Episod 1 (Edited)

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(Fyi, this is mix of english and malay words. Sorry in advance for any confusion in this story and any grammars. Hope you enjoy the story.)

(If you guys haven't read part 1, do read it to understand this part 2 of the story)

(Okay enjoy reading and yes I redit some of the stories)

"This is what I want... them to know who we are" Nurul walked towards her while breathing heavily. "What you want huh?" Nurul asked looking at her feeling tired. "Now you, we will show them what we are capable of" The teacher laughed like maniac. "We?" Nurul asked her confused. "Bangun...." Mrs Rian said. "Huh?" Nurul looked at her confused. "Bangun Nurul!"


"Nurul bangun!" Aini shouted at her.
Nurul gasped and sit up looking at her surrounding and she was actually sleeping in her dorm. She turn to her left and saw Aini was looking at her worriedly. "Kau okay tak?" Aini asked. "Mimpi lagi ke?" Aini asked again. Nurul nodded and sighed tiredly. "Mimpi tu macam betul" Nurul said and stand up from her bed. "Dah pergi mandi lepas tu kita sembayang Subuh and then kita makan breakfast. Dah nak azan ni" Nurul nodded at her and take her stuff.


While the three girls were eating, Nurul looked around the cafeteria and saw Mrs Rian, Nurul stare at her confused. "Oi.." Trish nudge Nurul's shoulder. Nurul looked at Trish annoyed "Jangan tengok cikgu macam gitu" Trish said. Nurul breath in and out slowly. "Eh, makan jangan fikir lagi..." Aini said glare at them and continue eating.

Nurul sighed and looked at her food and then at Trish food tray which still have a lot of chicken nuggets. Nurul smirked evilly and quietly take her nugget without Trish looking but unfortunately Trish turn to looked at Nurul's forks then at her face who froze. "hehehe" Nurul giggled. "Weh nugget aku tu" Trish said feeling irritated.

Nurul frown and put back the nugget. "Tak lah aku main main je. Ambil lah" Nurul smiled widely and take the nugget. "Terima kasih" Nurul thanked her and eat the food. "Lepas tu aku?" Aini asked while making a cute face. Trish looked at her digusted and rolled her eyes and push her plate slowly to Aini. "Aww terima kasih" Aini said smiling and take some of her food and they continue talking about their upcoming semester.

0900am...., in science class.

"Cikgu nak kerja sekolah ni, siap sebelum minggu ni, faham?" Cikgu Lina said showing them the paperwork. "Ye cikgu" All the students replied and pack up their stuff. "Dan..." All the girls turn their attention back to her. "Sekolah lelaki akan datang kat sekolah kita untuk program exchange for 6 month jadi make sure behave" Cikgu Lina said glaring at them. Some of the girls giggle while Nurul was smiling softly.

Nurul and her friends walked out from the class and walked back to their dorm. "Weh tengok tu" Trish stopped them by putting her two arms in front of them and then use her right finger to point to a teacher one level below them. "Itu kan Cikgu Rian?" Aini asked adjusting her temporary glasses. "Yup" Nurul said looking at the teacher weirdly.

Three of them looked at her who was talking to the principal, "Korang rasa dia tengan cakap apa ah?" Aini asked looking at them then back at the teacher "Mana lah kita tahu, kau ingat kita ada kekuatan untuk dengar orang dari jauh ke? Soalan apa lah kau" Trish said raising her left eyebrows at her. Aini frown and turn to looked at Trish and rolled her eyes with a done face.

"Entah tapi aku tahu, aku tak sedap hati dengan cikgu tu" Nurul said and walked away from them. Trish looked to her left seeing Nurul already left. "Eh Nurul tunggu" Trish said running to her but stop halfway to turn around and take Aini left wrist and drag her. "Tunggu lah Kapla" Trish said whining.

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