07; Struggle

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Nightmare let out another screech as he knocked the stack of papers onto the floor in frustration. He hadn't been able to do anything all week, his mind focused wholly on the skeleton he found himself madly in love with. At first he'd tried to deny his feelings and claim that it was simply because they'd had sex, but after a while it had become painfully obvious that wasn't the truth.

Now he was storming around in his office, the majority of his furniture knocked over as he struggled to grasp the concept of love that had been struck upon him.

He hadn't physically seen Error since that fateful day, but God he'd be lying if he said he hadn't seen him in his mind, his dreams, whenever he closed his eye. The guilt had racked up over the week, yet he still had no idea what he was feeling guilty about. Was it the fact that he'd left him in the dark for so long about his predicament? He wasn't sure.

All he had wanted to do was form an attack plan against Dream, but he couldn't even do that right. All that went through his head was the image of Error being distracted by his own mistake of getting hit, and promptly getting hit himself. He had inadvertently caused Error pain and he hated it.

He sighed, feeling the bright office light on him. It was driving him mad. He couldn't stand to be in his office, near his desk where he'd been bent over by Error. It was just a reminder of him. Everything was a reminder of him.

He slammed open the office door and headed downstairs, feeling as if he needed to rip out his Soul so that it would let him rest.

Before he realised it, he'd reached the downstairs living room and had come face to face with his gang members; looks of concern across their faces.

"Nightmare." Killer spoke, drawing his attention.

"I don't want this today, Killer." He responded, voice cracking slightly.

He was a mess. He hadn't showered, he hadn't even bothered washing his clothes since the incident. He didn't particularly want to. He'd done nothing but sketch out images of Error, crumple them up, bin them and try to do work; on repeat all week.

"I know that, but.. you're getting worse and it's super worrying." He said, standing up and walking over to Nightmare.

He knew that Killer felt guilt for the situation; he was inadvertently the cause of it after all. He was the one who invited Error to the party, who provided them both alcohol, who likely made sure that nobody went upstairs during the night. He just couldn't be bothered to speak with him about it.

"It's not like you to be so stressed about Error disappearing. He does it sometimes." Dust chimed in, staring at him with curiosity and confusion.

Killer hadn't told them of what happened, Error presumably hadn't either. To his knowledge Error hadn't been in contact with any of them which just worried him further.

He turned and headed back upstairs, preferring his loneliness to the bombardment of worry from his subordinates. He heard them yelling at him to come back, to speak with them and to confess what was wrong with him, but he ignored all of it. He couldn't handle it, he didn't want to.

As he collapsed in the middle of his office, he felt himself begin to cry. Did he really miss Error that much? He'd gone weeks without speaking with him before, why was he now suddenly so emotional about it?


He looked over his shoulder to see Killer looking at him from the doorway. He seemed reluctant to come closer to him, a hesitant expression on his face.

He stepped into the trashed office and sat down next to Nightmare, not entirely sure of what he wanted to say to him.

"You gotta fix this." He said, drawing the full attention of the skeleton.

"Yeah? Got anymore brilliant ideas?" Nightmare asked, sarcasm evident in his voice.

Killer winced, the wound of what he had caused was still fresh.

"Not really.. but I do have one regular idea. You.. Could you go see Error yourself?"

Nightmare scoffed, taking it as a joke. There was no way Killer was suggesting for him to visit Error in the Anti-Void. He doubted he'd come back alive if he attempted something like that. It was Error's home after all, not his.

"I'm serious! It's been like a week, you have to do something or he'll just move on. You know him, you're legitimately putting us all in danger by not doing something."

His logic was flawless; apart from the fact that the entire situation was his fault. Nightmare sighed. He really didn't want to have to speak with Error, but he would also kill to get to speak with him again. It was as if the world was being drowned out by the beating in his chest, yet he could still hear just fine. He had begun to despise the feeling of love, he wanted rid of it immediately; he wanted to forget all about it.

"It would be weird to turn up at the Anti-Void." He argued.

"What? Why?" Killer asked confusedly.

"I.. I've never been there before. If the first time I go there is without his permission and I'm disrupting something of his.. it would make everything worse."

Killer grabbed onto Nightmare's face and forced him to look directly into his empty eye sockets.

"That man fucked you. I don't think you realise that, you got Error to fuck you. If you even in a million years think that showing up to the Anti-Void is awkward I want you to think about the fact you literally had sex with him and he didn't kill you afterwards." He whispered, sternly.

He wasn't exactly wrong, but Nightmare didn't quite understand what it had to do with the situation.

Nightmare groaned in annoyance, knowing that he had to at least do something. He couldn't form any plans himself and despite Killer's horrible idea it wasn't as if Error would or could kill him anyway. Reluctantly he stood up, wiping off the dust particles that sprayed over him whilst he was trashing his office.

Killer chuckled, standing up alongside him with a smile.

Nightmare wiped the tears away from his eye, making a mental note to evaluate his emotional state later on in the day. Or the week.. or the month, whenever he wasn't busy or focused on Error.

"I'm going. Wish me luck, bastard." He joked, smiling gently as Killer hit him on the arm.

He breathed inwards and tried to feel throughout the Multiverse for Error's emotions; finding them incredibly easily. Too easy, in fact. He felt himself melt and reform in someplace he'd never been to before, and the person that stood in front of him let out a sharp screech at his arrival.


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