Episode 7 (Edited)

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Nurul looked up at Ariz who looked so angrily.
"Bila masa kau kisah pasal aku?" Nurul looking at him weirdly. "Bila aku jadi assistant kau lah" Ariz said and take Nurul food and open the cover for her. He take the spoon and put the spoon in front of her mouth.

She looked at him weirdly and sighed. She open her mouth to eat the rice and the chicken. While eating the food she felt weird. She taste the food and swallow it. "Apasal rasa macam pelik makanan ni" Nurul said looking at the food caution. "Ye ke?" Jay said and eat his food. "Ye lah, macam rasa rubber" Jay said which made Ariz eat his food as well since he only ate the chicken a minute ago, he ate the rice and nodded "Rasa betul betul lain. Takpe asal edible for us to eat dah bole. Sini makan" Ariz said and feed Nurul again.

Nurul glare at him "Aku bole makan sendiri lah" Nurul said and trying to take the bento away from his hand. "Tak nak. Aku nak suap kau jugak. Buka mulut. Now!" He whispered loudly. Nurul laughed softly and smiled at him.
"kau senyum kat aku?...." Ariz looked at her surprised. "Ummm" Nurul said looking away awkwardly.
"Cepat lah kasi aku nasi tu" Nurul said and eat the food from the spoon.
Ariz smiled and looked down at the bento.

Nurul looked away from him and saw Jay was looking at them with a judging face.
"Nak muntah aku tengok korang" Jay said and make a fake vomit sound.
"Diam lah" Nurul and Ariz said together and glared at Jay.

"Eh? Apa aku buat? Aku tak buat apa apa pun" Jay said and fold his arm and frowning. Nurul and Ariz looked at him weirdly and raise their left eyebrow. "Tiber...." Both of them said.
"Diam lah" Jay said back to them. Both of them laughed and continue eating.

The next few hours, the students was split into groups and played couple of games such as tug of war, capture the flag and lastly.....


"Okay Murid Murid!" Mrs Rian called them.
All of them sat down on the grass while Jay, Ariz and Nurul was standing behind Mrs Rian.

"Last game to pass.... Fighting" Mrs Rian said,
"When I called your name, two of you will be standing inside this small circle to fight. Ensure the other opponent is really defeated then we will end the game" Mrs Rian said which made Nurul looked at her shocked. "Cikgu-"
"Diam!" Mrs Rian said turning around and glared at her. Nurul sighed angrily and looked away from her.

"First Trish and Laina" Mrs Tan said holding small board. Nurul looked at Laina and realised she was the girl who was flirting with Kahar.
Laila smirked at Trish and scoffed.
"She mess with the wrong person...." Nurul said to herself softly.
"Start!" Mrs Rian shouted.

Laina ran to Trish and strike a first punch but Trish dodge and hook her left leg with her right hand, and her left hand on Laina shoulder and push her down to the floor hardly.
Trish looked down at her and smirked back.
"Group A, one point!" Mrs Rian shouted. Ariz add to his group point.

After how many fights Group C has been getting a lot of wins which is Jay team.
Kahar from Group B was the only one hasn't fight with anyone since is an uneven number. Mrs Rian smirked and looked around which one should fight Kahar.
Mrs Rian then turn to the group leader and smirked.
"Kahar! Please stand here, thank you" Mrs Rian said gesturing her hand to the Center of the circle.
"You will be fighting with Ariz"

Nurul looked at Ariz who was smirking at Kahar.
"Jangan buat benda yang akan teruk kan situation ini" Nurul said to Ariz. "don't worry I won't. Is just your ex boyfriend maybe will, tengok dia tu" Nurul turn and saw that Kahar was glaring at Ariz.

Both of them stood at the Center getting ready to fight her. "Mula!"
"AAAA!" Both of them shouted and Ariz start to punch Kahar throat area but Kahar dodge and push him off.
Ariz stumbled back and quickly ran to him and successfully punch his throat.
Nurul taken back and breath in and breath out trying to calm herself down.

Kahar stumbled down to the floor which made Ariz stand over him and started to punch his face.
Nurul looked at the teacher and see if they're going to stop but they were smirking feeling satisfied of what is happening.

Nurul breath in and out angrily and ran to the front.
"ENOUGH!" Ariz stop and looked at Nurul.
"Bila masa awak bole stop?" Mrs Rian said.
Nurul looked at her and stood in front of Mrs Rian covering her from Ariz.
"Aku Kapla, aku cakap cukup. CUKUP!" Nurul said glaring at him.

Ariz scoffed at her and stood up back. "Fakhri, Ayam. Angkat dia pergi tent. Dah semua balik tent! Esok kita akan bilang siapa menang" Nurul said and walked away.

Mrs Rian scoffed and hold Nurul left wrist.
"Kau dengar sini.... Aku tak akan kasi korang semua bebas...." Mrs Rian smiled crazily and let go of her wrist.

"Gila..." Nurul said and walked away to her tent.

"Gila kau cakap kat aku? Aku tunjuk kau apa tu Gila...." Mrs Rian said and walked to the teachers cabin.

Nurul walked back to her tent and saw her previous gang was patching up Kahar.
"Mana aku tahu nak Bersih Kan?" Aini said holding the medic kit. "Aku pun" Trish replied.
"Nurul je tahu...." Trish continued.

After Nurul heard Trish, she was taken back in a good way and walked to them.
"Korang...." Nurul walked to them. Ayam turn around and rolled his eyes. "Kau Jangan pegang dia eh perempuan" Ayam said but Nurul just walked past him, ignoring his appearance. Ayam looked at her offended because of how she ignored him.

"Dah korang gi tidur" Nurul said taking the medic kit from Aini. "Aku patch up Kahar. Dah pergi" They didn't replied and walked away.
"Aku masih tak percaya dia lah...." Ayam said softly which Nurul can hear. She glance to Ayam and sighed.

She kneel down to Kahar height who was sitting on the floor outside the tent. "Ada rasa tulang fractured tak?" Nurul asked looking at his wounded jaw. He shake his head slowly.

"Kenapa Awak tolong Saya?" Kahar asked looking at her. Nurul sighed and continue cleaning his wound. "Muka kau tu, that's why" Nurul said.
"I just cheated on you..." Kahar said
"Aku tahu, aku bukan buta" Nurul then placed a gauze on his forehead.
"Okay dah" Nurul said and smiled at him.
Kahar still kept his confusion face.
"Nurul why are you so naive...." Kahar asked.
"I'm not a person who do revenge" Nurul said and stand up.

"Dah lah Awak pergi tidur" Nurul walked away. Kahar was about to talk but close his mouth instead and zip up his tent.

Nurul was walking back to her tent and saw one of student was walking to the tent looking like he is drunk.
"Mabuk ke?" Nurul asked herself. She wanted to walk to him but he zip up his tent.
"Jangan Ada perempuan kat dalam sudah" Nurul said and walked away.

She walked back to her tent and saw Ariz.
"Ariz?" She called him. He turned around and looked at her. "Kenapa awak stop saya?" Ariz asked angrily. "Awak nak jadi pembunuh ke?" Nurul asked.
"Tak at least kasi saya tumbuk lelaki tu sampai pengsan at least have some revenge"
"Ariz!" Nurul called him. He turn and looked at her. "Saya kan cakap dia akan kena balik. Apa awak buat?"
"Tumbuk dia?" Ariz replied. "Yes... Kan dah kena balik.... Jadi awak gi tidur okay? Nasib Kahar tak pukul awak" Nurul said and smiled. Ariz smirked and smiled proudly.

"Dah tiber senyum dah kenapa?" Nurul looked at him weirdly.
"Awak suka saya eh?" Ariz asked smiling at her.
"Eh bila masa" Nurul looked at him. "Dah lah pergi tidur" Nurul said laughing

"Aw awak blushy blushy" Ariz said walking away.
"Takde lah!" Nurul use her sleeves to beat him.

"Okay sorry sorry" Ariz said smiling at her.
"Kawan?" He said smiling.
Nurul chuckled "Mesti lah Kawan" Nurul laughed.

"Selamat Malam" Ariz said.
"Selamat Malam" Nurul replied back and walked away.

2 hours later,



Korang rasa Nurul and Ariz ke will be the endgame? Ke masih Nurul and Kahar?



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