Episode 13 (Edited)

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Mrs Rian quickly ran to the back school.
She stopped and looked at the courtyard and saw some of her teachers was already captured by the police.
"Tak guna...." She said to herself and quickly ran to the back forest but was stopped by someone who pointing a gun at her.
"Eh....." Mrs Rian act nicely looking g Nurul's mother. "Tak yah nak pura pura lah. Kau berani datang balik eh" She said, glaring at her.
Mrs Rian smiled and laughed.
"Mesti lah, aku kan Emily Rian" She said proudly.
"Kau sepatutnya masih kan penjara" Nurul's mother said.

"Eh malas lah aku" Mrs Rian said and did a high kick to remove the gun away from her.
Nurul's mother punch her to the right face but Mrs Rian dodge and punch her stomach. Nurul's mother hold still and shake her head disappointedly. "Tak tahu pulak kau dah lembik" Nurul's mother said and kick Mrs Rian stomach. Mrs Rian stumbled back and take a rock from the floor using her right hand and hit her head but luckily she hold Mrs Rian right wrist and twist till it fractured.

"ADUH!" Mrs Rian shouted holding onto her right wrist. "Sakit lah Bodoh!" Mrs Rian shouted at her. "Tahu pulak sakit! Lepastu budak budak yang kau dah bunuh tu tak sakit?"

"Yang bunuh diri semua tak sakit?" She repeat again.
"Yang kau bunuh suami aku tak sakit!?" She shouted angrily.

Mrs Rian looked around and smirked to herself and grabbed the gun which unfortunately was right beside her.
She point the gun at her.
Mrs Rian laughed after seeing Nurul's mother reaction dropped.
"Apasal takut" Mrs Rian frown.
"Jangan lah takut, sakit sekejap je lepastu pang mati" She said and get ready to shoot her. Nurul's mother closed her eyes.


Nurul's mother waited for the pain but she open her eyes and looked at her body, there is no bullet holes. She looked up and saw Mrs Rian chest area was bleeding. Mrs Rian eyes widen, dropping the gun and fall down forwards and behind her was someone who has killed Mrs Rian. Iliana, little sister to Nurul and the youngest in the family and behind her was Nurul's mother police friends who has guide Iliana to her mother.

"ADIK!" She smiled at her and ran to her.
"IBU!" They hug each other. "Tuan," the police officer called her. "Bole kita Bersih kan badan ni?"
"Bole" she replied to the officers.

Both of them walked back to the courtyard and saw firefighters trying to take down the fire and paramedics helping injured students and Police officers taking the other teachers to prison.

Nurul sit down on the floor with blanket around her.
"Hey Awak...." Kahar said and sat down beside her a bit far from her.
"Remember I said.... I want to protect you and I will...." Nurul nodded at him.
"Aku gagal...." Nurul smiled softly at him.

"Kahar.... jom kita gi university sama sama.... Lepastu secepat mungkin kita kahwin" Nurul laughed changing the topic.

Kahar turn and looked at her surprised
"HUH?!" Nurul looked at him shocked.
"Kenapa?" She asked.

"Selepas apa yang saya dah buat kat awak, awak masih sayang saya?" Kahar asked looking at her anxiously.

Nurul smiled at the sky and nodded.
"Yes...." Nurul replied.

"Aku tak suka lah Ariz, aku suka satu lelaki je itu ialah
awak" Nurul said smiling at the floor.

"Saya setuju" Kahar said and jump from the floor and stand up straight.

Nurul looked at him weirdly. "Setuju apa?" She asked.

"Setuju nak kahwin dengan awak lah. Cakap nak kahwin dengan saya secepat mungkin" Kahar said smiling at her like a kid.

Nurul chuckled and stand up looking at him.
"Awak nak jadi apa nanti bila awak besar?" Nurul asked him about his future work life but Kahar answered differently.

"Suami awak" Kahar smiled devilishly.

Nurul face palm and looked at him with a done face.
"Maksud saya, kerja Kahar. Apa awak nak kerja nanti" she asked nicely.

"Oh hahaha" Kahar said and laughed awkwardly looking away from her.

"Saya nak jadi architecture..." He said looking at the floor.
"Well I am proud of you if you're going to be that"

"Betul ke? Bapak saya nak saya jadi doktor...."

"Kahar ni masa depan awak bukan masa depan Bapak awak...." Nurul said smiling at him.

Kahar smiled blushing looking away, Nurul looked at him weirdly and laughed.

"Lepastu awak nak jadi apa?" Kahar asked.

"International business, pergi luar negeri" Nurul said which made Kahar frown.
"Lepastu tinggal kan saya...." he said, sadly.

"Tak lah, saya ajak awak sekali" Nurul said smiling at him.
"Dah lah jangan lah fikir gitu"
"Jom Mak saya dekat depan tu, confirm excited nak jumpa awak" Nurul said smiling and walked away.

Kahar POV

"I will protect you for real now Nurul Aqiah...."

I said to myself and follow Nurul to her mother.



It's looks like Nurul and Kahar is the endgame


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