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"Nice to meet you, Yoon Jeonghan"

Jeonghan froze, feeling his blood boil seeing the man, The man that is also the cause of Joshua's stress and anxiousness.

"What the fuck. Are YOU doing here." Such a cold and anger tone used by Jeonghan.

"Relax im just planning to visit my future husband"

"Future husband my ass, Joshua's mine, back off Hujin. I know you kissed him by force, let those articles around so I'll doubt him" Clenching his fist, Jeonghan can rarely hold himself back.

"And you did doubt him" Jeonghan can only stay silent.

Well he didn't doubt him but he did push him away... Which he still hasn't fully forgive himself for that.

"Clearly it isn't my time to make a move yet and you don't want me here so I'll take my leave" Standing up, Hijun said with a grin, irritating Jeonghan more but he can't cause a ruckuss and Hujin left. Nowhere to be seen.

Jeonghan went in his car, calmed himself down before driving to get food.


"Alright so Joshua your doing fine, blood pressure's stable, no signs of stress and anxious today and as for your baby it's slowly growing probably forming it's small body starting now until your 2 and a half month, so a baby bump might he visible on your stomach once your in 2 months, overall the baby is also fine, didn't took any damages from what happend" Dr. Nim explained, Joshua holding his stomach, smiling at it.

"Thanks Dr. Nim" Now the young ceo's gaze on the doctpre thanking hik for being his doctor ever since he was born. "Nonsense Joshua, Your father helped me a lot and I like being your doctor, taking care of your health" Dr. Nim touched from Joshua's appreciation, he replied.

"Yeah and soon enough you'll also be the doctor of our child" Joshua announced, It was news to Dr. Nim.

"So you'll put your child under my care? Like your under mine?" The doctor asked, trying not to tear up from joy. "Mhm, Me and Jeonghan had already talked about this earlier" Joshua said, in which he and his husband did talk about this earlier before he slept again.

"Thanks, Joshua.. It's an honor and I'll promise to be a responsible doctor as i can, for you and your child" Now tearing up, didn't hold his tears back.

"Your welcome Dr. Nim, and also thank you since i know myself that i have been very unresponsible on my health" Joshua chuckled as Dr. Nim wipe his tears away.

"We can't avoid that Joshua, Some people are just stubborn like you" The doctor joked as they both laugh.

"Alright I'll be going now" Dr. Nim excuse himself and left.

Looking at the window, hands on his stomach, admiring the sunset and feeling so warm. "Such a beautiful view right baby?" Joshua said to his baby and continued to look to the sunset but then a phone suddenly rang.



The gentle voice made Joshua smile.

"Yes Hannie?"

"Nothing.. I just miss you"

He giggled.

"Mhm and you were literally here a few minutes ago"

"I know"

Silence came.



"I also wnat mixed berries shake"

"So sudden?"

"Mhm, I just want it i guess"

Joshua heard Jeonghan chuckled on the other line.

"Your cravings are weird" still chuckling a bit he replied.

"Dr. Nim said it's normal and im pretty sure everybody has weird cravings" Joshua git a little offended at that but he knows Jeonghan was just kidding.

"Yes Shuji everyone has weird cravings"

Silence came again, but everytime silence comes between Joshua and Jeonghan it isn't an akward silence, it's rather a warm and comforting silence.


"Yes Shuji?"

"Please hurry up and buy dried mangoes already.." A hint of timidness and wantness can be heard at Joshua's voice.

Joshua himself doesn't even know why he's getting sad over dried mangoes? Or how he got slightly offended... Maybe it's the mood swings?

It is.

" Mhm im taking care of that Shuji, I'll go now and I actually need to buy myself a food"

"Alright take care Babe"

The sudden callsign made Jeonghan blush, flustered and smiling.

"I will you too love"

The call then ended, Joshua also flustered at the part Jeonghan called him love. Yeah sure they're both married but they don't really us any callsigns, just nicknames which they like the more cause it's much cuter.


"JEONGHAN! THEY HAD SOMETHING CALLED DRIED PUSIT!!" Seungcheol announced, a little too loudly and energetic as he went to philippines and just arrived back in Korea.

"Jeez, calm down. Anyways yeah im glad you had fun but where's the dried mangoes?" Jeonghan handed his hand out, gesturing the older to give the dried mangoes to him.

"Here, I bought one box just to be sure" Showing the box to Jeonghan and woah, that's a lot but he figured it's for the best because Joshua would be craving that a lot.

"Alright I'll grab just one pack for now and probably drive tru at Svt's shakes and café for the mixed berries" He then grabbed a pack and recieved a mumbled "Go ahead" from Suengcheol who seems to be enjoying eating the dried pusit, Jeonghan left to get the food for his husband.


A while later Joshua feels like crying because Jeonghan and the dried mangoes aren't, really because of the mood swings he didn't help it and cried wanting to eat dried mangoes so bad.

"Hey shuji sorry i took too lon-" Jeonghan entered the room but cutted himself off when he sees his husband crying, "Shuji! Hey what's wrong" rushing towards Joshua Jeonghan asked, calming Joshua down.

"It's alright Shuji, calm down" Joshua then later oned calmed down and chuckled in between his cries and said "I-it's funny.. How i cry over dried mangoes, I-i don't even like them" Saying in betweem his sniffs Jeonghan finally understood it was the mood swings and smiled.

"Yeah but apperantly our baby likes them" Jeonghan replied, now handing Joshua a pack of dried mangoes in which Joshua took immediately and calmed down. "Your cute with your mood swings Shuji" Blushing from what his husband said, Joshua opened the pack and started to eat.

"Eat well love, I'll go use the restroom for a while" Jeonghan kissed Joshua's forehead and went to the restroom which isn't far from the bed because let's not forget the room is an vip room.

Joshua continued to enjoy the dried mangoes but this time he wants the mixed berries shake which Jeonghan completely had forgotten about.

A while later Jeonghan got out the restroom and saw,

Joshua was not on the bed nor anywhere in the room.

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