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     Me and Viv have become great friends and Grammy is amazing. I'm always happy to come to work, I love my job. Tonight is especially busy, something to do with a football game. The three of us barely get a chance to talk to one another in between tables.

     "Hey, darlin you got one at table 11!" I hear Viv call out to me. "Ok going now," I call back. I walk over to the table and it's none other than Professor Caius. I roll my eyes as I'm approaching the table. Is he going to grade me on my job too?

     "Hey, can I start you out with something to drink?" I decide to just keep it professional and treat him like any other customer. That was my plan. Until he recognizes me. "Hey, Lily. I didn't know you worked here." "Hello Professor Caius, yep been working here for over a month now, since I moved to town." Just order already, please. "Yes, I heard you were living in the old Murdoch house. How's it treating you?" The interaction isn't unlike others that I've had with customers and the crowd has died down a little but I just wish he would order so I can go. "It's treating me just fine, did some cleaning and shined her up nice. What would you like to drink?" I'm hoping that by answering his question he will finally answer mine. "A root beer would be great, and just bring me the special tonight." "Perfect."

     I take his menu and bring his order receipt to Javy, the cook. I get his drink and bring it back to his table and drop it off. I just go to walk away and he reaches out and grabs my arm, stopping me. I turn to see what it is he wants. He has an unreadable expression on his face. "If you still want to know what I meant when I said originality, come see me. I offer tutoring." I fight the urge to roll my eyes. "Thank you, Professor Caius. I'll be back with your order."

     The rest of the time he was here was pretty normal. Barely any interaction. Then he leaves. I go to his table to clean up. No tip. Figures. Wait, there's a note. "Come by my office whenever you're available to start tutoring, or just give me a call." And it has his phone number on it. I shove it in my pocket and curse the man for the rest of my shift in my head. I can't believe him.

     I'm so happy to be home. "Professor Caius showed up at the diner tonight. Said he offers tutoring if I really want to know what he meant by 'originality.' I wanted to dump his fries over his head." Deacon appears in the center of the room. I can tell by the expression on his face that he's trying to laugh. "It's not funny. I don't know why he has to be an ass." No holding it back now, Deacon lets out a belly of a laugh. "What is so funny?" I ask with my hands on my hips now.

     "I hate to be the one to break this to you," he says, "but you are anything but threatening." He's just smiling at me now. "Oh, really, then what am I?" I ask with as much snark as I can put into the question.

     "Beautiful." He responds in seriousness. I drop my hands from my hips. "Absolutely beautiful is what you are." He says. "Deacon, don't. We've had this talk before." "I know, but friends can make an observation about each other can't they?" I guess he's right. "Well, thank you." I feel awkward standing here now. So I make the excuse of having homework to do, which I do, to change the subject.

     The rest of the night goes normally. Until I pick up my work uniform off the floor and the note Professor Caius left me on my table falls out of my pocket. Deacon reads it and doesn't seem to happy about it. "He gave you his phone number?" he asks. "Yea I told you what he said and then when I went to the table to clean it I found that note there," I told him. "Are you thinking about taking him up on it?" I hadn't really thought about it. "I don't know, probably not." He just grunts in response. I don't know what to make of it so I just go to bed. I still have class in the morning.

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