04; Pre-Party

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Error was screeching in the Anti-Void.

He had done something so remarkably stupid the day prior that it was making him feel embarrassed just thinking about it. He'd ended up bent over Nightmare.. mocking him.. and thanks to his stupid brain not being able to process what was going on he'd blurted out that Nightmare looked pathetic. Pathetic! What was wrong with him?!

He'd practically curled himself up into a ball as he cringed from the memory; not even Undernovela was capable of distracting him from this disaster.

He looked up as he heard his phone beep. Someone was trying to contact him. He grabbed it - hoping deep in his mind that it was Nightmare so he could offer a half-assed apology to him - but was promptly disappointed as he read the text.

"r u coming to dreams party tonight ??"


He rolled his eyes and dropped his phone, re-curling himself up. Of course it wouldn't be Nightmare. Nightmare wouldn't want anything to do with him after his ridiculous stunt!

He groaned at the sound of his phone going off again, picking it up to see what Killer wanted.

"I know u saw thst u bastard"

The party. Why would Killer bother asking him that? It was only ever Killer and Nightmare who attended it, everyone else stayed behind in case anything went wrong or if it turned out to be a trap.

"why" was his only response.

"ugh come here"

Error groaned and reluctantly got up. He really didn't want to be going back to the Hideout so soon after what happened, but he knew how much Killer loved the party and if he was offering to give up his place.. something must've happened, right?

Error walked through the portal to the hideout, coming face to face with a very relaxed Killer. He was eating a slice of pizza, with Horror sat next to him eating the rest of said pizza.

"As I was sayin' you should come with us. It'll give you a chance to go outside, meet with Blue.. whatever else it is that you like to do outside.." Killer spoke, trailing off.

Error blinked for a few moments, feeling further embarrassment that he'd believed Killer was in any form of danger.

"You want me to go with you and Nightmare?" He asked.

"Yup. All three of us turning up to Dream's shitshow should be funny." He paused to take another bite before continuing, "You being there would definitely draw some attention from the media.. would be hilarious to watch you outshine the Star Sanses."

"I would rather not." Error responded nonchalantly, turning around to go back through the portal and continue his silent crying session.

"I mean if you don't wanna see your boyfriend then that's whatever."

He stopped in his tracks at Killer's words. His boyfriend? Was he referring to Nightmare? Did he think that he and Nightmare were.. dating? The idea of that made Error feel weird in a way he couldn't exactly pinpoint; which just further upset him.

He turned at the exact right time, catching Horror mouthing the sentence "are they really dating" followed by Killer nodding.

"WE ARE NOT DATING!" Error screamed, causing both skeletons to jump.

Killer laughed at his outburst, making Error light up in an embarrassed blush.

"Okay, then why can't you attend a shitty little party with us?"

Error stayed silent for a few moments. There was no way he could say he didn't want to go, Killer would never let him live it down. He'd either have to come up with a great excuse or he'd have to go with them.

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