08; Acceptance

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Almost immediately Error had begun to scream at him, yet Nightmare could barely make any of it out. All he was focused on was Error's blushing face and the puppet that was laying on the nearby beanbag. A puppet of him.

"Why did you even bother coming here?!"

Error's screech caught his attention. He took a step forward, not sure of how he would respond to the Destroyer. He was lucky enough that Error hadn't immediately thrown him out or, worse, started a fight with him, if he tried to confess that he missed him..

"I missed you."

Fucking idiot. He mentally chastised himself for coming out with such an idiotic statement. Error was most definitely going to sever ties with him after that mistake.

"Liar! Why did you come here?!"

Nightmare rolled his eye mentally. Of course Error didn't believe him - he didn't blame him for it. He'd waited this long to try to get into contact with him, and he'd decided that of all things he would turn up to the Anti-Void unannounced. He could've at the very least texted or called him in advance, but for whatever reason he'd skipped over those steps entirely.

"I.. can't focus without you. Killer suggested that I come here to check up on how you're handling things." He sheepishly confessed, turning his head to the side to avoid seeing Error's reaction.

He could feel a pit beginning to form in his stomach - nervousness.

"Yeah? I'm fine. I'm fine being here in the Anti-Void and I'm most certainly fine without you being here!" He paused for a moment, "Actually, I want to be alone, so you should leave." He spoke, feigning confidence.

Nightmare stared at him in confusion, his brow furrowed as he tried to figure out why Error was lying to him. He should've known that he wouldn't be able to lie about his emotions to someone who could literally sense them, so why was he?

"Why the fuck are you lying to me?" He asked, taking a step forward as his tentacles flared.

"Why are you lying to me?!" Error retorted, dragging strings out of his eye sockets.

Nightmare tensed at the sight. Was Error seriously going to attack him? He expected it, but it was at such a weird point to do so that more than anything it confused him. He was just so confused, he seemed to always be confused ever since falling in love with the Destroyer.

"How am I lying to you?" Nightmare yelled, taking another step forward to him.

They were roughly ten feet away from each other, but they both knew that could change at any given moment if they began to feel anymore threatened than they already did.

"Saying you came because you missed me.. you didn't even bother checking up on me! You're only here because Killer told you to come, if he hadn't you wouldn't have even shown up!"

As Error shrieked at Nightmare, he grabbed him within his strings and threw him across the Anti-Void, jumping up into the stringy abyss above to avoid retaliation.

Nightmare growled in annoyance at his words before getting up and darting forwards to where Error hid, dragging down the nest of strings with his tentacles. If Error wanted to destroy their relationship, then he would willingly destroy whatever he had left to love. He didn't understand, he never even tried to understand. Nightmare had tried to explain but the damn skeleton just refused to acknowledge his reasoning. Now he was acting all high and mighty and for what? Attention?

Killer's words rang in his head. He let out a slight laugh as he dodged Error's attacks, noting that he seemed a tad less aggressive than he expected him to be. Sure, they'd had sex in the past but that clearly didn't matter now; Error only seemed obsessed with killing or at the very least harming Nightmare. Awkwardness was no longer something that he could afford to care about. He couldn't call for backup, and even if he could he wouldn't; not against somebody who was still his teammate.

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