15 facts knowing each one.(girls and boys)

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for popular demand, here it is, 15facts girls should know about guys and 15 facts guys should know about girls.

Note: the context was originally written with restricted words. This words are already removed.

Things girls should know about guys:

They will NEVER understand your obsession with candles nor will they care if it’s cinnamon or wild jasmine. You need one when threes a black out, that’s all.

Amazingly, they can not read your mind, just tell whats wrong.

Never ask “what have you done for me lately” because trust me, he puts up with a lot of gossips for you, especially from his friends

. Guys have emotions, so don’t go round hurting their feelings, they cry too, just not over dramatically in front of their friends like you do and post it all over facebook. “Im lyk so so sad, ma bf is such a jerk!!!1!” stop that.

They’re all scared of eyelash curlers. It’s hilarious.

Don’t expect him to be charming 24/7, thats hard, unless you’re going to act like Sasha grey all the time, don’t expect him to be Hugh grant.

Men gossip just as much as women do. Don’t ask whats on his mind, its either sports and women…..or some really deep things that he doesn’t want to scare you off by saying.

They think a lot. Don’t moan he likes to play video games if you like to do your makeup.

It’s fair, if you let him sit and play fallout 2, he won’t complain you take an hour to get ready.

Guys like to spoon, the reason they don’t more is ladies; YOUR HAIR GETS IN THEIR MOUTHS AND ITS GRIM. UGH. Tie it back plz.

Guys go to girls for advice a lot, not other guys. 

Just because he watches videos about-you-know doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. 

Guys like to be told they’re doing a good job as a boyfriend, same way girls like being brought flowers, buy him stuff to and do something nice.

Like it or not, they will look at your b**bs . It isn’t personal…just…..yeah.


Things guys should know about girls:

Call a girl fat and she will remember it forever. I don’t mean a week or a month; I mean f o r e v e r.

  It doesn’t matter how much clothes she has, she will never have anything to wear, accept this, don’t complain.

It will piss her off more than you can understand.

Women worry about how they look during making love, it doesn’t matter if you think she’s the most perfect woman on Earth, she’s worrying about her stomach or thighs, so don’t rip her clothes off unless she’s cool with it, sometimes we like to keep our tops on.

We don’t understand our periods either.   If you say the words “she must be on her period” when a girl is moody….hahahaha….good luck, that’s all I’m saying. The heat you’re in then will be hotter than Mordor.

We mark our territory through bobby pins and hair ties.If you find an abundance of these around your flat/apartment, you have a girlfriend, deal with it. Pay attention to how she looks, if she’s changed her hair. MUST MENTION IT. 

All women like it when a guy notices the little things and even more so if it’s a compliment.

 We really like Oprah and Jeremy Springer etc, because we like knowing other peoples business…also occasionally, it makes us feel better about ourselves.

Even when a girl looks effortless, they’ve put in a lot of effort. Seriously, this is important, girls have stomach hair, nipple hair, pubic hair, armpit hair, leg hair, upper lip hair and mono-brows…..waxing isn’t fun, nor is shaving or tweezing, so appreciate the fact they do all this for you while you’re sat there with your jungle hair everywhere, at least trim it, women take hygiene seriously.

Listen to how a girls day is, you don’t have to give her advice, just listen, literally you’re more likely to get laid if you know what mood she’s in.

Tell her when you’re hanging out with other girls, she won’t be so stressed if she knows you’re with a girl compared to if you don’t tell her and if she finds outs your seriously dead.

No matter how much a girl says “its not important” , it is, so when she says valentines is stupid and romance isn’t important. IT IS A LIE. Make sure you get her a gift, girls deep down all like romance.

by:  Christina Rae Elia

from : tumblr

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