05; Party

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A/N: it's been four years and I still don't know how to write intimate scenes
God, Error hated parties. He hated practically any and all social interaction within large venues, he had no clue why he'd even agreed to it in the first place. But God.. the alcohol had certainly loosened him up. He wasn't that drunk - not that he was aware anyway - but he was finding it difficult to stay upright or to think properly.

Nightmare, on the other hand, looked trashed.

He'd been wandering around to all different sorts of people, starting conversations, arguments, Error could've sworn he saw him punch someone at one point. Was he always like this at the party..? Killer mentioned the media to him, so maybe it was just a ploy to take the attention away from Dream and his goons.

At that time though, Error could see Nightmare laughing seemingly to himself as he spun in circles holding a bottle of whatever they were serving there. He had a smile on his face, so Error could assume he was happy; much different than how he supposedly was crying the night before.

"Don't worry, he's always like this."

Reassuring words from Killer, who stood at his side leaning up against the wall with him.

"Good." Was all he could respond with.

Killer held out a bottle of alcohol towards a confused Error.

"Nicked it from the kitchen, figured you'd need it more than I do." He grinned, a light blush on his face.

Was Killer also drunk? He didn't look much different, if anything he spoke more clearly as he was.

Error grabbed the bottle and reluctantly drank out of it, finding it a lot less painful than the previous stuff he'd drank. Killer simply laughed to himself and wandered off, likely to find someone to harass and cause a scene with.

As the night went by, Error found himself occasionally talking to people; especially reporters. They'd ask him all sorts of stupid questions about the Anti-Void, Ink, Nightmare and his Gang.. he cared for none of that shit. His head was beginning to feel as if it was floating, his vision was blurring way more than it usually was and he felt as if he was going to fall over at any moment despite still leaning against the wall.

Killer had eventually come back and chastised him for drinking so much of it, saying something about how he needed it as a souvenir. Error didn't particularly care, nor did he care when Killer stole it from him. He wasn't even aware of why he'd been invited out in the first place.

He looked around, trying to figure out what was going on, when his eyes locked with someone else's.


He couldn't exactly make out his expression or position, but from the look of it he was sitting on the floor with a pile of vomit near him. Error rolled his eyes, preparing for the laborious task of having to walk across the room. He found it a lot easier than he'd expected, only almost falling over twice, and within a few minutes he'd reached Nightmare.

"You fuckin' suck at this.." Nightmare said, laughing in the same manner he had been doing earlier on in the night.

Error tried to think of a response before Nightmare vomited in front of him, bringing up pieces of the food he'd likely eaten at the party.

Error laughed as he felt his entire body heat up at the sight, a sick form of pleasure overtaking him. Was he enjoying this? There was no way he was enjoying this. He knew that he enjoyed watching people suffer, but with Nightmare..

He wrapped Nightmare within his strings and began to walk over to the staircase, dragging the man who he loved with him. He collapsed onto his knees at one point and began to laugh, Nightmare following suit, but they eventually made it.

Error looked up the staircase, noting how horrible it would be to go up. Without realising, he clenched his fist, which simultaneously tightened the hold the strings had on Nightmare.


Error turned, wildly blushing at the sound Nightmare had made. He could see his goopy form twitching and shifting, something that only happened when he felt heavy emotions. For the second time that night, their eyes met; but this time was different. So, so different.

He could see Nightmare's eye lightly shaking, his mouth formed into a grin as he panted; it drove him insane.

He grinned and began to drag Nightmare upstairs, who didn't reject or try to fight him on it. He could feel his Soul pounding within his ribcage as Nightmare let out slight moans with each step he dragged him up. Did he even know what he was doing to Error?

Eventually they reached a room, the plate on the door reading 'Ink'. Error laughed and opened the door, throwing Nightmare inside before walking in after him. He wanted to fuck with Nightmare some more before he'd let him rest for the night.

Much to his surprise, before he'd even managed to fully close the door Nightmare was already at his side, hand gripping onto the bottom of his coat as he tried to stay somewhat upright.

"Error.. please.." he begged.

Error rolled his eyes and helped the poor skeleton up, only to step backwards as Nightmare fell forwards towards him. Surprisingly enough, for such a drunk skeleton he'd had quick enough reflexes to prop himself up with the walls to both of his sides; letting out a small chuckle as he realised what position they'd gotten into.

Error had been backed into a corner with Nightmare leaning over him, a cruel swap of positions from the day before.

He could feel his ecto beginning to form without any prompting, much to Nightmare's apparent pleasure.

He placed a hand onto the side of Error's face, gently stroking it before planting a kiss onto him.

"Stop me if.. if I do somethin bad, yeah?" He managed to get out before beginning to remove Error's scarf.

Error's head was going haywire again, this time in such a different way. Such a different, euphoric way. It was as if nothing else mattered apart from him and Nightmare, he didn't care if anyone walked in on them like this. He didn't care if his haphephobia would be triggered. All he wanted was to make up for his mistakes with Nightmare, all he wanted was Nightmare.

"Mmn.. you're nervous, huh?"

Error tensed at his words, letting out a slight gasp as Nightmare trailed a finger over the underside of his ribcage. He hadn't even noticed that Nightmare had removed both his coat and his jumper; leaving him only in his shorts and slippers.

He wasn't even sure what he was meant to be doing. Would Nightmare judge him for it? He didn't need Nightmare backing off from him assuming that he wasn't interested..

Reluctantly, he settled on lightly gripping onto Nightmare's back, accidentally pulling him closer to him in the process.

"Are you.. sure we should be doin this..?" Error mumbled, breath shaky and face a deep blue.

Nightmare let out a slight laugh and stared deep into his eyes, something Error was finding more and more attractive as time went by.

"Do you want to?"

Such a simple question, with such a simple answer.

"Fuck yeah.." he answered, laughing.

Nightmare nodded slightly and gripped the waistband of his shorts, planting light kisses onto his neck.

Whatever happened between them, hopefully it wouldn't cause too much of a disturbance to the party downstairs.

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