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     I can't believe it! My own house! Three bedrooms, two bath house and it's all mine! I can barely contain my excitement as I look around the house. It does need some definite dusting and some upgrades here and there but what can you expect? A house empty for this long there's bound to be some issues. But she was a steal! I can't believe no one took advantage of it with the economy the way it is right now. I feel so lucky that I don't have to worry about renting or living in one of the loud dorms on campus. This is gonna be great!

     I decide to start cleaning first. No point in bringing all my stuff in just for it to get dirty too, then I'd just be giving myself more to clean. I grab the broom, mop and bucket, vacuum, and all the other cleaning supplies that my dad packed for me in the truck. He really did think of everything.

     The living room first or the kitchen first? Or maybe the bathroom? Where's the best place to start? The bathroom! Yes, that way if I need to take a bathroom break it's already clean for me to use without having to worry about sitting on a dirty toilet.

     I head to the bathroom with all the cleaning supplies ready to get started. I turn on the faucet to fill the tub up. It sputters and some of the pipes groan at first, but that's to be expected after years of not being used. The first bit of water that comes out is brown and nasty looking, kinda smells too. But then some nice clear water comes and I spray the tub down with some cleaning bubbles. I scrub and scrub and it looks like all the grime is coming up. This is really going to be great once I get everything done.

     An hour and a half later and the whole bathroom is done. The worst of it was the toilet, but I expected as much. I move on to the kitchen thinking later when I get hungry it would be easier if the kitchen was already clean for food preparation. I start on the sink first and get it cleaned up then I put the plug in and fill the sink with steaming hot water. As I start on the cabinets I get this overwhelming feeling that I'm being watched. I pause and look around, there's obviously no one else here. I shrug it off as jitters. Yes, that must be it. I'm just not used to being alone yet.

     Three hours later I'm done with the kitchen and decide to take a break. Also, I'm hungry. It's now 2 o'clock in the afternoon and I haven't had lunch yet. I have no food in the house yet. I have a couple of grocery bags of stuff that my mom insisted I bring with me to get me started. But I don't want to risk dirtying the kitchen I just cleaned, even with something as simple as a sandwich.

     With a quick Google search, I found what looks to be a really cute diner just down the street. Oh my god, and they are hiring. This is perfect! I knew things would work out! I quickly rush back out to my truck and grab my toiletry bag so I can shower. I gotta make a good first impression and I can't be smelling of sweat and old house grime when I go in there.

     I run into the bathroom and take a nice hot shower. It feels really good on my muscles so I take a minute to enjoy it, even though my stomach is growling. I decide it's been long enough and get dressed in a pair of olive green leggings with a light green toga shirt. By far my favorite outfit. I slip on my black flats, brush my hair, and head for my truck. I realize about halfway there that I forgot my wallet. I open the door and suddenly feel very cold.

     But as I walk further in, the coldness I felt disappeared. "At least the air conditioning in the house works," I say to myself figuring there must be a vent that blows directly on that spot. I grab my wallet and lock the door. I get in my truck and look up at my new house in awe. Wait...what's that in the window? It's gone. There must be a drape or something in the window. I haven't been upstairs yet so I'm not sure. I'll take a look at it later. It's already now after 3 o'clock and my stomach is mad at me enough and I still have to clean the living room and bring in enough of my stuff for the night.

     I pull out of my new driveway and head to the diner eager to get something to eat and ask about an application. Hopefully, they are willing to work around my college schedule too. But food first. Food is life!

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