Breaking down walls🌶️

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" Hey guys...." Mackenzie sang as she walked through the door." Guess what happened to me today?"
Both Eddie and I turned away from the TV to face her. She was beaming.
"Something good I reckon, from the size of the smile on your face ." I smiled at her.
Eddie burst out laughing." You reckon? Jesus fucking Christ Steven, you reckon? When the fuck did you add that into your vocabulary? What's next? By golly, gee willikers?"
" Your a fucking Asshat." I smirked." How's that for adding to my vocabulary?"
Mackenzie laughed and shook her head." Your both absolutely ridiculous."
"So anyway, our dear girl , you were saying?" I asked, interested to hear what it was that she was so excited to tell us.
" Yeah Sweetheart, what happened to you today? Please elaborate."
She dropped her purse on the counter and came over, plopping into a nearby chair." I was asked out on a coffee date!"
"Mac, that's fantastic!" I congratulated her, it was about fucking time someone realized what a catch she was. I truly was happy for her."Sooo, when are you going out?"
" We already did!" She smiled." Patrick-"
"Patrick?" Eddie and I asked at the same time.
" Yes, Patrick. Well anyways, Patrick came into the library today looking for a certain book, I had read that book and we started chatting. He was so sweet-"
" He didn't know how to find the book in the library on his own?" Eddie snickered.
" I'm sure he did doofus, but maybe he wanted the help of a beautiful girl to find it. It's a good way to break the ice."
Eddie rolled his eyes." I would think a librarian would be more impressed with a guy that could find his way around the stacks."
There was a look on Eddie's face I couldn't quite place. Irritated? No, jealous? Maybe. Oh boy.
" Soooo." Mackenzie continued," We were discussing this book and that turned into us talking about similar books we had read,and then he asked me out for coffee, and it was close to my lunch break so we popped over to the cafe next door-" her eyes shifted to me, "Your latte's are way better Steve, just so you know, and we had a really nice time.He asked me out on a real date on Friday night."
I smirked." So my latte's are better?"
" So much better."
" I'm glad. " I smiled and leaned forward, squeezed her knee. " I'm so happy for you Mac. This is great. Where are you guys going on your date?"
"We are going to go to dinner, maybe a movie, we will see where the night takes us." She bit her lip." This is the first real date I have been on in a while, I'm kind of nervous."
" You'll be fine. Your sweet,charming and it sounds like you two have a lot in common. "
" He is so nice-"
" But if he's not, ditch his fucking ass. You don't need to settle for an asshole, not again." Eddie stood up and went into the kitchen to get a beer.
" I won't. I refuse to be in another relationship where I am treated like shit."
" You deserve better this time Mac." I smiled at her. " Someone that treats you right, but if he doesn't I'll kick his ass, we'll kick his ass."
She smiled back than stood up." I know you will." Then she was off to her room.
I looked over at Eddie, he took a long sip as he watched her walk away. I went into the kitchen and got myself a beer as well." You could at least pretend to be happy for her."I cracked the can open and took a long drink.
" I don't know what the fuck your talking about Harrington. I'm fucking ecstatic."
" Ha! You fucking liar." I shook my head. " I know how you feel about her Eddie, you
can't fool me , I have known you too long for you to pull that shit."
" Again Harrington, you have no clue what your talking about."
" I can see it written all over your face. " I lowered my voice." I see the way you look at her. You have feelings for her and your too much of a chicken shit to say anything. "
Eddie smirked and shook his head." Says the man that hasn't been in a serious relationship since Nancy Wheeler in high School. You're just as much of a chicken shit as I am. But somehow your Steve Harrington, relationship expert."
" I'm no fucking expert and I know what it is like to be scared, I'm telling you Eddie, she won't break your heart. I can see that same look in her eyes-"
"Then why the fuck is she going out with some other guy?" He whispered harshly.
"Because you never asked her! You never told her how you feel Asshole!"
" I guess it doesn't fucking matter now does it?" Eddie slammed his can down on the counter."None of it fucking matters anymore."
I folded my arms in front of my chest." It's not too late Eddie."
" I fucked around and she found someone else."
" They haven't even really gone out yet. It's not set in stone-"
"But she seemed happy, and I don't want to ruin that."
" She would be happy with you-"
" Steve stop, I'm done talking about it ok? I fucked up, I get it. Now I'm dealing with the consequences." He grabbed his keys off the counter." It's time for me to go to work." He huffed then stormed off.
"Eddie-"I ran my hands over my face as he closed the door. " Jesus Christ." This was going to be a mess and I was stuck right in the fucking middle.
" Come on Pretty girl, I know you can cum for me again,yeah?." I whispered into Julie's ear as I rolled my hips, thrusting into her. I had needed her tonight and thankfully she had needed me just as badly.
After Eddie had left I had felt like shit. We didn't ever argue, we never fought. Maybe it wasn't any of my business, what happened between Eddie and Mackenzie, but honestly I wanted to see them together. I thought that they would be good for each other. Mackenzie, has the sweetest heart and so much love to give and Eddie, he deserved to finally be loved by someone that truly cared for him,and I believe that she did. I wanted them to both be happy and I knew that they could be happy together.
But maybe I wasn't the right person to get involved.
Eddie wasn't lying when he said that I had been a coward when it came to love, I ran from it, hid from it because I had gotten my heart broken so badly that I thought I could never recover. I was afraid to feel love again, afraid that if I got in too deep it could happen again. That thought was terrifying.
I looked for temporary satisfaction, meaningless sex with strangers because I couldn't stand the thought of getting attached to someone. I didn't want commitment or feelings, just release. Until I met Julie.
If you had told me the night that I met her that weeks later I would still be pursuing her I would have laughed,  but here I was , in her bed again, buried deep inside her,whispering sweet nothings into her ear. There was an undeniable connection between the two of us, it had been there when she had first smiled at me from across the bar the night I went out with Mac and Robin. I couldn't admit it at the time, wouldn't admit it. She was just another beautiful girl that I picked up in a bar for a one night stand.Only it didn't stop at just one night. I had called her again the next week, and the week after that, breaking my own steadfast rule, don't become attached.
I couldn't help it, this girl was intoxicating. She was funny and smart so incredibly sexy. She was easy to talk to, infact we would lay in bed together after having sex and just talk. Most of the time our chats were completely random, would you rather questions that would lead to laughter, nothing too deep, just fun. She was like a breath of fresh air, and I was afraid to admit it, but I was actually falling for her.
After my argument with Eddie I needed to get out of the house. I hated any kind of confrontation, especially when it came to Eddie.He was like my brother and we had really been through some shit together. I knew Mackenzie would be able to read me like a book, and she seemed so happy I didn't want her to lose that. So I called up the first person that popped into my head. Julie.
" Well hello Steven, " she said, I could almost hear the smile in her voice." Did you miss me?"
And the thing was, I did." Not as much as you missed me though."
"You're right.I have been in a terrible state." She giggled." I missed your sweet ass-"
" I am more than just a piece of meat you know-" I joked.
" I'm sorry if I have offended you . So I suppose if that is the case I shouldn't ask you to come over for sex?"
" I am willing to make sacrifices, like my dignity, to snap you out of your 'terrible state'. "
" Such a gentleman. " She paused." What time should I expect you?"
" What time works for you -"
" Now, now works for me."
I smiled to myself." Anxious?"
" Horny."
" Well if that is the case, be there in 10?"
" I will be waiting. Bub-bye Steven. "
When I got to her apartment I found her wearing a sexy, silky little number that ended up on the floor in a matter of minutes. I needed her, needed to touch and taste her. I needed to hear the pretty little noises she made when she came .
I started with my face between her legs, devouring her until she pulled my hair and screamed my name, finding her first release and then begging me for my cock .
When I drove into her, buried my face in her neck and smelled her sweet scent my worries disappeared. It was just us and I lost myself in the feeling of being inside her, the feeling of her nails lightly scraping into my back, her lips touching my skin. I felt a closeness with her I had never felt, never allowed myself to feel, I felt like the wall around my heart was starting to crumble. And I was terrified.
But I was also tired of pretending that I didn't want to be loved.
" Steve, I - I'm so close-" Julie whined.
" I've got you babygirl," I picked up the pace as she lifted her hips to mine. Trailing kisses down her neck to her breast,I found her peaked nipple and latched on. She moaned, and threw her head back, I could feel her body tighten and spasm around me as she climaxed again. It sent me right over the edge and I came with her, my body shuddering ,than collapsing beside her.
We both just laid there a moment, catching our breath. Julie rolled to her side snuggling up to me, head on my chest. It felt right.
I draped an arm around her, lightly running my thumb along her soft skin. I could almost get used to this.
" Steven?" Julie asked," What exactly is this?"
"What's what?"
" This, you and me?" She traced her fingers down the outlines of the muscles in my chest. "At first I thought it was a one night stand, then you called me back. It has happened numerous times now, I am not complaining at all by the way, but I just want to know."
I let out a long sigh." It's obviously more than a one night stand. " I searched my brain to find the right words." I really like you Julie -"
" I kinda like you too Harrington." She picked her head up off my chest and smiled down at me. Fuck, she was adorable."And I didn't ask you this to put any kind of pressure on you, I want you to know that. I knew what I was getting into that night I brought you home and I'm fine with that- I'm fine with this arrangement."
I looked up in to her beautiful face." But I don't think I am anymore."
Her smile fell." I told you I don't need more Steven-"
" But, I think, I do." I worked out." I like this. I like you and I like the way I feel when I am with you."
Her smile returned." You do?"
" I do. And I know when we first made this 'arrangement' it was just about sex. And I understand if you want it to continue to just be sex-"
" What else are you suggesting it could be?"
" I don't know. More than just this, like,"  I propped myself up on my elbows." What if I took you out to dinner sometime?"
Her smile got even wider." Are you asking me out on a date Harrington?"
" You don't have to say yes if you don't want to-"
"Yes! Yes, I will go out to dinner with you sometime."
" And maybe you could come over and meet my friends?"
She climbed up on me, pushing me back, putting her hands on my chest." Yes! I would love to meet your friends! So we wouldn't have to be secret anymore?"
" No. And I don't want you to feel pressured-"
"No I want this Steven. I want to give it a shot." She laid her chest against mine, I'm sure she could feel my heart pounding against hers. She took my face in her small hands." I know that you had your heart broken. Let's take this slow ok? One step at a time."
" That sounds perfect." I lightly kissed her lips. "Thank you for giving this a chance, giving me a chance."
Julie smiled again." Your welcome. Just don't fuck it up."
I laughed and wrapped her in my arms rolling her over onto her back." Now I know I seem perfect, but in reality I'm bound to fuck up."
" You?"
"Yeah," I sighed." Please let me know when I do, communicate with me and give me time to right my wrongs ok? "
"Always." She reached up and ran her hands through my hair, pulling me down close to her. "I'm communicating with you right now Harrington, can you guess what it is I want?" She smirked.
" If I'm picking up your communication correctly, I would say you want me to kiss you."
" See? You're great at reading me already."
I smiled down at her." And now it's time to follow through." I captured her mouth with mine .

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