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"I'll be going to Australia tomorrow" Joshua announced suprising Jeonghan. "So suddenly?"

Even tho Joshua is looking at himself in the mirror fixing his suit he can see the frown at Jeonghan's face. Now finished fixing his suit he turned and approached Jeonghan.

"It's for the upcoming company we'll be building there, Me and the board members talked about it and we all agreed on expanding our company by putting it to different countries starting on Australia"He explained briefly, Jeonghan still frowning.

"How long will you be staying there?" Jeonghan asked holding Joshua's hands who's now sitting beside him. "A week or so, We don't know yet Hannie it depends.." Joshua replied feeling Jeonghan's grip tighten but he has no choice this bussiness, their bussiness.


"Just promise me you'll take care of yourself" Jeonghan's gripped loosened as he sat his head up looking at Joshua. "I will, I'll take care of myself" Joshua smiled assuring the older who you can see was relief.

"Always eat on time"

"I will"

"Rest when needed"


"Also.." Jeonghan stopped himself, letting go of Joshua's hand only to put his on his husband's cheeks. "Call me whenever somethings wrong, I can easily go there" Not even a hint but there's a lot of concerness you can sense on Jeonghan for Joshua.

"I will babe, but you don't have to go you have your finals this week right? Also I'll be fine I promise to not tire myself anymore plus Seokmin will be there" Hearing the name Seokmin eased Jeonghan's worriedness because the boy Lee Seokmin was always such a ray of sunshine that's hwta Jeonghan noticed, Seokmin is also serious and caring when it comes to his friends especially to Joshua, All of Joshua's friends are really caring for him so Jeonghan felt a little relief.

"Alright.. That's great Shuji" Jeonghan putting his hands away only to hold Joshua's hand again and kissed it. "Focus on your finals Jeonghan, It's your last test, the test that will determine whether you finish college or not" Joshua reminded and requested, making Jeonghan smile and let go of Joshua's hand.

"I will Shuji"


The next day Joshua was set and is infront of their mansion talking with an ambassador from Australie telling him that they'll arrive in a few hours.

"Hyung, it's 6:11 now we need to go to the airport" Seokmin reminding the older that their flight is on 8:00 and they need to go now. "I'll be there Seok" continuing his call now but then bid his farewell and ended the call and went to the car.

"Jeonghan-hyung isn't gonna see you?" Seokmin asked.

"He's still asleep, let him rest. His finals are coming soon" Joshua leaned his head on the seat feeling dizzy.

"Oh right it's Jeonghan-hyung's last year in college, btw Hyung are you sure you can ride a plane? What did Dr nim said?"

"He said it's fine as long as the flight isn't 8-12 hours long" He answered still feeling dizzy so he closed his eyes. "Seok im gonna sleep for a bit"

"Alright hyung, I'll wake you up when we get there" Seokmin replied letting Joshua lean on his shoulder and making him rest because he can't tire himself.


4 days had passed ever since Joshua went to Australia with Seokmin and it's now the last day of Jeonghan's finals.

Joshua and Jeonghan text and calls each other oftenly. Seokmin actually updates Jeonghan on how Joshua is doing because Jeonghan is worried that Joshua might overwork himself again so he requested to the younger to not let Joshua overwork which Seokmin is doing, it eases up Jeonghan's worriedness and he's able to focus on his finals now is the last day of his finals but Jeonghan seemed anxious.

"Jeonghan?" Seungcheol's call made him snap out of his thoughts. "Yeah?" Jeonghan replied rather shortly. "You nervous?"


"It's alright im nervous too, I mean it's the last day of our finals" Seungcheol tried to overcome with his nervousness by chuckling, so did Jeonghan.

Meanwhile on Australia, Seokmin is anxiously waiting outside a bathroom door, concerned for the young ceo who's been vomiting since morning.

'Shit.. This is why people hate nausea' Joshua thought to himself, chuckling, finished vomiting and flushed the toilet.

"Hyung?" A voice called outside, sounding so concern and worried. "Min.. Im fine" He replied assuring the younger outside, looking at the mirror, he saw his self with his messy hair and his necktie and polo messy.

"but hyung.. Conferrence is in 5 minutes, I can tell the board you can't attend" The younger added, Joshua kept looing at himself in the mirror feeling a little dizzy that he can't really talk.

"Min.. The door's.. Not locked" Said so timidly by Joshua which made Seokmin rush into the bathroom and was able to catch the older in time who fainted.

"Fuck, HELP!"


"Finally.." Seungcheol letted out a breath of relief knowing that their finals have finished. "I understand you do well Cheol" Jeonghan also did the same, both boys feeling relief now that their finals is over.

"The last thing is our scores" Seungcheol said leaning his head on the cafeteria table.

"Im pretty confident about my scores so" Jeonghan now took his cherry juice and drank it. "Yeah yeah whatever"

"I wonder how Shuji is doing"

Joshua slowly gained consciousness, looked around and he figured he was in the hospital again.

"Hyung! Thank god your awake" Seokmin finally having the time to breath properly as Joshua was about to say anything there comes a doctor.

"Oh your awake" The doctor said making the two look at him. "Right so Dr. Nim your doctor from Korea, contacted me and told me something and he requested to check up on you guys and Your both fine, it's just that your body isn't. Your body is tired Joshua, especially now that there's another life in your stomach that is consuming your energy too"The doctor explained, Joshua can only stay silent because he already knows he's pregnant..

For a week and a half now.

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