed and tried not to think about how I was alone and basically reading soft porn in my room to get my kicks.
The guys themselves have been absolutely fantastic. They are both wonderful to live with. Very chill and considerate and sweet. Living with them felt natural, like we had been friends forever .
They were still testing the waters as to how far they could go without offending me, but what they didn't know was that they couldn't offend me. I may seem quiet and mousy but I grew up in a family with-loudmouth brothers and I had pretty much heard it all, in gory detail. Eddie and Steve would cutely pick on me here or there but still had no idea just how much shit I could dish out when given the opportunity. They were just being polite , they had only known me for a week. But soon enough I was going to come from out of nowhere and join in.
I love how they like to hang out together, watching tv, eating meals , sometimes just all of us doing our own things in the living room together and that makes my life feel a lot less lonely. We had established a routine that worked got all of us. I was so very grateful for these boys.
But right now I was ready to drown my single life sorrows in Cleo and Byron's tumultuous sex life.
" But M'Lord we mustn't, for I am betrothed to another-"
" But you are mine and I will take what is mine," he slid his hand under her skirt and up the soft skin of her upper thigh-"
" Mac?"
I jumped. I was so engrossed in the book that I didn't even hear the door open. I felt my face get hot as a blush rose to my cheeks.
" Oh ,Eddie? You can come in."
He peeked his head in and looked around." It's so fucking cozy in here, I love it. Is that lavender I smell? That's a shit ton of pillows." His eyes wondered to my face and he smiled. "So, whatcha reading?"
" A new book I got from the library. It's really good."
" I must be real good if you didn't hear me knock on the door or open it.?" He walked over to the side of the bed and smiled down at me." Why do you look so flushed Sweetheart?" He grabbed the book from my lap.
" Eddie! It's not your type of book-"
His eyes skimmed over the page and widened ."Heaving bosoms, pulsing member? What?"
" Hey, don't ruin it, I  haven't gotten to the pulsing member part yet!"I sat up on my knees and reached for the book . He dodged me.
He smirked." This book is straight up filth. I love it! I can't believe that they are allowed to lend these books out!" He flopped my bed and cleared his throat and read in a sexy voice,"Her body thrummed and ached with need as he unfastened her bodice. His touch setting her body on fire. She could feel the dampness between her legs, she needed him now,- Fuck, this is graphic shit .I wonder how many women have read this book to get off. Wait-" he looked over at me with a twinkle in his big brown eyes. I felt my face getting hotter."Were you going to-"
"No!" Ok - so this could go one of two ways. I could continue to feel embarrassed for something I didn't do or I could flip this situation around and try to see just how far I could push Eddie Munsons buttons. I chose the latter. " Do you really think I would leave my door unlocked with two dudes living under the same roof if I was about to, ya know?"
He smirked." I would leave my door unlocked and invite you in if you knocked." I knew now that this was about to be a challenge.
" That's because you are a pervert."
He threw his head back and laughed."How do I know you aren't one?"
" Because I am a lady." I batted my eyelashes at him.
" Quiet and unassuming, that usually means total freak in the bedroom."
" I am a classy girl. Didn't you notice that I am reading a historical romance novel?"
" That doesn't mean anything Sweetheart, your still reading smut."
" And you don't?"
" I absolutely do, but I'm not as classy as you, mine are mostly picture books, lots of tits and ass , but I mostly read them for the articles."He smirked.
I laughed." Sure ya do, and I read these for the historical references."
It was his turn to laugh, I loved the sound of his laugh,he had a great voice." Touché."
" Just read these to get warmed up. When you're a single gal like me you need to learn how to... take care of yourself. Sometimes I'll draw a nice bubble bath, light some candles, have a glass of wine, slip into my silky robe-"
I watched him swallow hard and clear his throat."Sounds like a nice night-"
" Doesn't it? I love it when the silk from my robe rubs against my soft skin, it feels so good. The bath oils make my skin really smooth."I smiled sweetly at him." Feel how soft my skin is Eddie." I ran my hand up his arm. I watch him blink slowly while watching my fingers  trace the tattoo on his forearm.
He shifted where he sat." Super soft. Is that why you always smell nice? "
" You think I smell nice?" I smiled again genuinely this time
" You always smell good.Like flowers. It's always light and not overpowering. Delicate. It's kind of nice having you around." He smiled.
" It's nice having you around too Munson, even when your creeping into my room trying to catch me doing something private." I smirked.
He laughed. " I was not! I made sure that there weren't any erotic noises coming from the other side of the door before I opened it."
" Your such a gentleman."
" Always Sweetheart." He stood up, " So I've got to ask, since we are learning so much about each other tonight, is that really how you like, take care of business? Like the bath and the wine? Like if we hear the tub running should we leave the premises? I mean that setup sounds pretty nice. I literally open up a magazine and go to town." He had a shit eating grin on his face.
" Of course you do!" I laughed. " And no Eddie, that is not what I really do, but it does sound nice doesn't it? I was making all that shit up because I wanted to see just how far I could push your buttons before making you uncomfortable. Clearly nothing I could possibly say would ever embarrass you if we have only known each other a week and we just had a what , 20 minute conversation about masturbation. "
He tilted his head and squinted his eyes at me."So you were really just fucking with me this whole time?"
" Absolutely. I don't own silk robe," I pointed to the big fuzzy robe hanging on the back of my closet." That hideous thing there is my robe.And there is no way I would tell you my most intimate secrets. I was just seeing if I could fluster you."
" Oh it takes a lot to fluster me babe." He shook his head." I should have known. Well it's good to know that there are literally no boundaries and that you can handle pretty much anything we could ever dish out."
" I have 3 older brothers, nothing you say could possibly shock me."
" Really? Holy shit. Your seasoned to bullshit then. " he licked his lip and ran a finger along my hand."You really do have soft skin though-"
My bedroom door flung open and we both jumped. Steve stepped inside and crossed his arms in front of his chest."What the hell Eddie? Where have you been? Our nachos are out on the counter getting cold! Did you even ask her? Did he even ask you?"
I looked between the both of them."Ask me what?"
" Oh! I was supposed to ask if you wanted to come out and have some nachos with us. I ,Uh , guess I got a little sidetracked."
Steve shook his head." Ya think? " He sighed." Mac, would you like come out and eat , well,cold nachos with us?"
I smiled at Steve." Thank you for thinking of me! That would infact be quite lovely." I popped up off my bed and pat Eddie's back." Good talk Munson."
" Yeah, good talk." He smirked.
" What did I miss?" Steve asked looking from me to Eddie.
" We were just comparing reading material." I smiled.
" What a couple of nerds." Steve snickered and walked out.
Eddie and I couldn't help but look at each other and laugh.

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