06; After-party

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The creak of the door awakened one of the skeletons, who sat up and tried to focus his eyes on what was going on around him.

"Hey, boss, don't mean to interrupt you or anythin' but we gotta get outta here soon.."

Killer's words didn't register for a few moments, but as they did his confusion became eminent. He looked around, noting the weird room he found himself in. It was full of paintings, of bright neon colours, of badly done crayon drawings of his three enemies..

He let out a slight yelp as he finally noticed the sleeping skeleton beside him. Why were they in the same bed? Where even were they? Nothing was processing in his head. He looked back over at Killer and noticed the nameplate on the door. 'Ink'? Wait. No.

His eyes widened as he realised where he was, the memories of the previous night flooding back to him.

"Killer." His voice trembled.

"Nobody knows. Well, I mean I don't know maybe someone does but from what I saw nobody came up here all night but the party is currently ending which means Ink will probably come up here soon which is why we gotta go!" Killer hurriedly explained, looking back downstairs for any sign of their enemies.

"For god's sake.. okay, give me a few minutes to wake him up and.. ugh.." his mind went blank near the end, unable to come up with anything to add on to his sentence.

Killer nodded and closed the door, giving the pair some privacy.

Nightmare reluctantly shook the sleeping skeleton next to him, his face lighting up as he recalled all they'd done the night prior. He wasn't even aware he could do such things, but with Error's strings.. he supposed it could've been possible.

"Five more minutes.." came his response, a low mumble as he shoved his face into one of the pillows on the bed.

"Error, get up." Nightmare spoke, not wanting to draw attention to their.. situation.

He was well aware of what the reaction would be if Error recalled what had happened between them. Fear rose within him as he worried about what actions he'd take, maybe he'd even consider cutting off their alliance.


Error yelled as he fell off the bed, backing away from Nightmare as far as he could. This was the reaction that Nightmare was fearing. His eyes were wildly twitching, likely trying to figure out where exactly he was.

"We're in Ink's room, the party is over and unless you want Ink seeing us naked together you will agree to leave with me immediately." Nightmare spoke, clearly and loudly.

Error paused before looking down at himself, realising that he, in fact, did not have any clothes on. He frantically looked around before spotting them in a pile nearby, rushing over to them and beginning to throw them onto himself.

"What happened last night?!" Error demanded to know, his face flushed as he struggled to recall what exactly had happened between them.

He remembered walking over to Nightmare, he remembered him throwing up. He remembered taking him to a staircase and him making an oddly sexual sound..

"Well.. when two people love each other very much.." Nightmare began to explain, trying to think of any possible way to lessen Error's reaction.

Error paused his quest for clothing to slowly turn to face him, eyes widened with his mouth hanging halfway open.

"WHAT?!" He screeched, startling Nightmare.

Nightmare rolled his eye and stood up. That sound likely could've been heard a mile away from where they were, there was no way their enemies didn't hear it. He began to walk over to the other pile of clothes in the room before pausing at the pain in his pelvis. He lightly groaned before continuing, struggling to bend down to grab his clothes.

"It's like you have no shame!" Error yelled, putting his shoes on.

They were silent whilst Nightmare put his clothes on, Error refusing to look anywhere near him until he was finished.

"I'm done." Nightmare announced.

Error turned around, half expecting Nightmare to be messing with him and to still be naked. He was relieved upon seeing the fully clothed skeleton staring at him with his arms crossed awkwardly.

There was more silence for a few seconds as both skeletons failed to come up with anything to say to each other.

"So.." Error mumbled.

"We should try to continue on as if nothing happened between us."

Nightmare's suggestion caused unfathomable amounts of confusion and relief within Error. Confusion as to why he'd ever think that would work but relief for the fact he was willing to let go of what happened.

"And you think that'll help?" He asked, unsure if Nightmare was messing around.

"..It might."

The response astounded Error beyond words. Nightmare was smart, incredibly smart and surpassed anyone else that he knew. Why was he acting so stupid? Why was he saying those things?

In truth, Nightmare was scrambling to repair his relationship with Error which was shattering right in front of him. He couldn't handle someone else leaving him, not like before. He couldn't handle losing Error over something they'd both done whilst drunk with little thought put into it. Surely Error was mature enough to move past it instead of abandoning him, right?

"That's what they do in every single show I've ever watched! They say that, then they just can't stand to be apart from one another and then they-" he paused to mimic throwing up, "-get into a relationship!" Error screeched, ripping the paintings down from the walls and launching them out of a window as his body began to aggressively glitch.

Nightmare groaned in frustration. It could've been so easy for him, all Error needed to do was listen. Now he was watching him throw a tantrum in Ink's room, throwing his belongings onto the floor and occasionally out of the already broken window. He really didn't understand the point Error was trying to make, but what he did understand was that the guilt from before had come back with a vengeance.

"Error!" He called out without thinking.

"What?!" Error yelled back, turning to face him.

Nightmare faltered for a moment, trying to think of anything to say. Anything other than what he actually wanted to say.

"Nevermind. We have to focus on getting out of here, alright? I know you want to fight but can you just listen for once and go home?" He pleaded, hoping that despite everything that had happened, Error would still listen.

Error thought about it for a few moments. He wanted to stay and fight Ink personally to let off some steam, but he really couldn't be bothered to deal with the aftermath or the inevitable beratement that would come from both Nightmare and Killer.

"Fine! I'll go to my home!" He hissed, putting heavy emphasis on 'my' as he opened a portal to the Anti-Void, keeping full eye contact with Nightmare as he walked through and closed it.

Nightmare stood in confusion for a moment at the weird emphasis. The Anti-Void was obviously Error's home, nobody else lived there aside from him.

He sighed and walked over to the door, opening it to reveal Killer's obvious attempt to listen in to their conversation.


"Sorry.." he mumbled, feeling Nightmare's sludge enveloping them to take them back home.

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