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Nightmare laughed loudly as he watched Error shout at the nearby waitress. There had been an accident leading to her dropping some water on top of the skeleton who'd been trying to eat his food, and Nightmare couldn't help but find it hilarious.

The couple had only been together for a month, but they were already having so much fun together. Too much fun, in fact. Nightmare felt his face flush at the memories he and Error had been making; mainly their dates they'd been 'surprising' each other with.

He stood up and lightly grabbed onto Error's sleeve, dragging him out of the restaurant. He figured that the smaller skeleton needed some time outside conversing with people, an attempt to genuinely help him with the anxiety he typically felt when speaking with people, but the day had gone so much better than he could have ever expected it to.

"Can you believe she did that?!" He screeched, pointing his middle finger towards the very apologetic waitress as they walked out.

"I'm sure it was an accident, Error, no need to get all worked up about it."

Error glared at him in both challenge and amusement.

"Right. So if I poured water on you accidentally you'd be fine with it?" He asked, a slight grin on his face.

The first time he'd seen Nightmare evaporate in water, it had terrified him. It was only a week prior when he'd thrown the skeleton into a swimming pool when he'd been annoying him, causing him to become highly worried about his partner. It didn't help the situation when Nightmare refused to reform for a few hours, dragging on Error's suffering to ensure that he would learn his lesson.

"Hm? Go ahead, I'd love to watch you sob like a baby again." Nightmare teased, mimicking the crying that had come from Error.

Error scoffed, prodding a finger into Nightmare's chest. "You are such a ba-"


They both turned to see Dream across the street from them, holding what looked to be numerous bags of shopping. He quickly crossed the road over to the couple, which earned a groan from both of them. Of course Dream would ruin their day, when did he not?

"What do you want, Dream?" Nightmare asked through gritted teeth.

All he wanted was a nice day out with his boyfriend, that's all he wanted. Why was it so hard to just have that?!

"Oh, nothing really! I just noticed you two were over here and I figured I'd say hello!" He spoke, his signature smile on his face.

It was as if he didn't notice the look of distaste on both skeleton's faces. That, or he was purposely ignoring them in an attempt to annoy them.

"Well you've said hello, now you can leave." Nightmare hissed, tentacles slightly flaring as he noticed the crowd of people beginning to form around them.

Neither of them enjoyed crowds, especially when it essentially trapped them with Dream.

"Well, actually.. I was wondering-"

"If it's another favour then no." Nightmare shot down immediately.

Dream's smile seemed to falter for a moment, his eye twitching.

"Actually, brother, I was wondering why you thought it was appropriate to-" he leaned into Nightmare, "-have sex in Ink's bed?" He whispered, ensuring that nobody in the crowd heard his words.

Nightmare tensed at the words, his face lighting up in a blush. He could see Error's confusion as he'd missed what was said, along with the chattering of the crowd and the sound of phone shutters taking photos of them.

"I figured it would be funny, that's all." He responded, grabbing onto Error's sleeve eager to get away from all of the sudden attention.

"That's all?"

"That's all."

The brothers stared into each other's eyes for a few moments before Nightmare broke the silence.

He leaned forward to Dream, whispering loud enough for Error to hear. "I'll be taking my boyfriend and leaving, now."

Dream recoiled in surprise, a light blush coming to his face as he blinked trying to process what he'd been told. Error and Nightmare.. dating? He let out a slight laugh at the concept.

"Okay. Have fun, you two!" He yelled, running off to who knows where.

Nightmare promptly teleported both himself and Error out, reforming back within the safety of the Hideout.

Error had been spending more time there as of late, seeming to warm up to the idea of living with other people. His room resembled his set-up in the Anti-Void with bright white painted walls and floor, much to Nightmare's distaste.

"Back so soon?"

The pair turned to see Killer on the sofa, watching his tv show. Nightmare was amazed at just how long a show could go on for considering how long and often Killer seemed to watch it, but he'd never actually bothered to ask whether it was on repeat or not.

"Yeah, we ran into his bitch of a brother." Error yelled, trying to get the water off of him.

"A shame, I wanted more silence." Killer responded, turning back to his show.

Nightmare rolled his eye, looking out at the snowy weather. He was entirely unaware that it could snow within the AU, let alone mid summer.

He nudged his boyfriend, who seemed unamused by everything that was going on around him.

"It's snowing."

He could barely get out the words before both Killer and Error were at the window, watching the snow excitedly. Nightmare scoffed in light-hearted amusement at the two of them and how similar they could be with one another.

"Hey, Error. How about we continue our date out-"

"In the snow?! Fuck yeah!" Error yelled, interrupting his partner and practically trying to drag him outside.

Nightmare laughed, watching as Killer ran over to the front door and opened it, almost immediately face planting into the snow below.

He stepped outside, shivering as he felt the cold hit him. Error didn't seem fazed by it in the slightest, another quirk of his which had made Nightmare fall in love with him; his absolute passion for the things he loved overriding any form of body functionality he had.

He walked forward, watching as Error followed along trying to catch the snowflakes that were falling from the sky above. Despite their original plan being ruined by both the waitress and his brother, it had surprisingly turned out way better than anything he could've ever planned.

"Where are you off to now?"

Nightmare turned and sighed, watching the air coming out of his mouth.

"A date with my boyfriend. Don't follow me or I'll assign you extra patrols when it isn't snowing, got it?" He warned, pointing at the skeleton who was making angels in the snow.

Killer nodded, causing Nightmare to roll his eye in amusement.

He ran after Error, noticing the Destroyer had already begun to form snowballs most definitely in an attempt to surprise him with a fight of sorts.

His life had changed so much within a month, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

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