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⚠️Slight verbal abuse⚠️

It had been a few days and it was finally jisung's last day at the hospital. Minho had been coming in every day, giving him homemade meals after jisung explained how hospital food is gross, bringing him homework from school, and a different book with flowers to make sure jisung had something to do. However, jisung's parents were no where to be seen. Jisung hasn't heard from them ever since he woke up from his short coma. He was sure they heard about it before schools his school and hospital contacted them and they had to be home from their trip. The younger just sighed as he stared at the base of flowers, all different colors. "I wish I was as pretty as you."

Jisung picked a lilac up and held it gently, like it was made out of glass and if you held it even tighter, it would shatter. He stared at it, admiring the color and how effortlessly beautiful it looked. He closed his eyes and imagined a field of flowers, him running in it freely. Maybe that's what he would've seen in heaven, his dream. His thoughts were ruined when Minho came in with a container.

"Hey jisung, how are you?"

"Doing better." Jisung placed the flower down and took the container that minho handed him. Minho smiled and sat down next to his bed, watching as jisung ate. After the past few days, he learned that he would always find himself staring at jisung. His beauty was just ethereal, minho couldn't just take it in by staring. "You're always looking at me."

"Yeah it's cause you're ugly."

"Shut up, you're the ugliest." Jisung stuck his tongue out and Minho chuckled. Minho watched as jisung looked back at the tv in front of him, eating the food Minho had prepared an hour ago.

"Doctors say you can leave soon, maybe tomorrow."

"But I like it here." Minho looked at jisung a bit surprised.

"But hospitals suck. Besides you'd be missing school."

"No im not."

"What do you mean?"

"Hyung, you bring me school work every day, visit be every day to bring me flowers and books so I don't get bored. You know I love scary movies so you play them on the tv when you visit and you always ask me about my day and give me updates on how my treatment is going. Why would I want to leave when you make the hospital feel so warm?" Jisung had stopped eating and met Minho's gaze. Minho was frozen, he was going to respond but couldn't find his voice. Jisung just flashed him a smile and moved the blanket off of him, facing Minho as his legs dangled off the bed.

"You really mean it?"

"Of course. My house is so boring and I bet my parents don't even want me there. I dont like you but you're better than my parents." Minho rolled his eyes and moved closer.

"You still hate me jisung? Even though you called me hyung?" Minho said with a slight smirk, making Jisung huff and looked away irritated.

"You still get on my nerves."

"But you love me."

"Wrong." Jisung spat and Minho rolled his eyes. Not long after, a nurse came in with a sheet of paper, handing it to jisung as she explained that he could now leave whenever he wanted since they were finished with his treatments. Jisung thanked the older woman and looked for a pen, in which Minho took one of of his bag and handed it to the younger. He quickly filled out the form before handing it to Minho, who gave it to another nurse. She left to the doctors and reception as the two males waited; one patient, the other not so much.

"You're all free to go jisung! Please be careful and make sure to eat more, when we checked your results, you seemed to be really underweight for your age." The doctor explained, giving a small smile before leaving. Jisung avoided Minho's gaze and took the clothes that minho had packed for him, putting it on over his gown before slipping it off in order to not flash the elder. Once he was done, he glanced up at Minho who had an unreadable expression plastered onto his face.

"I'll take you home." Minho walked to the door and held his hand out. Jisung hesitantly put his hand on top of the elder. Minho held his hand gently, like in those princess movies where the prince holds the princesses hand to lead her down the stairs. Jisung internally rolled his eyes at the thought but pushes it away when Minho guided him to the black car sitting outside. He opened the door for the younger, letting him in before moving into the drivers side.

The drive was quiet and peaceful. Jisung had played a few of his favorite songs by wave to earth while watching the scenery change. There was no talking but the silence was comforting. Soon enough, jisung was back to the dreaded place he called 'home'. 

"Thank you Minho."

"Don't be so tense, just call me hyung. Isn't that what you said earlier?" Minho chuckled as jisung's face grew pink.

"Sure..bye hyung." Jisung mumbled quickly before stepping out, quickly slamming the door and jogging to the front of the bland house. He hesitantly rang the door bell before his mother opened it a few minutes later. She was about to yell at him before seeing the black car still in front of their house, obviously with the window down and Minho sending cold glares.

"Jisungie, you're back! We're so sorry we couldn't visit you, we were just so busy. You understand Eomma right?" Jisung's mom have a sweet smile, which was obviously fake as she cradled jisung's face.

"Uhm..yeah." Jisung mumbled, attempting to walk in before his mother stopped him and looked out at the car.

"Thank you for taking care of our jisung! He'll be fine now so don't worry about him!" She yelled out. "Smile and say thank you, whore." She whispered with a smile. Jisung turned around slightly and bowed before waving. Minho nodded his head and drove off. Once he was out of sight, Jisung got pulled in by his his mom. He honestly wasn't in the mood for yelling.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Why are you seeking attention?! You're such a whore, so ungrateful for everything we do for you! What do you even have to be upset about, huh? Tell me. WHAT IS IT?!" His mom screamed at him, slapping him hard enough to make his cheek go red automatically.

"Mom, stop." Jisung whispered.

"What was that?!"

"I said fucking stop! I have felt with your shit for seven-teen years! I jumped off the bridge because of you and dad! You guys make my life horrible!"

"If it's so horrible then leave! We didn't want a fucking ungrateful slut! We wanted a daughter, someone who would make us proud! Go pack your bags!" Jisung's mother pointed up the stairs to jisung's room. The male looked at his mother in shock before running up the stairs and slamming his door shut. He grabbed a duffel bag and stuffed it with clothes and other necessities. It was all a blur as he grabbed some cash and finally, his stuffed animal. It was a polar bear. He had it since he was six and always took care of it.

"We'll be okay.." jisung mumbled as he gently placed the animal on top of his clothes before zipping up the black bag. He walked down and put his shoes on, glancing around the house before taking a deep breath and leaving right before his parents started arguing again. The tears finally spilled out as the anger washed away. All jisung could do was take tiny steps as waves basically flew out his eyes. His vision was blurred from the water pooled up so he couldn't tell where he was going. All he knew is that it was away from his home.


Thank you for reading this so far!! I love seeing people read this, it makes me so happy 😭 Don't forget to vote!

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