⚠️ 06 ⚠️

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⚠️ tw: suicide (attempt)⚠️

Jisung stirred awake as light shined through his window. He rubbed his eyes and peeked outside, realizing he slept in the school parking lot. He decided to go back to sleep and skip that day. He pulled his jacket over his head and listened to music while drifting off to sleep. It was only until his phone rang when he woke up, which was around noon. He answered without looking at the number, "hello?"

"Why the hell did it say you were absent?! And why didn't you come home last night?!" His dad's voice yelled through the phone. Jisung's heart sank as he stuttered out words.

"I- well some things happened and- I couldn't-"

"I don't fucking care. Get home right now." His dad sounded calm then hung up. Jisung took a few deep breaths before shakily driving home. He slowly pulled into the driveway, getting out and walking inside the house that reeked of alcohol. His father came down and slapped his again before taking off his belt. He folded it slightly before hitting jisung with it, hitting him hardly.

All jisung could to was take it. He tried shielding himself from the hits but couldn't as he fell to the ground. His dad continued to hit him, pull his hair, and use bottles of beer to throw and pour on him. Jisung was bleeding and had bruises at the end of it. He limped to the bathroom and took out alcohol wipes, cleaning the small cuts he had. He put bandaids on it and took a pain relief pill before heading to his room. He laid down on his bed tiredly, dozing off the sleep.

Jisung woke up the next morning with multiple texts and emails on his phone. Some from his school, some from Seungmin and Felix, about one or two from Minho, and multiple from his mother. He read the emails from school, then read his mother's texts. Luckily they were gone for the weekend. Then he looked at Felix's and seungmin's texts. They were apologizing for doing that and explained how they took it down, sent another one up explaining it. They also texted Minho about it, explaining to him how it wasn't jisung. The black haired boy smiled before taking a deep breath and looking at Minho's text.

'Seungmin and Felix told me.'
'I'm sorry.'

Jisung sighed and laid back in bed, holding his phone next to him. He kept thinking about what his life would be if he was just gone. His parents would be happy, Minho too. Felix and Seungmin still had each other so, what matters about him. He closed his eyes, deciding to lay in bed all day. He had no energy to get up anyways.

The younger woke up in the middle of the night. He pulled out a small box and put a letter down on his desk before taking the other two before leaving his house. He had planned for this day. He dreamt of this day, actually. Once he arrived at Felix's house, he set the letter down on the doormat then did the same with seungmin's doormat. Then he finally started driving to the Han river. He thought it was ironic before his last name was Han as well. He parked a little away and started walking there. The streets were empty and you could only hear the water, birds, and crickets. It sounded peaceful. Jisung wondered if this is what heaven sounded like.

He was going to find out soon anyways.

He leaned against the railing, staring down into the dark river. He let out a breath, climbing up the railing as he steadied himself. He smiled slightly before letting himself fall and hit the water. It hurt a bit on impact but quickly went away as the coldness seeped into jisung's body. He held his breath for as long as he could, that was until he started getting dizzy. His body tried gasping for air which only brought the fresh water into his lungs, giving him a burning sensation. His vision started blurring as he became unconscious.

He did it. He was finally free.

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