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     I wasn't trying to scare her. I just didn't want to see her hurt. I was watching her of course. I watch her whenever she's home. I saw the mattress wedge and her fly forward. I acted completely off instinct. I put my hand on her chest just as she was flying through the air. I pushed her back to her feet and let go. She looked confused and terrified. I didn't want to see her keep trying to move this damn mattress on her own so I moved it for her.

     "Oh my god!" I'm guessing that's not an exclamation of gratitude. She seems frozen in place and I can't think of anything to do to snap her out of it so I knock on the wall. Knock. Knock. Knock. It's the same thing I did on the bathroom door that day. It seems to work but she ends up running out of the house. I watch her pull out of the driveway.

     "Please come back," I say to myself. I go to sit down and rest so my essence can gather back up. In the past, I've normally moved small things. I didn't even know I could move things as heavy as a mattress, or a person. But I saw her start to fall down the stairs and just reacted. I couldn't let her just hurt herself again. I hope this makes up for the wrist incident.

     Just over two hours later her truck pulls back into the driveway. She came back! And she's carrying a box. She comes inside the house cautiously. I don't blame her. If all that happened to me I'd be pretty freaked out too.

     "Deacon?" She...she said my name! She knows I'm here! She's talking to me! What should I do? I'm not strong enough to talk to her where she could hear me, but I've got to do something. Wait, I know. Knock. Knock. Knock.

     Seems to do that trick cause she jerks her head towards the noise. She's staring right at me but doesn't even know it. She moves quickly towards the coffee table and sets the box down. It's then that I realize what it is. An Ouija board. She wants to talk to me. I'm elated. I just hope I'm strong enough to make it through at least a little bit of a conversation with her. I'll just have to keep my answers as short as possible.

     She sits down and gets everything out of the box. It's almost comical. The board looks like a child's toy. But I guess beggars can't be choosers.

     "I can't believe I'm actually doing this," she says. I can't either honestly. She rests her fingers on the planchette. "I'm guessing your Deacon Murdoch?" She asks. I move the planchette to the "Yes" answer. She rips her hands away. Obviously shocked. "Oh my god this can't be happening. This is impossible. No, no, no." I move the planchette off and then back on the "Yes" answer. She just shakes her head.

     "You were 26 when you died 17 years ago?" Again, "Yes." She releases the breath she was holding. "You stopped me from falling down the stairs?" Again, "Yes." "Thank you." She pauses a few seconds. "Do you want me to leave?" I think for a second about that. I did want her to leave, but now I just don't know. "No," I answer. She relaxes her shoulders.

     "Why are you here?" I wish I knew the answer to that question. I move the planchette to sit between the "Yes" and "No" answer. "You don't know?" "Yes." "You can move objects and push me. What else can you do?" I can feel my essence getting weaker. I can't move the planchette enough to fully answer that question. I wish she could wait until I'm built back up to talk to her. "Wait." I spell out.

     "Wait for what?" she's staring at the board for an answer. "Weak." I hope she understands. "You're too weak right now?" "Yes." She nods her head. I'm so glad this is working. "Ok, I'll wait." Then her voice changes, "But no more taking my keys." If I were alive I'd be scared of that tone. But I don't blame her for still being sour about that. "Ok," is all I can manage now, but it seems enough. "Wait...we have to tell each other goodbye. I don't know why but I read once that it's pretty important. So, goodbye." I move the planchette to "Goodbye" on the board and this satisfies her.

     She gets up and heads for the bathroom. "Oh my god have you seen me naked?" I can't answer her, even with knocks right now. Her eyes squint, "Ok well, just stay out here." I was already going to but I get it. She goes into the bathroom and I hear the water start. She's showering.

     I can't wait for my essence to build back up so I can speak with her.

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