01; Confusion

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"Where are you off to now?"

Killer's question caught him off guard. He figured he'd at least been the slightest bit sneaky going through the living room, but when it came to Killer not even a mouse could traverse through the same room unnoticed.

He was sat down, looking over his shoulder at Nightmare, who stood by the front door of the castle. Most days he could be found on that sofa, claiming that he was guarding the hideout from any threats; it was incredibly obvious to anyone that looked at him that he just wanted to sit and watch tv all day.

Nightmare sighed, opening the front door.

"I'm going out on a walk. Refrain from following me or I'll punish you with extra patrols." He warned, taking a step through the large wooden doors.

"Don't you have a meeting with Error today? You're abandoning it after I spent like two weeks trying to get him to agree to it?!" Killer exclaimed, standing up.

Nightmare rolled his eye before gesturing for Killer to sit back down. He didn't want to deal with his shenanigans, not when he had so many other things to deal with; including his own emotions.

He took another step outside and closed the door behind him, feeling the gentle breeze hit him. He'd been going on a lot more walks as of late, mainly to get away from everyone who was sparking odd feelings within him. He was highly aware of how he'd gotten softer ever since forming his gang - almost everyone he knew had pointed it out to him - but this was something else entirely. A tingling in his chest when he saw a certain gang member of his, a sudden sickly feeling going throughout him as he suddenly struggled to speak. He'd gone through almost every book in his personal library trying to find anything that would match well with his symptoms - yet he found nothing. Not even the most informational medical books he stole had anything in there similar to what he was going through and it irked him.

He sighed as he began his walk, uneager for it to end.


Nightmare blinked as he tried to refocus his vision on the contract in front of him. It seemed impossible for him to do anything efficiently nowadays - his mind focused wholly on whatever was happening to him. He didn't particularly mind losing a lot of his more negative traits thanks to his subordinates, but in some cases it did make his life exponentially more difficult.


He jumped as he heard his office door slam open to reveal a particularly aggravated glitchy skeleton clutching his phone in his hand. Nightmare put his pen down, knowing well that he wasn't going to get anything done with Error there.

"Error, I-"

"This text I got from Killer says 1pm! Why the fuck weren't you there?!" He angrily screeched, throwing his phone onto the floor.

Nightmare stood up and walked over to Error, picking his phone up off of the floor.

He'd had plenty of meetings with the Destroyer prior to this, plenty of conversations and fights. So why was it that he was now so nervous in front of him?

Nightmare stared at Error's phone, feeling himself incapable of forming eye contact.

"I was busy with my own work and let time slip away from me. We can rearrange it for another day." He nonchalantly answered, handing the phone to him.

This answer seemed to infuriate the Destroyer further, as he snatched the phone back and began to pace back and forth mumbling obscenities under his breath.

"Speaking of work, I still have a lot to do. We can talk about this later and-"

"Later? With Dream's ugly fucking party coming up?! Later is like a month away, I don't wanna have to wait that long for something that probably wouldn't even take half an hour!" He yelled, yanking strings out from underneath his eye sockets.

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