Episode 10 (Edited)

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After Nurul has discharged from the Hospital. Kahar helped her and bring her back to school. "Awak dah baik betul ni?" Kahar asked, while walking to the entrance of the school.
"Ye Saya dah okay...." Nurul said and chuckled at him.
"Laina, dia Anak cikgu Rian...." Nurul said looking at him shocked. "Apa?!" Nurul whispered loudly.
"Shh" Kahar shushed her while putting his finger at his lips.

"Aku baru tahu bila aku nampak cctv. That time bila kita kat camp, patut lah dia nak sabo kau, dia cakap kau yang plan ni semua untuk dapat A untuk mathematics since kau punya grade dropping..." Kahar said, looking at his hands nervously.

"Awak ni... tanya lah saya dulu. Kenapa awak percaya dengan perempuan tu yang awak TAK pernah jumpa" Nurul said clenching her jaw.
"Sorry sorry sorry. Haisssh jadi dia tahu tak pasal ni?" Nurul asked. "Tak, Nasib. Saya dah nak bilang tapi nasib saya jumpa cctv tu. Kalau tidak hancur plan kita" Kahar said and Nurul sighed in relieved.

"Okay dah lah jom. Tak sabar nak tangkap cikgu cikgu ni" Nurul said smiling. Kahar looked at her weirdly. "Awak dah kenapor?..." Kahar asked shaking his head. Nurul giggle and followed him inside the school which their friends were waiting for them.

"Itu pun Kapla kitaaaaAAAAAAA!" Trish said and do a high note at the Kapla part. "Eh diam lah kau!" Nurul said push her right hand on Trish face.
The rest of their friends laughed at them.
Ariz walked to Kahar and take Nurul's bag from him.
"Eh?" Kahar was shocked. "Takpe aku ambil barang dia" Ariz said and hold her stuff and bring it to Nurul's and Ariz's dorm.
"Jom kita makan dinner" Trish said. "Aku takleh makan banyak. Aku punya stitch masih ada lagi...." Nurul said holding her stomach gently.
"Okay boss" Trish said fake salute to her and slowly helping her walked to the canteen with Aini at the other side of Nurul.

The boys looked at them and chuckled.
The boys looked at Kahar who was emotionless.
"Ingat jodoh tak akan pergi mana mana" Hakeem said and pat Kahar's back and walked away first.
Kahar looked at the the other boys who was already looking at him, nodding. Kahar looked at them weirdly and walked away.

After dinner, at Nurul and Ariz dorm. Nurul slowly put her empty bag down below her bed opposite Ariz. She was about to take her clothes to put back at the drawer but Ariz beat her to it.

"Eh takpe biar saya buat untuk awak" Ariz said and take her clothes and put inside the drawer "awak pergi rest" She smiled at him and nodded. "Terima Kasih" She thanked him and sat down on the bed.
"Sama Sama" He said smiling and walked back to his table when he finished organising her drawer.

"Nurul" She turn her head to the left and saw Ariz with his laptop. "Ni, aku ada semua document document" Nurul slowly stand up and went to him.
Nurul smiled at the laptop screen. "just download lepastu send semua kat aku" Nurul said and plop back to her bed.

"Okay sudah" Ariz said smiling.
"Jadi esok malam selepas isyak kita mula?" Ariz asked looking at her.
"Yes, harap harap takde pape kat kita...." Nurul said smiling sadly.
"Jangan risau, takde apa apa yang akan jadi...." Ariz said reassuring her but Nurul heart says otherwise. Nurul nodded and smiled at him.
"Dah lah tidur" Ariz said and throw the small pillow at her face.
"Ow!" Nurul laughed at him. Both of them laughed.

A couple of minutes later someone knock on their door. "Buka" Nurul said. The person open the door and it was Kahar.
"Eh Kahar, Hai" Nurul smiled at him.
"Kenapa awak kat sini dengan bantal bantal ni?" Nurul asked pointing at him and the pillows he was hugging.

"Saya nak tidur kat sini bole?" Kahar asked smiling awkwardly. Nurul and Ariz looked at each other and laughed. Kahar pout sadly, Nurul nodded her head. "Bole tapi kat lantai, bole tak?" Kahar smiled at them. "Bole, tak kisah" Kahar shrugged his shoulder and throw the pillow on the floor and sleep.

In the middle of the night, Nurul was awake by hearing someone fidgeting. She open her eyes slowly and turn to her left and saw Ariz was swing left and right continuously. Nurul grabbed Kahar shirt and shake to make him wake up. "Ye?" He asked open his eyes slowly.
"Tengok Ariz tu" Kahar looked to his left and saw Ariz was having a nightmare.
Kahar stand up quickly and wake Ariz up.
"Eh Ariz bangun" Kahar said but he's not awake.
"Ariz! Bangun!" Kahar said loudly this time while shaking his shoulder

Ariz jolted up and breath in and out.
"Awak okay tak?" Nurul asked him from her bed.
"Mimpi buruk ke?" Nurul asked. He nodded.
"Ada baca doa tak sebelum tidur?" She asked glaring at him. Ariz chuckled and shake his head.
"Kan, dah kena" Kahar said and smack Ariz head.
"Lain kali baca doa sebelum tidur" Kahar said and walked back to his bantal and sleep.

"Dah baca doa lepas tu tidur okay?" Nurul said to him politely. "Okay" He replied. After Ariz has recite the doa, he went back to sleep.

The next day in the morning. Nurul walked back to her dorm after finishing taking her wudu and walked to Aini and Trish dorm.
"Aini jom solat" Nurul said calling her. "Okay!" She said and wearing her telekung and went to Surah. While Trish was still sleeping.

"Eh kau dah send document semua kat dia orang?" Aini asked. Nurul nodded. "Semua sudah, harap harap dia orang call kita balik" Aini said. Nurul nodded and walked inside the Surah.

After solat Subuh, both of them went back to Aini dorm. "Eh kau rasa dia orang masak apa ah nanti?" Aini asked. "Mana lah aku tahu" Nurul said. They open the door and saw something horrible that made both of them shouted.


Then they heard running footsteps. "Kenapa?! Kenapa?!" Kahar asked. The boys looked inside and saw something horrific.

"Trish...." Fakhri said sadly walking to her.




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