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Jisung had a massive headache around 3pm, probably a hangover that came later. He was laying on the couch, his eyes closed in an attempt to sleep. Minho was by his side, sitting on the floor in front of the couch while rubbing his hand and massaging his head from time to time. Jisung fell asleep an hour later, but Minho still stayed next to him, in case he needed anything.
He was scrolling on his phone, then walked up and went into the bathroom to call his friends.


"What's up min?"

"I need advice. Me and Jisung are kinda-not really-sorta-dating now and-"

"WHAT?!" Changbin screamed, making Minho cover his ears and drop his phone. "Sorry! Sorry, sorry. That just caught me off guard. I'm happy for you!"

"Thank you..as i was saying, i need advice. I want to take him on a date but I don't know where."

"First date? Hm, my first date with Felix was the mall. We went for lunch and shopped around for a bit then we went back my place and had dinner. But we had been dating for only a week or so."

"Well..me and Jisung are already kinda close, we're comfortable."

"You should ask Hyunjin, my first date was still a bit awkward."

"Alright, thanks." Minho ended the call and rung Hyunjin, the other picking up within a couple seconds.

"Yo, what's up?"

"I need advice on a date."



"Damn! Good job on finally confessing."

"Whatever, i want to take him on a date but I don't know where."

"My first date with Seungmin was at the arcade. We played games and had dinner. We like had a deep convo so it was nice since we already new a lot about each other. It helped us feel closer."

"Okay..what about your second date? I don't think jisung would want to have a deep talk.."

"Uhm, a picnic. I brought him flowers and took him to a secluded park, one that's pretty. We ate lunch and talked to each other about random stuff. Or if you want to be romantic and get some D, you can do it at night and make it suggestive."

"Uhm..I'll probably just mix up the suggestions you guys are giving me."

"Okay, I need to go now, Seungmin needs me."

"Alright bye." Minho hung up and sighed. Was it really that hard to find a date idea?! He held his palm up to his forehead, feeling a headache coming. He was distracted from his thoughts when he heard mumbling outside, standing up he opened the door and rushed over to the couch. Not seeing jisung there, he went into jisung's room, not there. Then his room, not there either. There was only so many places jisung could go to in such little time. He put on his shoes and walked outside, seeing the long hallway and a figure getting smaller and smaller. He sighed and jogged over to the younger.

Minho embraced jisung in a hug from behind, stopping the younger from walking any further. "Jisung-ah, why did you leave the apartment?"

"Oh, i thought you left. I didn't see you." Jisung turned around and Minho smiled, ruffling his hair.

"I was just talking to my friends. How are you? Is your headache alright?"

"I feel kinda better..I'm a little cold though."

"I would think, you're in shorts and a shirt, cmon." Minho picked jisung up and brought him back inside, setting him down on the couch and grabbing a hoodie, handing it to him.

The younger took the hoodie and pulled it over, smelling a pine cone scent over it. "Is this yours?"

"Yeah, you like it?"

"It's whatever." Jisung mumbled, leaning back into the couch. Minho raised a brow and leaned down, placing his hand besides jisung's head.

"I get you like when I take care of you, but don't sas with me." He said lowly, causing jisung to become red. He sat down next to the younger, his body facing towards him. "So, I was talking with my friends. I want to take you on a date. We can go on a couple and see how you feel?"

Jisung nodded and smiled. "What did you have in mind?"

"Its just something simple. Let's go out tonight, dress warmly." He ruffled jisung's hair and went into his room. The younger smiled and turned on the tv to pass the time.

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