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Jisung and Minho continued to go to school and heading back home just to do homework and sleep. It was like a never ending cycle. However, Jisung had been getting better at coping with his stress and hadn't lashed out on anyone. He also apologized to many people, which they all accepted.

Finally, they had a week break before getting back to school. Jisung had fell asleep on the couch next to Minho, who was doing stuff on his computer.

"Should we do something over break?" Minho asked, causing Jisung to wake up.

"What were you thinking of?" Jisung mumbled, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"We could do whatever you want. We could just go shopping or go to the beach." Minho caressed jisung's soft skin, pulling at his cheek.

"I don't know hyung. We have to start applying to colleges." Jisung turned on his stomach, holding his head in his hands.

"I guess so. School is never ending." Minho scoffed, closing his computer. "What school are you trying to apply to?"

"Maybe JYP academy of arts. But I have other options too. What about you?"

"I was thinking that one too, or just a local university. I want to stay close to here."

Jisung swallowed hard and nodded, laying his head down on Minho's thigh. "Do you think we'll still be together during college?"

"Of course, I won't let school get in the way of us." Minho smiled, pecking his lips. Jisung smiled faintly, looking outside.

"It's getting late, you should head to sleep."

"Join me."

"I will, Im gonna talk with Felix for a little bit." Minho nodded and leaned down, connecting their lips together. He could never get tired of the cherry taste on jisung's lips.

"Don't stay up too late." He got up, walking to his room, but was now considered 'their' room.

"I won't." Jisung propped himself up, pulling out his phone and FaceTiming Felix. "Hey Lixie."

"Hey Ji! What's up?"

"Can we talk for a little?"

"Oh, erm..yeah, give me a second though!" Felix went on mute and shut off his camera, making jisung raise an eyebrow. "Okay, what's up?"

"What was that all about?"

"Nothing nothing, now what's up?"

"Okay..well. What college are you going to apply to?"

"The one we have been talking about forever! You, me, and Seungmin have always dreamed about going to the JYP academy of arts. JYP AOA!"

Jisung's heart broke a little when he saw how happy Felix was when he said that. "Why do you look like that? Are you upset?" Felix became worried.

"No, no. Just..disappointed in myself."

"What! Why?! You're literally so smart and funny and good looking too! You shouldn't be disappointed because you've always been such a good person! If this is about college I'm sure you'll-"

"No, Felix. It's not that kind of disappointment." Jisung cut the younger off, making the freckled boy even more confused.

"Okay..real talk, what's wrong Ji?"

"Im disappointed in me because I'm..going to disappoint a whole lot of people.."


"By leaving Korea."

"What do you mean?!" Felix jumped up from his chair, hands covering his mouth. "What? What?! You're leaving?! Since when? Why?!"

"Felix! Im leaving because my dream college is in the US. In NewYork. Im not applying for any colleges here in Korea. Even my backup colleges are in the US."

Felix sat back down to take in all the information, not knowing how to react. Jisung sighed and sat up, propping up his phone in front of him. "Im sorry I told you guys so late. Im sorry I've lied to you. But this is my dream lix..nothing is going to stop me."

Felix stayed quiet for a second, sighing as he nodded. "Okay..If that's what you want to do then I'll stay by your side and support you throughout it all. I love you sungie, no matter what."

"Thank you lix..I love you so much."

"Have you told Seungmin yet? Hyunjin? Any of our friends?"

"Well..not yet. I'll add seungmin to the call to tell him but..I don't know about the others. I'll tell them eventually." Jisung shrugged. He had never been the one to start conflict, especially now since he knew his friends were going to make a big deal out of it. He added seungmin to the call and explain everything all over again.

"Man..I really wish we could all still go to the same college but I respect your decision. I hope it's worth it, and don't forget to call us every once in a while!"

"Of course! You guys, I'm gonna visit Korea every summer."

"Good! You better." Felix smiled, pretending to kiss the camera "Alright..well I should go to bed."

"Yeah, us too. Night guys!"

"Night!" The call ended and Jisung walked back into their room, plugging it in and getting in bed next to Minho, who woke up at the movement.

"Took you long enough.."

"Sorry baby, we had a lot to talk about."

"Let's just sleep." Minho mumbled, hugging jisung closer to him.



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